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A simmer of a morning

Truth be told, I wasn’t excited when I saw the prompt of simmer.  My nose wrinkled up and I clicked quickly away to read something else.  Funny, as I typed that last sentence, my nose did the same thing – wrinkled up, as if I needed more practice or reassurance for my resistance to this prompt?

As I set out this morning to rid myself of the thoughts about how I didn’t want to do the simmer prompt, I encountered a double nose wrinkle moment – my internet is down. I’m personally stewing as I write this in Word instead of online as an Add Post.

Funny how dependent I’ve become on the internet and our wireless intranet connection.  I have to wait for my tech guy to get up and see what’s not working.  He’s worth the wait, especially when he gets enough sleep to deal with my computer problems.

No internet Capture

When I took the snip capture of the internet down message, I had to replace the snip I had taken yesterday of my Facebook memories of 7 years ago.  Why do I snip it instead of share it?  Well, the people who like my memories from 7 years ago don’t go on Facebook anymore, so I have to email them my memories.  Good thing email seems to still be “in.”

1 year old kittens Capture

I had to chuckle, though, thinking about the snip of our cats.  Once the skinny little kittens have since slowly expanded in size over the past 7 years.  Especially Dessy, sometimes she looks like a tick ready to explode.  But I digress.

When I woke up, way too early this morning, 3:46 am to be exact, there was a glow in the hallway.  Dang, did we forget to shut off a light?  No, it was just the bright light coming through the window from the almost full moon.

No internet connection, but I still have my camera, and Copper always has to go out to do his business.  My long-time desire to get a great photo of the moon still haunts me, so whenever an opportunity arises, I give it a try, yet again.


Let’s just chalk this morning’s attempt up to another learning what not to do moment.

Ah, even at a chilly 29 degrees, it’s a beautiful, quiet, and calm morning – you’d appreciate seeing the bright stars and the silent moon shining down on the yard as Copper does his job.

Huh, weird though, it is really a quiet morning – could no internet really mean the house is quieter?  No, I’m pretty sure, it’s just because the pets have been fed, and they’re (well Dessy mostly – she’s relentless and meows until fed) not bugging me, they’ve all gone back to sleep.  They were fed early and probably still tired (kind of like me now that I think about it).  Who can turn down this desperate look of “I’m starving?”


But still, it’s really quiet, all I hear is the sound of my typing on the keyboard.  The day is just waiting to start.

As I pour myself a cup of freshly brewed coffee, I look out the window. It’s really dark outside as the moon descends and the sun starts to slowly creep its way up the western side of the house.


The kitchen is dark, even with lights on.  It’s hard to get the camera to focus as I attempt to take a picture of the shamrock plant waiting for sunlight to remind its leaves to open up.  I have to get one good picture today, right?  It might not be in the cards today!


Good graycious, am I the only one now wondering if perhaps I should’ve gone back to sleep to let my thoughts, the internet connection, the tech guy, the pets, the sun and the plants, all simmer a bit longer to get ready for the day?

PS – The only thing that is really active is the most recent hatch of the gnats from my office plants.  They simmered long enough and are now flying around the room. There’s that nose wrinkle happening again…I don’t need the internet to mix up another batch of apple cider vinegar and dish soap for the little bowl traps.

Ah, there’s a smiling moment – and I hear footsteps of the tech guy.  The day is finally ready to begin!!

DailyPost Prompt – Simmer