Adventures · Welcome

A pheasant kind of morning

While I was at Kamp Kenwood yesterday, I watched the guests enjoy their pontoon cruises around the lake, etc.  It was a wonderful day.  I’ll tell you more about that later…

Back home, Mr. said we had some excitement that I want to share with you instead.


Mr. said we had a new arrival to the homefront.  He saw him in the yard when he was walking around outside yesterday.  He then checked the trail cam – yep, we definitely had a new visitor.

ATrailCam 181csskrupa3

Just one.

Oh, and, the Buck returned.  He took a stroll around the yard, back and forth.

An 8-pointer.  The local hunters must be thrilled to see him strolling around the woods.

Our little orphaned Annie rabbit keeps on hopping – trust me, this is NOT snow, it was just from the early morning dew!  It does look like frost doesn’t it?  It has gotten down into the 50s…fall is on the horizon.

ATrailCam 306csskrupa3

Apparently, it was a busy day/night.  This morning, while I was reviewing my photos from the volunteer event, I heard a loud noise outside my window.  The cats’ tails were all puffed up when they stared out the window.  I called Mr. on his cellphone, he was on the lower level of the house – I was too busy to run down there, I had to switch lenses on my camera, don’t ya know?   We met by the patio door and looked outside.

What the heck?  We had two Pheasant’s chatting with each other through the fence.

One inside the fence and the other outside of the fence.  Dumb birds.

One looks like the dad, and the other one his youngin’.  Based upon the feathers on their heads.  I’m no expert, so if you know, do let me know!

In this case, it appears the younger of the two was the smarter one.  No hole in the fence was big enough for dad’s escape.


The dad appeared to want to look like one of those pink flamingo yard ornaments so I wouldn’t shoot him?

No matter where he walked, he couldn’t find a way out.

Me:  “Why doesn’t he just fly out?”


Mr:  “I’ll go open the gate.”

Mr. went out into the yard and I’m assuming he made a noise of some kind that helped their flying instinct kick in?

They both took off in flight.

I knew it, they do fly.  Duh!


Yeah…I didn’t catch that photo, sorry!   I can still hear them in the yard.  Like I said, dumb birds.  Or maybe they’re smart and know there is easy access food under the bird feeder?

Post Inspiration – Friday excitement in our neck of the woods.

PS – Hope you have a wonderful Friday.  Aren’t male pheasants beautiful birds?  Do they frequent your yard too?  

37 thoughts on “A pheasant kind of morning

  1. How fun and what awesome visitors. Beautiful shots. A trail cam would do not good in my yard…squirrel woul;d be taking selfies all the time. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Anita. Oh, my, squirrel selfies – they would definitely compete with our crow selfies we got going on. Hope you have a wonderful weekend too.

    1. This is the 2nd year they’ve ventured into our yard. I think the new housing developments around here are moving them toward us. ;-( Yes, it was nice they found their way back to each other. Happy Weekend to you!

  2. Wow you have a lot of action going on in your yard at night. I can hear noises on our back porch and on the roof and we have seen raccoons but nothing as exotic as yours!

    1. The bird feeder seems to have drawn them in. I wonder why we haven’t seen a raccoon yet? Or a skunk or opossum? Hmm.

  3. Thanks for the pheasant pictures. The only time I’ve seen pheasants was in South Dakota at the start of pheasant season, and those were dead…

    1. You’re welcome – oh, my, I’m glad you could see them alive and posing for photos. They are beautiful birds.

  4. they are beautiful birds and it was fun to see all of your visitors – and indeed – the dew did look like snow – oh… and fall is on the horizon – took a blanket out for last night – slight chill in the air –

    1. Thank you, I appreciate your feedback. Whew – I’m glad I’m not the only one who has grabbed a blanket recently. I do like Fall, but this early chill makes Winter seem closer than I’m ready for!

  5. I am constantly amazed at the collection of critters visiting your yard, and what a big deer. Don’t let the hunters see him, so hide that buck in the tea house please. I’ve never seen pheasants before,so this post was a real treat, right down to the screechy noise they make. 🙂

    1. Yeah, we’ve got quite the collection this year. That buck is likely a target to the guy who lives down the road. He has a camera and watches the deer grow. Deer hunting season is coming up in September. The pheasants have a lady friend who we think layed some eggs nearby. They are interesting birds. Glad you enjoyed seeing them.

      1. Hate deer hunting – I know it thins the herd out, but I do not like seeing a large buck slung over the top of a vehicle, tongue lolling and dead as a door nail. Yes, thank you for the peek at the pheasants – never seen one before.

        1. I understand your viewpoint. It’s one of the reasons I don’t personally hunt, but growing up in with a family that hunts, the deer meat provided many of our meals, so I get the other side of it as well.
          You’re welcome for the pheasant photos – I was happy to get a chance to capture them!

          1. I do understand that aspect as well – we would be overrun with deer if we did not hunt them. The pheasants were awesome – I hope to see one some day – I saw my first owl Saturday, albeit in an enclose. He is rehabbing, but there on a permanent basis.
            Took a pic, not sure I’ll use it as he was in a dark corner.

          2. We’d definitely be over-run with deer here in our backyard. I was watching the tiny herd of them run around last night, just as the rain hit. They were doing the rain dance I guess? Owls are cool looking birds – so mysterious. I hope your picture turned out!

          3. I just finished that long post Shelley, but we had a very rainy morning and storms later today. Hot and sticky again. I did use the owl shot, which was a little dark, but I used it as it had “glowing” eyes. Going to grab some coffee and a snack and log on for work. Would have preferred steps but way too rainy all morning and I at least got this post done. I still have many photos to sort thru and narratives still in my head.

          4. The post turned out great! Hope your day did too! You, dear, will always have a story to tell, it’s your gift!

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