‘Tis the season of another yearly tradition.

The arrival of the mailman all decked out in a loaded gift bag stopping at our mailbox.
He lifts the heavy envelopes out of the bag and plops them tightly wrapped up so no-one else can see the gifts from the Treasurers of the city and county.
We’re all excited to see these envelopes, yes we are.
We can’t wait to see the $$$$$$$$$$$$ involved.

Or maybe we’re more like Robin Hood and Friar Tuck trying to avoid Sherriff of Nottingham
Me – Mr.: I guess its time to raise the rents.
Mr: Yeah.
Me – Mr: It just sucks that renters aren’t responsible to help pay for new schools like the property owners have to.
Mr: Yeah.
Me: Having conversations with myself in my head as I walk away…Don’t do it!
My twisted self: Why not?
Me: Because it would be mean…!
My twisted self: I dunno…mean spirited maybe to raise the rent in a Christmas card, but mean, it’s the only way to share the love of the cost of building a new school?
Me: Okay…just a one-liner or two, but no more, it’s Christmas, be nice, not naughty, don’t hold a grudge against your renters, it’s not their fault, but…!
My twisted self: Okay, here goes therapeutic writing shooting arrow into the air.
Dearest Renters,
I’m sorry to share this dreadful news, but it happens, especially when the village you live in votes to build a new school. For little kiddos who, we, by the way, don’t have anymore and won’t be using the said school.
But, as landlords, regardless of that fact about not having any kiddos, us owning the rental unit you live in requires us to pay a considerably higher share of said school taxes when a new school is being built.
So, sorry, our gifting budget is tight, and there will be no candy on your doorstep from us this year – We’re going all Scrooge-like while we write out the checks to handoff on time to avoid any appearance from Sherriff of Nottingham.
PS…there will likely be another letter from us to you arriving in your mailbox in January…
PS again – By the way, we wish you a very Merry Christmas.
Post Inspiration – Property Taxes and #1LinerWed
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As with Stream of Consciousness Saturday (SoCS), if you see a pingback from someone else in my comment section, click and have a read. It’s bound to be short and sweet.
Unlike SoCS, this is not a prompt so there’s no need to stick to the same “theme.”
The rules that Linda made for herself (but doesn’t always follow) for “One-Liner Wednesday” are:
1. Make it one sentence.
2. Try to make it either funny or inspirational.
3. Use our unique tag #1linerWeds.
4. Add our lovely badge to your post for extra exposure!
5. Have fun!
Isn’t it time for property tax reform? It seems like it would be much more painless to pay a little bit at a time through an increase in sales tax or income tax that is deducted every week from a paycheck. Those property tax bills hurt!
Interesting thoughts – sounds like you’ve considered the ramifications, too. I’m sure there are so many angles I haven’t considered in my struggling to be festive mood about it at this time of year. I agree – they hurt! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
That is the ONLY thing I miss about living in Alabama. My property tax for a small house with small out building on 4 acres of land was under 600.00 a year. Now with 1/4 acre(if that) and small house with garage is over 2500.00. Big pain to the finances. I agree with Laurie, it would be much less painful if they took it from sales tax increase which is used by everybody. That is how they do it in Ala. and it does make it easier.
Wow, that is quite the difference. I agree with both of you, something would be better than just targeting the property owners. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I can understand your dilemma, Shelley, but will also add that I’m glad you’re currently not my landlord.
It’s because of the lack of candy, right?
You are correct.
At least while we were renting, they passes a law that allowed renters to deduct the portion of their rent that went toward property taxes. I don’t know what impact that had on the landlord, but at least it seemed fair.
Hmm, that’s interesting! Thanks for sharing.
I’m sorry, that Sheriff of Nottingham game cramped my brain…
Mine too! LOL!
Yes, the dreaded property taxes that arrive in December … nice timing on the part of the City.