Today I have a challenge for your brain. Wait, what, why? Isn’t there enough stress during this time of year?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but, hear me out. It’s important to check your memory status as you age and compare it with your memory status when you’re undergoing stress.
So, yes, I’m convinced you’re up for a challenge. Everyone wants a challenge the moment they get up, right?
I’m not talking about the challenges of being able to dodge the pets in the dark, or to find your way to the bathroom via tiny slits in your eyes, or to wish you were crawling back into bed because it was cozy and you’re still tired.
And, yes, I’m assuming you are reading this first thing in the morning – ‘cuz that’s when I read blogs.
Dessy: “Jeez…will ya just get to the point (I know it has something to do with me…doesn’t it)?”
No, not yet, I’m talking about a very SIMPLE brain challenge.
It’s a brain challenge that starts with a question and then your brain will do the work.
What were you doing last year at this (exact) same time? Can you remember without looking at a memory trigger?
Dammit…the truth is, I couldn’t exactly remember. Shit – suddenly panic ensued…I’m 54, am I losing my memory – is it in a putrescent state? Or is it just overloaded with stress?
December 6th is just December 6th. What was I doing?
I probably wrote a blog post, and I probably had to go to work. I typically remember what I was doing, but other people in my life not so much? Once our nest emptied, I try not to worry about my kids’ whereabouts, that’s way too stressful.
I’m mighty thankful I did write a post – Last year I was anticipating my daughter’s trip – she was taking an early morning flight…I was up early and worried she’d miss her plane. Oh, my, it’s a good thing I’ve been blogging…I would’ve forgotten that day. Wonder if she remembers it?
But, what was I doing? I wasn’t traveling or stressed that much. I’m sure what I was doing had to do with my camera and the cats. I was up, so why not, right? That’s what I do after my normal wake-up routine.
So I checked back into my photo collection to verify, and YEP! I was taking pictures of the cats.
Dessy to be exact.

My hunch was right because it’s that time of the year when my camera time gets exciting as I become the family’s ATP – Almighty Tree Protector.
And, Tizzie becomes the ATA – Almighty Tree Attacker. She waits patiently for about a week before her attacks begin.
She’s a clever one and looks all nonchalant when busted, but don’t be fooled –
she’s no doubt remembered years before and those memories flood back to her and she quickly steps into her ATA role.
At this time of year, she plots her attacks for a week. She knows when to start and where to attack to get attention. And she’ll wait there to be noticed. She will even stick around long enough to admire her crime scene.
As long as Tizzie is around, and she remembers her role in the season, my memory will be easy to recall. Yep – I’ll know what I’ll be doing at this time of the year.
Tizzie’s memory serves her well too…it’s all coming back to her. She’s become obsessed with either the tree ornaments or the gift bags, depending upon her mood. Since the bags are keeping her from under the tree, she knows the next steps she has to take to shake things up. Let the continued weeks of Tizzie’s attack reign.
Yay – my memory hasn’t failed me after all! Has yours? Gotta run now…I hear the familiar sound of paper rustling…time for ATA to meet up with ATP again!
Post Inspiration – ‘Tis the season to create memories and RDP – Putrescent
PS – Do tell, did you have an easy time remembering what you were doing last year at this time? Did you have to look back at a calendar? Do you have a recurring memory trigger in your life – like a cat obsessed with your decorations?
Facebook reminded me! I was sitting down to drink a bottle of Coke Life (the green bottle) after putting up all my Christmas decorations! Otherwise…, I probably would not remember!
Ah, yes, Facebook does that for me too! Cheers to your memory of celebrating an accomplishment
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
My memory is putrescent too, Shelley. Except when it comes to cats.
LOL – BIG Cats at that – I don’t know if I’d ever forgotten an adventure like yours either!!
Oh, my! I did not remember what I was doing the exact day last year lol. Maybe I’m sleepy lol
LOL – thank you for playing along and helping me feel ‘okay’ about not remembering!
You’re welcome, Shelley!
I didn’t know that about cats–the memory thing. I definitely know about them attacking trees of all shapes and sizes!
LOL – we both learned something today!
This time last year I was still working for a beast of a man. Glad that is a memory I no longer have to deal with.
Yikes – glad you’re done with that nightmare!
I’m 27 and haven’t got a clue what I was doing so please don’t despair that your memory is failing. At a guess I was probably cooking
LOL – Sebby, thank you for making my day, I don’t feel so bad now!
My pleasure …..also I’ve just remembered I’m 28!
There is no hope for me 
I can remember things from 50 years ago better than what happened an hour ago. Probably not that unusual.
LOL – I think you’re on target, and you know where to find the answers to any kind of research, so you’ve got the bases covered!
No idea. I sense the build up to the what the cat did post
I’m thinking you’re right on target with your predictions!
I have no idea. Some days may trigger an event from the previous year.
Welcome to the club!
Interesting…I couldn’t remember, so I looked back in my post archives. What I found was that our computer was in the shop for repairs for a week, so I didn’t have any posts until Dec. 11th! I was probably fussing about why it was taking so long.
I would’ve been fussing too! Great job having archives to research!
I’m glad your computer is still working!
Lots of interesting info for this psychotherapist
Thank you!
It’s okay to forget – wait a few more years … just wait, and it will be more commonplace.
The thing I do know about dementia is that it isn’t a normal part of aging to completely forget things.
If you’re able to eventually remember, then that’s okay.
It is such a terrible disease that robs people of their mind – it would be so difficult to watch a loved one be physically fit, but doesn’t know who you are, or worse … who they are.
Yes, it is a sad and terminal disease. One time a nurse told me a different perspective, “Would you rather have your physical abilities taken away from you and your mind intact as you watch yourself slowly die, or would you rather have the abilities to walk around and but not remember that you can’t remember anymore?” I agree it isn’t a disease I’d care to have.
I have known both instances and both are heartbreaking – I saw a neighbor across the street, known her for 40 plus years and she didn’t know my name and my next-door neighbor had cancer … I watched him come out of the house, shuffling very slow, having lost about 50 or more pounds and he was slight to begin with, shuffle to the picnic table and lay his head down and sob. I was so overcome in both instances that I had to come into the house and sob myself … I will catch up with your posts Shelley – I am not usually behind, I seized the day and went out walking and taking pictures all weekend in anticipation of bad weather and now we might not have it – I am quite far behind in Reader … I like to keep current. Have a good day. P.S. – I met another nice Shelley yesterday at Heritage Park – she was walking her Bourier Beuregard – her and “Bo” will be featured in an upcoming post (whenever the h*ll that will be … I took a zillion pics to sort through and coordinate) … we walked and talked like we knew each other for years.
Yes, both instances are emotionally draining. Yay – that sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day! I appreciate you taking time to catch up and to share your thoughts – enjoy your week!
I hope after spending an entire weekend taking pictures and walking and today’s errands here, there and everywhere, the rest of the week can be quiet, I can try to catch up here and back to writing. I have Christmas cards to do – not many, most are friends of my mom’s that I still write a card to as they are not online (that’s terrible isn’t it – only the people not online get a card). I usually do this over Thanksgiving, but the hair highlights and outside yard work due to the never-ending rainy weekends had to take precedence. I’ve usually posted my cards by now. Blame it on blogging – it gets blamed for most things I used to get done, and can’t seem to find time for anymore!
LOL – “Blame it on blogging…!” I have a pile of bills to pay and receipts to enter in my software – Yep, my blog is to blame for that pile for sure!
Blogging is pretty much making me behind in everything – I don’t know where the hours go – I look at the clock and hours have slipped by at the speed of sound.
I totally get that perspective!!
Every day it makes you appreciate your good health even more.
So very true!