Adventures · Going Gray

A slow growing fear

I did it!  Mr. is going to be so impressed with my efforts.  I crawled out of bed before him and Copper.

Lazy men, right?

Nah, I couldn’t sleep so I woke up at 4:15 am.  I’m having slow-growing nightmares about the damn bikini and other things.  But that’s beside the point.

Then I took a peek outside.

It’s darn scary outside in the wee hours of the morning, and that the damn weatherman was right, again.


Oh, goodie, more snow.  How can there be more snow?  Oy.

It’s just been plain weird around here.  And I heard sirens from the local fire station – a rescue crew heading out to help someone or maybe a local establishment is on fire, according to Facebook, that’s the case.  It’s right next to one of our rentals…oh, dear…

On Sunday there was a 40 car pile-up on the highway 30 miles from us.  I’m afraid to drive until the roads are cleared.  We’re normally prepared for winter, we live in Wisconsin – snow happens.  But this February is taking everyone by surprise.


Last night on the news it was reported that our average amount of snowfall for the full month of February is 7.5″.  We’ve already gathered upwards of 18″ and it’s not even the middle of the month.  And we’re expecting by the end of the day today to have close to 24″ of snow on the ground.

Mr. has been shoveling a lot!  He’s my hero.

I decided, while I was up so early, I couldn’t really ignore the snow shovel.  I should contribute to the removal of snow, aka, add to the team effort beyond just capturing it for digital posterity.

I put on my big girl boots, an extra long coat to cover my jammies, pulled on heavy-duty gloves, flipped the hood on my coat over my wild-a** morning curls, and headed outside.  It’s a heat wave this morning at whopping 24 degrees.

One never knows how to dress here in Wisconsin, or at Wal-mart.  But I wasn’t going to Wal-mart, just the local business spot in our backyard, so I wasn’t too worried about how I looked.  Not like I was wearing my bikini, Jeez.

That thing is teenie.  I think…maybe way too teenie…I just dunno…


I shoveled the dog’s ‘do your job’ area, and no one was there to witness my heroine efforts.  Not even one of the rabbits (they are buried somewhere under the deck or the teahouse – it’s been days since we’ve seen them), or the dog, the one I was shoveling for – nope he was still nestled under the covers I had tossed over him when I got up.

Poor neglected, spoiled-arse pup.

I still had the skills in me.  I survived the shoveling excursion.  The cats stared at me like I was a ghost, though.

I took off all the layers, then went upstairs, grabbed the pup out from under the covers, carried him downstairs.  I set him next to the door to indicated it was time to go outside.  I graciously encouraged him by saying, “I shoveled for you, you have to go check it out.”

He wasn’t as impressed as I was with my efforts, they look pretty much like every other day for the past two weeks.  But he did his thing and ran back inside.  Shook off the fresh snow that covered him by the time he completed his task.  He’s not understanding the snow either – it’s just way too much to process.

Just 20 minutes after I shoveled, my efforts were slowly disappearing. It’s a good thing I tossed him outside when I did.

A few days ago, the snow was kind of pretty.

And then I decided to look at my photos I took yesterday.   To compare with the ones from this morning.  In the dark, ‘cuz, I was up that early!

Yesterday…it had snowed too.

The photos of the real hero of our home-based shoveling crew.


The amount of snow we’ve gotten at such a rapid pace over the past couple of weeks has caused a slow crawl-like melting on the roof and huge icicles have formed.  On our garage and front stoop.

Yesterday was removal day – before the rain gutters collapsed or water damage occurred.  I often wonder how guys know how to do such things, or how to know to buy an extra long shovel?  Amazing…

And I got to watch all the action.  In my jammies, not in my bikini.  The one I think I’ll return…maybe…or order a different style to compare…oh, my, the nightmare of all of it is driving me (Mr.) crazy…

Post Inspiration – Challenge – Fall In Love With Your Over 50-Self February #FILWYO50SF and late entries for Sunday Stills Frozen and Lens Artists #32 Shadows and Dutch Goes the Photo Tuesday Photography Challenge Crawl.

PS – Stay safe folks in Wisconsin!  Do you ever have nightmares after your retail therapy shopping sessions?  



41 thoughts on “A slow growing fear

  1. Oh dear, I’m depressed just looking at it!!! You guys are getting pummeled this year. I feel almost guilty that our winter has been warmer than usual. thanks for joining us this week!

  2. Oh dear, I’m depressed just looking at it!!! You guys are getting pummeled this year. I feel almost guilty that our winter has been warmer than usual. thanks for joining us this week!

        1. Oh no, hope it won’t be too bad! I spoke too soon too, the fire trucks are battling the fire in the restaurant that is right next door to our rental property. It’s a HUGE fire, and we’re really scared now. Yikes! 🙁

          1. They’ve got 7 tankers there and 40-50 crew trying to fight it, it’s a big fire. I’m praying they can contain it, too!

  3. As depressing as the snow is, the storm yesterday, last night and still this morning is more ice than snow has hit us giving us a secondary threat. I think this will be a winter we will be glad to see go. Love your new bikini, so cute. you will rock it.

  4. Mary always experiences afterburn after we spend a lot of money on something. At least with the furnace and central air we bought this summer, I helped her do it, so it wasn’t so bad (and we now agree it was a good move). Don’t worry, the nightmares will pass…

  5. It’s a good idea to pull that snow down from the roof, water damage indeed. And the weight of course. A 40 car pileup, that’s so sad. Stay toasty Shelley!

    1. We normally get a few warm sunny days inbetween snow so we don’t have to do the roof, but this week, not a chance! Yeah, it’s sad. And now the local iconic restaurant on the lake next to our rental property has burned down. Sad. I’m staying home and staying safe (and cozy).

      1. Oh man, not a restaurant! Glad it didn’t touch your investment. People should use their heads in that weather, stay home! Your life is more important.

        1. Yeah, and bar, I think well stocked as well – we’re glad it didn’t touch our property. Yes, people should use their heads and stay safe and home. They’ve even shut down roads today to keep people from driving, but they still try!?

  6. Ugh…this is turning into the endless winter. We’re in Michigan and our kids will be in school until July at this rate. We have snow, now sleet/ice on top of it, and predicted to get 6-8 more inches overnight. I’m ready for vacation. Kudos on the shoveling. I guess I’ll take a run at it, too, so I stay a bit ahead of the next blast. (Those roof rakes are handy!) 🙂

    1. Same here for the kids and school. They’ve been off from school more than in school this month! Stay safe, enjoy the exercise of shoveling, and I’ll keep my fingers crossed with you that this will end some time soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Wow! That’s a lot of snow and that’s a teeny bikini but Im sure you’ll look great in it. I could never wear something like that even when I was thin!

    1. Yes, it’s a lot of snow…still snowing heavy too. WTH?! The jury is still out if I can wear the darn thing or not? Good thing I’ve got a little while to decide before the trip!

  8. Ho-ly mo-ly. That is A LOT of snow. And I’m seriously impressed that you tromped out there in the predawn hours to shovel — that is hard core!! Think warm thoughts…

    1. Yes, and it’s still coming down. I’m actually still kind of shocked that I ventured out there in the wee hours too – but the pup had to wee, eventually! Thank you for the encouragement to think warm thoughts!!

  9. Well, I’m impressed with your killer icicles!!!! I would love to have some of your snow. All we’ve been getting is rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, and MORE rain. We’re drowning here. Send snow please.

    1. They are huge icicles! Bummer on the rain, we had that this summer, it is draining to watch too many days in a row. But this snow, I tell ya, I’d be happy if it stopped now!

  10. That’s alot of snow – too much snow. We had 62 inches last year and I believe I shoveled nearly every day. We had the dreaded ice storm last night and roads were treacherous with people going to the E.R. with broken bones and head injuries. It will repeat itself tonight again – hate this weather. I could not get out the front door as the freezing rain sealed the door shut. Ice is not nice although it was pretty on the trees when I looked out. Not as beautiful as the impressive ice boulders on the river … that was some serious ice. Spring, where art thou?

    1. Grr…this winter is going down in our books as one we’d like to not have to relive! Spring…where art thou is my mantra too!

  11. Buy a one piece swimsuit, sleep better. Also, remember that there’ll be no snow where you’re going, so whatever you wear will be wonderful because, no layers.

    1. LOL – I planned ahead for day 2 of the vacation with exactly that – a glorious, hold the tummy and love handles in 1-piece swimsuit to wear. Or maybe on day 3 if I’m really good at being selective on foods and drinks, but then, it’s the one piece to the finish line with the comfort of its sides holding things in. I can’t wait to experience single layer clothing…………………..!

  12. Wow! That’s a lot of snow! That table looks like a powdered doughnut! Here, we get excited if it snows enough to cover the grass. As for the bikini, have you thought about one of those shear cover-ups to wear part of the time so you don’t feel so, uh, exposed the whole time? Maybe it would help you feel more comfortable until you’re ready to go into the water. 🙂

    1. LOL – yes, it’s a lot of snow. A powdered donut, yeah, that’s a great description too! Yes, sigh, I have 3 of those cover-ups (one from each trip!). If only you could hear the daily arguments in my head about the damn bikini, a 1 piece or the tankini is in the running today…! LOL

  13. You are all brave. My dad was from Wisconsin and could tell tales of such snow and ice. I enjoyed the photos from my kitchen in the south. It looks like you have a giant snow cake on your table. We will probably not get any snow this year, but you never know, we might get half an inch causing everything to shut down. 🙂 Remember: Spring is coming! Spring is coming!

    1. As they say in Wisconsin, Snow Happens. I enjoy watching the snow disappear at this time of year. While we’d like it to go fast and have Spring, a slow melt is better to prevent flooding. So I’m happy the cake is sticking around on the deck so far!

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