I should blame my mom, she taught me to love a good pair of multiple pairs of shoes in the closet.
She created a shoe fetish in me. I control it for the most part. Depends on who you ask, but since you asked me…Yeah, I control it. For the most part.
Mom would be proud of my collection. She’d be extra proud of my recent purchase. A playful little pair of flats – so out of character for me.
But lovely just the same. I hear it is essential to have a neutral colored pair of flats to make your wardrobe complete. I researched it on YouTube. And the color reminds me of sand on the beach. I love the beach. I deserved to buy them.
At the store, I tried them on, sent snaps to my kids, and had a friend approve them too, it was destiny. And I recently scored some new little socks to wear in them, too.
It’s heavenly to find a good pair of shoes.
For the most part, I wear just one pair of shoes. My ol’ faithful pals – shoes I put on to do dirty work for the day. I’ve run races in them, and they are were so comfortable, I can’t bear to retire them. I wear them for support while I work. These precious, colorful, babies, I love them…and…I’ve had them for years.
They fit like gloves (wrinkled into perfect ‘that’s my foot shape’ over time). I wear them every day at my standing desk.
All day long.
Lately, I’ve been feeling like I should kick it up a notch and get some new standing at my desk shoes. As we age, our toes and feet change. And can take a turn for the worse. And make nails grow crooked and we can get bunions and such.
According to an ad I saw on Facebook – that sh*t happens, so it’s good to have a great pair of shoes to correct that. Plus a stylish pair of shoes look gorgeous on really cute feet. You get cuter feet by wearing them, right?
Oh, what the heck – so on a Monday lunch break, I pursued a pair. Two actually. I couldn’t decide on a color. I wasn’t into the leopard print, but a neutral color would fit right into my beach theme for the year. That was on April 22nd.
Being used to Amazon.com Prime, I expected the delivery right away.
I waited…
And waited…and stood in my other shoes, dreaming about the new shoes…
And waited…
Crap…was I duped? Was it a real website? Hmm…the website was strange? They took my Discover card and the transaction went through, but still, no shoes. Crap…do I fess up to Mr.? He’s wondering why I rush to the door to see if the delivery has arrived…every day. I was looking suspicious.
So, on a walk together, I told him what had happened, and that I was worried. He said, “It happens when you order from China.”
“I don’t know where the company is from. There’s no address…it was a weird website though…” As I confessed, I freaked a bit…
Sh*T. I’ve been duped.
So when I got back to my desk, I researched their website to find contact information. There was a tiny print that said, “Your order can take 5-50 days to arrive.”
So I wrote to them:
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2019 12:42:43 AM
To: Teacalgary.com Customer service
Subject: Status of order?Good morning,
I’m writing to obtain status update on my order placed on 4/22/19. I have yet to receive any email updates, only the receipt confirmation. I have not received the products ordered either. My credit card was indeed charged.
Please let me know when the products will be shipped or if there is a delay or a reason for cancellation.
Thank you, Shelley
And got this, suspiciously formatted, not in standard English-like reply, the next morning…hours later:
Dear customer ,
Thank you for your contact.
We apologize for the delay, Due to the high popularity of this product, we’ve received a large number of orders, so your shipment may take longer than usual. Please wait patiently, and we will ship for you as soon as possible!
We are so sorry for the inconvenience, hope you can understand, thank you in advance.
Please feel free to write us whenever you have questions. We’re always here to help.
Best Regards.
And I fessed up to Mr. Again.
And waited and pondered…do I really want the shoes?
So, I wrote back on 5/14:
Thank you for the reply. The delay is taking much longer than I anticipated, therefore, I would like to cancel the order and have my credit card refunded. Please do so immediately, and notify me when completed so I can verify online with my credit card company.
Best regards, Shelley
And I didn’t get a reply, so on 5/16 I wrote back again:
I’m following up with a second request for verification of the cancellation of my order and a FULL refund. Please process and respond as per my request below.
Thank you, Shelley
And they replied on 5/17 at 12:56 am
Dear customer,
Thank you for your mail. Hope everything goes well. Our products are high value and good. It can make you so surprise and happy. Is it possible you keep it? Maybe you can pass it to your family or friend as gift.
Please feel free to write us whenever you have questions. We’re always here to help.
Best Regards.
And I replied back right away:
Dear CS –
NO, thank you – I do not wish to keep the order. Please cancel.
If you do not follow my request to cancel my order and refund my credit card, I will turn the transaction into my credit card company as a fraudulent charge.
I look forward to hearing back from you within 24 hours. Your response shall be that you have taken care of my request for cancellation and refund.
Thank you, ~Shelley
And I’ve yet to receive a reply, or a credit to my credit card, or the products. So I turned them into my credit card company as a fraudulent charge. And you know what, during this past month, the ads on Facebook for the shoes have changed company names.
The original company was called teacalgary.com and still has a website, but they aren’t advertising these shoes on Facebook anymore. The new ads for the same shoes and cheaper, by the way, are on the website Teodera.com. Both websites run the same platform and ads.
Sucker for cute shoes? Yep – still blame my mom for that.
Going to ever fall for an ad on Facebook again?
That’s why I blame the ad, and why I learned the “I shall always buy shoes in person after trying them on in the store” motto going forward in life.
Post Inspiration – A rebel and way too long response to Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday
PS – Okay, it’s your turn, have you ever been duped by an ad on Facebook? Do tell, I’m here to provide sympathy. Do you think I’m wrong, and it was a legit purchase, and I should’ve waited for 50 days before turning them in?
Oh, no. I’ve heard of so many people getting duped by those ads for clothing and the returns are impossible because the shipping is back to China. Sorry this happened to you!
My advice is to try Zappos. They’re overnight and shipping both ways is free. I’m sure that increases the cost, but it also allows me to wear them around my house to see if they bother my feet (since I have similar aging feet problems).
We spent a long weekend and in Canada and had tire problems. Since it was a long weekend there, we had to wait until yesterday to find out we needed not a patch, but a new tire. And it wasn’t in stock, so it had to be brought in. Besides the time spent waiting and arriving home a lot later than planned, I could have bought some really b*tchin’ shoes with that amount of money.
Yeah, my friend said she got duped too – the shoes arrived and they were like duck feet. She ended up donating them.
Thanks for the suggestion of Zappos instead. I like the try and keep versus wait and wonder and get duped method.
Oh, no, that’s not a fun way to spend shoe money. ;-( Glad to hear you finally got the needed tire and that the shipment wasn’t from China…!
Thank you for your support – I appreciate it!!
I too have a shoe collection. Over one hundred pairs. If you asked my husband and kids they would say I have too many. Ask me, I say I don’t have enough. Sorry to hear of your issues. I simply go to the store to get my shoes. I have tried on line a few times with no luck.
Wow – you do like shoes, you’ve got me beat on quantity. Thank you for your empathy on my mishap. I have had the most luck in a store, too! Happy Memorial Day weekend to you and your family.
I don’t understand why Facebook doesn’t police these ads better. It certainly wouldn’t be hard for them to check these companies out, or enforce a requirement that companies publish location and shipping information with more of a “full disclosure” mentality. I have never ordered anything from a Facebook ad – after reading this, I think I’ll make that a permanent practice.
I agree with you, they should police the ads. I’m shocked at how easy it was for them to place the ads, make a new company, and keep both places running to get more people duped. I wonder how many people order and don’t notice they never get the product? I’m glad I was able to save you from the misery!
I despise FB more and more and hate the ads. I spent a full 8 hour day deleting ad interests from my profile and still did not get them all. I have even become suspect of sellers on Amazon. Anyone can be a seller. I have artist friends who purchased art supplies through Amazon only to find they were counterfeit. Who counterfeits art supplies?
Shoes and I have a love/hate relationship. I cannot buy shoes unless I try them on. I need a wide toe box which is darn near impossible in women’s shoes. I have about 6 pair – and that includes winter and summer shoes. I have left shoe stores in tears.
Too many years in corporate attire that required heels.
Sorry you had such difficulty. That is never a good feeling.
Yeah, I’m getting ready to install an ad blocker! Wow – that’s horrible that they sell counterfeit art supplies. Jeez.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for your empathy for my shoe disaster.
Wow this totally stinks, Shelley! I hope you get your money back. Why use Facebook? Yuck! So sad they own IG…
Yeah, it stinks. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Discover Card (usually very responsive to helping) will get my $ back. It is sad that they own IG too…I’m sick of ads there as well.
OM Gosh yesss Shelley! Sometimes I’ll leave a snide comment but usually I bring the drop down menu down and Hide it as they say “it’s not relevant”. Well hell no it isn’t relevant! I strongly dislike ANY form of advertising. Ads on IG seriously degrade the experience, all for the love of the almighty dollar. Zuckerberg can fall off a cliff…
LOL – I don’t disagree with you at all!
Oh wow–yeah I could never buy shoes without trying them on first. Bunions from ballet, weird toes, the works… That said, just picked up the cutest fancy sneakers at Marshalls–in gray–and liked them so much I went back the next day for the same shoes in black. It’s shoe season I guess–out with the old, in with the new. Spring!
I’m back to the try on in person method! Oh, my, those shoes sound delightful. Good thing I don’t have a Marshalls here anymore – plus I need the refund first before I can go shopping again ;-)!
Those flats are super cute, tho!
Thank you, I thought so too :-)!
I really appreciate this Consumer Alert! I am not on FB anymore, but was always leery of the ads. So now I know… Amazon is not always reliable either – but at least they care about their reviews (perhaps enough to not rip people off). I have a hard time getting the right shoes, so I shop local and they order what I need. I can return through the store.
You’re welcome, glad the information is beneficial. I’m toying with posting it on Facebook to see if they remove my post? But leave the ad?! Hmm…sounds like a test. Yeah, Amazon is getting worse too. I guess I should shop local and support those efforts.
Great idea to post on FB! A public service for sure. I doubt they’d remove the post. They are trying to improve their image and I would think being open about this kind of thing would be in their best interest. But maybe that’s too much positive thinking LOL
I’ll let you know how it goes!
I have ordered from a Facebook ad a couple of times and have been pleased, except for the company that was based in China. That was not really their fault though as I should have realized that the sizes in China are much different than our sizes. I didn’t have any problems returning things and did get credit on my account so I guess I should consider myself lucky.
You’re the first person I’ve heard that has had luck with it. Whew! I’m glad you shared your experience. Thank you!
I don’t really spend that much time on Facebook to be fooled by any ads. Mary spends more time there, but she’s very wary of relying on the ads there.
You two are smart cookies!!
Instagram is famous for charming ads for products coming from China (and on a slow boat at that). I’ve tried a couple things, now I no longer will buy anything coming direct from China. Not worth the hassle. Even on Amazon you have to be careful now. We were always told to be vigilant and aware when we first starting buying online. Over the years, I think we’ve gotten complacent just when we need to be hyper-vigilant. Sorry!!
DB McNicol
author, traveler, shutterbug
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I try to ignore the IG ads – and normally do on Facebook – it was a weak moment that I learned plenty from! I agree, overall we’re getting complacent, and I’m now going to not be that way anymore! Thank you for your empathy!!!
Shelley, we may have been shoe soul sisters, except that I’ve had to get rid of a lot of cute pairs due to feet flattening (they grew a size bigger) and a case of plantar fasciitis. I looked in my closet the other day and wondered where Imelda ran off too and if I can afford to grow the collection again. I suppose one pair at a time, huh?
Sorry you were duped. I think trying them on in person is your best bet unless you purchase online from a well-known company like Zappos.
Mary, I’ve had to part with cute shoes too, and even avoid them for the most part, due to the flattening factor from pregnancy and from running and from standing. Jeez, I think I need to style my own cute versions for us soul sisters (love the pun factor you shared!!!).
Until then, like you say, it is one pair at a time makeover for us!
Yeah, I’m sorry I was duped, but I’m hopeful my credit card company will make it all better. I’m going to shy away from online temptations, even valid ones like Zappos, until this current mess is 100% resolved.
Who says you can’t teach an old cat tricks!? Gibbs is so adorable in your photo – what a charmer he is!
Let me know when you become shoe designer Shelley. I might be interested in your product!

I’ve added you to the top of my list!! :-)! I hope you’re not a fan of leopard skin look – it’s not my style…
Leopard skin? No, absolutely not!
Yep, we’re definitely sole sisters!
Sorry Shelley. I refuse to order on line as I have been duped more than once or my order got thrown on pay pal and then my card info got stolen which was a whole new set of worms. I am also fortunate as I am not a typical girl. If I could go barefoot 80% of the time I would be happy – definitely not a shoe fetish type person. Hope is all settles out for you. Smile, maybe it wont rain today. :0)
Thank you, Anita – I appreciate your sympathy. Sorry you’ve been duped too. Yeah, I’m not a barefoot kind of gal – my oldest is, she’d never wear shoes if she didn’t have to. She does like to shoe shop though – my mom taught us all how fun that is. Speaking of your feet – are you fully recovered now? I hope so – I hope it doesn’t rain too! Your kind words made me smile – thank you!
Not 100% healed just yet but getting there. Still a slight limp but that is more from my knee probably. Thanks for asking. Bright sunny here today …YAY
Sounds like you’ve made progress, that’s a good thing! It’s cloudy here – but supposed to be sunny later! Enjoy your sunshine!!
Oh, no! So sorry, Shelley. I hope this is all resolved quickly and in your favor. I think your credit card company will help you out. I have never ordered anything from a FB ad and now I’m not going to. I was pulled in by an ad for some cute running skirts, but could never quite pull the trigger. I think you should go shopping for shoes. In person. To a real store.
Thank you, Laurie – glad I helped convince you to avoid the ads. I agree – in person, in a real store, or like Zappos that is reputable is the way to go. Thanks for stopping by, its great to connect here again! Happy running to you!
I’ve never bought anything from Facebook’s site, however, last year I ordered a product that was universal lens covers with the string and elastic band attached for the DSLR. I missed that feature from the 35 mm, but those lens covers on a string were hooked to the side of the camera as I recall. Anyway, I ordered it from Amazon and I’ve never had issues with them. I ordered a few more camera things, a protective lens, polarizing lens and a slingback camera bag at the same time. So everything but the lens cap attachments came at one time – the other order was delayed. I believe it traveled on a slow boat from China because that was where it came from (Shanghai) and arrived four or five weeks later. There was no tracking info and when the package finally arrived, it was via USPS and had not only my address by e-mail information visible in the envelope window … when Amazon asked me to rate the item, I wasn’t kind and blasted the delivery. When I put the adhesive tab on the lens cap that had the string attached, the tab came off so I wasn’t happy about that either.
You’re smart to stay away from Facebook ads. I need to add an ad blocker! That’s crazy that your lens cap came from China. WOW! And that it didn’t work!! Yikes. Way to give a proper review. Hope some super glue helped you fix the cap issue. Caps on lenses are extremely beneficial. I adore mine!
I looked on Canon’s site … all I wanted was the “leash” that keeps the lens cap handy – the one I had for the 35 mm camera attached to the camera body on a piece of metal. But this one slides over the lens which is kind of dumb as it moves when you twist the lens. I was using my pocket to slip the lens caps into when I switches from short to long lenses but was concerned about getting the cap dirty. I have to find something better as I don’t want to lose the lens cap. Yes I gave a crummy review for the length of delivery, displaying my e-mail address on the envelope and said it came halfway around the world with my *&^% e-mail address displayed, plus a shoddy product. I have to look on BH Photo – they might have one or know where to one (for each lens).
Mine’s not even a Canon cap, it just fits it fine. I think Mr. found it on Amazon for a deal. I hope you find what you’re looking for and that the package arrives without all the hassle you’ve had in the past!
I’m going to write to the Canon site and see if they have the leash – I like the leash so I can push it off and on and not use my pocket … I use a leash for my pedometer as well. I can’t remember if I responded to a post by you yesterday … I must look unless the foot fetish was yesterday but I think not.
Mine came with the leash, so I know what you’re looking for. If it was me, I’d just buy it on Amazon again – just pick a recommended site. I think even Walmart sells them? https://www.walmart.com/c/kp/lens-caps
Thanks – I will look at this later when I return – the problem is in the Winter when I have those photographer’s gloves on – they are bulky and I’ve dropped the cap twice even when flipping back the fingertips on them (I have liners underneath) … it is awkward. The 35 mm camera you just clipped the other end of the leash to the camera body – there are no points on the DSLR to clip things too and the camera neck strap is too far away. I am going to get to the Park this morning with the big camera and it is a little sunny right now and perhaps get a few more shots of the robins before they fledge – we have rainy weekend, so I may not get back there to capture them. My Comcast is not working this morning … TGIF!
Happy trails, Linda – you’re perseverance will get you through this mission! Hope those Robins are cuter now ;-)! TGIF is right!
Well, here I am back and the sun disappeared shortly after I got there … grrr. I went right over to the tree and those babies have fledged. Not a trace – a little bummed because I had a picture of an adult robin stretching its wings and another picture of a stern-looking robin and I wanted to use them in an “Empty Nesters” post. Oh well … they were pretty big the last time I saw them – I even looked for juvenile robins as I got a few cute ones last year of one on wobbly legs on the fence looking at me – nothing. I am ready for this weekend … our storm is supposed to come in earlier than predicted, so I may shut down a little earlier than I planned.
Aw, bummer. If it’s any consolation, I have a nest of House Finches that I’ve been watching under the eaves of our teahouse. They’re gone already and I didn’t even see the babies! The mom was always sitting on the nest, and now they’re gone. Sigh – stay safe, hope the storm isn’t as nasty as predicted!
Like you I kept seeing the mother on the nest and assumed she was incubating the eggs and all the time it must have been the babies. We had some really cold mornings when I saw her on the nest – temps in the low 40s in the morning, so she was likely keeping them warm. Those were the only robin chicks this year. I’ll have to wait til next year now. They are saying the first wave of bad weather is midnight to dawn and the second mid-day. I hope it fizzles – bad weather fizzes me.
Now I know that the tails are chicks, next time. We’ve had chilly mornings – and fog. Today and tomorrow, we’re supposed to have warm sunny days, we’ll see. The turkeys are gobbling in the woods, so maybe they’re chatting about the weather? I hope that if we have nice weather, that means it will be heading your way soon.
We had a wild turkey in a nearby rural suburb. He would stand by the road and people would stop and take pictures of it – we don’t have them around here so he was a novelty. We still have this rainy/stormy weather on tap for later …Monday will be good so I’ll get that 5K walked – happy about that and then explore the Island afterward (a little … storms later in the day).
LOL – wild turkeys are strange birds. Yay – your 5K walk will be blessed with nice weather!!! Enjoy the trek and the photo ops – good thing you have a day or two to really learn your camera before heading out.
Yes, but I’ll likely take the small one when I go to the 5K … I could put the big one in the car to tour the Island later. I will think on that … rain Tuesday and Wednesday and storms too (if they are correct). Sigh.
I’d take my small one too – and a back up with the big one for later. Don’t listen to those bozos about the weather!
Sounds like a plan …
Shelley, I probably shouldn’t admit this in public, but I have always had a shoe fetish. I love to be with a woman with who has an endless supply of shoes. I would buy girlfriends so many shoes, they begged for me to stop. In fact, one of the reasons I choose this new apartment is because It came with twom walk in closets and a SHOE CLOSET for a future queen.
I need therapy. LOL
LOL – that’s awesomely unexpected news about you :-)! Sounds like a playful poem in the works…colors, shapes, bedazzled effects… Way to plan ahead, your queen will be glowing with pride of her beau and her shoe closet!!
Ouch! Valuable lesson learned. I must confess that I have some paranoia about ordering online. Despite all of this caution, I’ve recently had a fraudulent use of my credit card. That definitely did not help my paranoia!
Yes, valuable lesson learned. I’ve only added to my paranoia by this episode! Bummer – I hope you caught the fradulent use right away and that your credit card company was helpful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Shelley, We were duped with a mattress purchase! Thankfully I’d learned about the scam before the mattress was delivered, but couldn’t cancel. So when they arrived I just refused to take delivery. Eventually we got our money back and ordered through a more established company. It’s a drag and makes you feel stupid. But we are not stupid, just inexperienced and trusting. Now we know better! As for shoes, I love them and love to shop for them. But I find a better selection online from either Zappos or Nordstrom. Both have very liberal return policies, free shipping and great customer service. I am slightly shoe obsessed.
Yikes, that’s scary and great at the same time that you were able to eventually get your money back. We should find some comfort in knowing that we’re not alone in being duped! You’re the second or third person to recommend Zappos – I’ve yet to look there, maybe when I get my refund…!
Shoes are just so darn fun to shop for.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and support!
Sorry to hear that, I hope they wasn’t too expensive.
Thank you – enough to make me upset, and to teach me a lesson. I do believe my credit card will help get the refund.
So sorry you had that experience Shelley and I do hope you get your money back. Hopefully Discover will come through. I’m not on FB and thankfully have never been duped (and I do quite a bit of online ordering). I did accidentally order a cat track toy and couldn’t understand what was taking it so long to get there. I kept thinking, this isn’t like Amazon. My husband joked and said maybe it’s coming on a slow boat from China and well….. it was! I looked it up and yes indeed, it was coming from China and I had not realized it. I did get it finally but it took a LONG time. My kitties didn’t mind though and loved their new toy!!!
Thank you, Gail. It was a valuable lesson, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Discover comes through for me. My husband has ordered stuff from that same boat. He ended up picking up the same parts for more at a local store, the day the boat arrived…months later. It’s crazy, really, crazy – they should at least be very forthcoming, “This product ships from China, expected delivery within 6 months.” They also shouldn’t get payment until product is received, maybe they’d be faster?! Glad your kitties enjoyed the new toy – that’s all that matters in the end!!
Ah China! I’m so sorry it’s been such a hassle for you Shelley. I’ve had good luck and bad with them. I’ve never ordered from a random ad though. I use eBay and Amazon with double protection of their policies and a credit card. Some Chinese companies are reputable and have refunded payment when I didn’t receive the product. Others not so much. I’ve gotten stuff from China within a week, others took a month, which I think is bull. I steer clear if it’s anything over $30 just in case it goes bad. A lot of times the Chinese will have distribution centers in the US, which works better. It’s always sketchy when it comes directly from China.
I’ve definitely learned my lesson. I had no idea the company was in China – maybe it isn’t, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed Discover will come through for me. Glad to hear you’ve figured out what works best for you. Thank you for sharing!