The irony of being a personal blogger is it’s a shame to have enough to say to make a post-worthy post while having too many photos to share so that you can’t condense a post into a reasonable size.
So what do I do?

I iron out my thoughts and just kick off the post with random thoughts.
Hello friends, welcome to my garden.

Before I give you a tour of the FLOWERS that are finally blooming, I’d like to donate the writing space to describe the boxes of donations I pictured above.
About the boxes – I’ve been collecting the items for them for a good 12 months. Mr. was super excited when I said, “I’ve taken out the things that I changed my mind about keeping and the rest have to go so I don’t do that re-check thing again.”
Mr.: “Hallelujah, I’ll help you load the car TODAY!” Off to the donation site he went. They took them ALL!!!
Like how I made that photo fit into a post and then segue to my garden?
I just have to talk about the garden. Because, oh, my, yes, we’ve been watching things in our garden grow this past week.

We have two baby bunnies that have left their nest. Oddly, we haven’t seen their parents anymore? I don’t know if they’ve been abandoned because they’re sick or if it’s because they are big enough to fend for themselves? The bigger of the two likes to tease Dessy from the backyard.
The longer I watched the bunny with Dessy, the more I noticed something about the little tike that didn’t look quite right.
Oh, dear…that poor ear! Yikes. It looks like the rabbit landed in a wood tick’s nest.
The other bunny is smaller, but so far its ears appear clear of ticks. Can you imagine being that small and having such a smorgasbord of food at its nimbleness?
After going down that rabbit hole, it’s time to show you the flowers and one of the projects Mr. accomplished in the last week. He’s been on a crack-whipping roll and I’ll devote a different post to show you what else we’ve he’s checked off the honey-do-list.
In the meantime, I’m going to let the flowers speak for themselves. Enjoy the show and please come back next week to see the reveal of the revival projects.
The Chives
Baby Marigolds

The Catchfly
Remember last year’s crop that left its seeds outside of the garden bed? I do. I didn’t have the heart to pull them all and discard them.

And the shining stars this week…
The Bearded Irises
Okay…I can’t wait for next week. I have to reveal one project. Mr. trimmed the arborvitae trees. It was a big job – the trees have been growing for 30+ years. We love the new streamlined look.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “iron(y).” Use “iron,” use “irony,” or use both. Use them any way you’d like. Bonus points if you use both. Have fun!
PS – Do you ever have more photos than words to share? What do you think about that bunny’s ears? Which flowers do you like best? Can you eat chives when they’re blooming?
Those beautiful trees look poised to pirouette. I have no idea about the chives except i like them! And yes I do haven more photos than words lol
Hi Chris, thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Now that you mention that about the trees, I can see it too!
We like chives too – we really should cut them and dry them to use in the winter months.
You have such beauty around you – I’d be taking so many photos too. I hope you have a wonderful week blessed with weather that permits you to take walks!
The bunnies are adorable. Ours seem to be on their own after 3-4 weeks. It’s good to see your flowers popping up. That has to feel good. “What to write?” is an ongoing question that plagues all of us. I hope you keep thinking up ways to get started and keep going.
Hi Dan – I do agree, the bunnies are quite adorable. I did see the momma one today, so I guess I was wrong with her being MIA.
Yes, the flowers FINALLY popping up does feel good.
You’ve put together 300+ pages in a book and you have 2 others on the way. You’ve found ways to overcome the “What to write” issues well.
Thank you for the encouragement – I plan to keep on keeping on. Somehow each week something pops into my mind or on my SD card that just begs to show up in my blog.
That’s all it takes, Shelley. One idea a week
Yes, indeed!
I love the bunnies! They are sooo sweet. Mr did a great job with pruning those trees, nicely done, sir. Have a great new week!
Hi John! I’m glad you enjoyed the bunnies. They do look so cute and sweet. I’m glad they’ve found plenty of weeds and grass in the yard so they leave my flowers alone. They’ve been keeping the dandelions trimmed too.
Mr. appreciates your compliments. It was a bigger job than we both thought it would be. He had a new portable chainsaw that wasn’t quite up to the task so pruning shears came to the rescue.
We hope you have a great week too! Enjoy the heat.
I’ll enjoy the heat, it will be over 100 degrees all next week, summer is almost back! It seems like a small chansaw would knock those branches right off, if I remember correctly, that wood isn’t very hard like an oak tree is. Be well, guys!

Wow – 100 degrees and I’d melt… Summer is almost here and we’ll enjoy the heat too.
LOL – you’re SPOT on the small chainsaw bounced like crazy. The wood is very hard indeed.
Same to you John!
A bouncing chainsaw will quickly remove digits and limbs!
Yikes – I’m pretty sure that’s why Mr. switched to the shears instead. The whole experience gave me a new appreciation for yard care companies.
They are hard workers! I mowerd and trimmed a 15 acre yard by myself for about 20 years, it’s very demanding work.
Wow – that’s a big yard to tend to for that many years!
It sure was but I enjoyed the work except when the rain wouldn’t stop! I couldn’t do that job today…
It is a weather dependent job, that’s for sure.
My gardens are a mess. I can only show you the view from 100 yards or more away.
Hi Dawn – thank you for sharing your confession. I have a couple gardens that fit that description! I do find them amazing that some flowers can survive my lack of TLC, their perseverance inspires me.
PS – Hugs to you and Katie. You’ll do what is best for her. xoxo
The vet is coming this afternoon to set her free. It’s killing me.
Oh, my, Dawn – I know how you feel. You’re being brave to free her from her pain, she’ll love you forever for helping her. Hugs to you xoxo
Those bunnies are so cute. I can see your kitty loves watching them. Also, good job with the clear out of clothes to donate. I should do the same. I have a feeling your kitty would rather you left them empty so he could jump into them. haha
Thanks, Barbara! It was quite freeing to see all the boxes leave. I can’t tell you how many times we went through them over the years.
Oh, yes, the cats love to watch the bunnies and they also love boxes to nap in after they watch the bunnies. Apparently, it’s exhausting not being able to chase a rabbit!
Those irises! My oh my…how very beautiful. I’m missing mine and may sneak a few corms on the edge of our lawn near the trees this fall.
We have ever blooming roses in the front garden, and I finally decided to take them into my own hands this week, as the landscape company doesn’t seem too concerned to see them being eaten up by something. There was also a baby maple starting to grow in with one, so I guess I’m a mini-gardener now. LOL
Poor bunny with the ticks! They don’t have a flea and tick collar, I guess.
We have baby bunnies around here, too, and our dog is on FULL ALERT on the evening walks scanning like crazy find them.
Hi Laurel! I’m happy the irises are so loaded with buds this year. I love the rust color as they were all from my mom’s garden. I do wish I had some of the other colors I see around our neighborhood.
That’s nice that you have a mini-garden to tend to – any opportunity you can get to connect with earth is a good thing. I was never very successful with roses – the darn rose bugs seem to beat me in the battle. Way to go to save yours!
Yes, that poor bunny. I haven’t seen him since. The smaller one has been around and the momma returned. I bet your dog is loving the activities of the bunnies. I know Copper used to go crazy sniffing for them in our yard. Back when he could chase them he did that too. It was fun to watch. Enjoy the hunt!
The bunny might have wood ticks or earmites (very common for cats). The question is, do you want to take on the responsibility of taking care of a rabbit as well as the cats? That would mean you’d have to catch the rabbit, take it to the vet, and apply whatever medicine he would give to clear up the infestation, by which time you’d end up with a pet bunny. Two, actually, because you might want to grab the little brother/sister to keep the two together. It’s up to you…
Oh, no, John, we’re not going to rescue the rabbits. They’re replicate in nature well on their own. Yeah, it could be ticks, earmites, or fleas. The way it didn’t seem to bother it makes me think it was a tick. We watch the life cycle of rabbits every 3-6 weeks. We only tried once to save a litter of bunnies. They were flea-infested and it grossed me out. They’re fun to watch hop around the yard though and they’re keeping the dandelion population down. All is well in the natural circle of life.
Bunnies are so cute… in other people’s yards, anyway. We used to have a bunch around here but no more (coyotes?). I love this time of year when everything seems so fresh and new. Even with our year-round weather, there are signs of spring everywhere.
Good for you for getting rid of tons of clothes, and for your husband to get them out of the house before you can change your mind. I’m on a declutter mission too.
Hi Janis – thank you for sharing your thoughts. This is the first year that so many stages of bunnies are present in our backyard. Copper used to chase them or mark his turf and they’d flee to outside of the fence where the predators would end up catching them. We have coyotes, fox, owls, etc.
That’s so cool that you still have signs of spring to enjoy. I’m trying to soak in as much of the greens and colors to remember come winter when it’s blah and white everywhere.
I need to do more clearing out of stuff. Now that those big boxes are out of the way, it does give me more incentive to do so. Way to go on your declutter mission. I bet you’re feeling great – remove the boxes before you change your mind!
Rabbits and flowers, what more could we want in a post Shelley? Sorting and boxing is a daunting task but it needs doing.
Thanks, Brian – I’m glad you enjoyed the rabbits and flowers.
It felt good to finally part with the boxes. Them sitting around and in our way was a constant reminder of unfinished business. I need to do more!
Hi – we eat out chives when they are blooming and mmmm – so good –

and like the humor twists
Sometimes I just chew on a smal piece – or add to salad or add some to a burger
Congrats on getting rid of that many boxes and wow / what a blessing they will be!
I have a little DM milestone to share – a while ago I got new curtains for an upstairs room
Finally put them up and they are white and gray and a nice change – the last ones were gold and tan and higher end –
But Shelley – as much as I loved those curtains – I am 100% done with them and never want them again in any room – so then why did I put them near the attic to go
In storage you there? Must be a frugal thing – when I already have a backup pair up there –
So…. into the donate bag they went – which was hard at first (they are in mint condition – lined, etc) but then it was freeing – let someone else possibly use them but not going in my attic!
Oh and enjoyed seeing your garden photos
Hi Yvette! Thanks for the clarification on the chives. We have a couple of delicious recipes that use them, we (Mr.) just need to make them again! I like the idea of just adding them to our salads or burgers.
YAY – I’m so proud of you and for letting go of your curtains. It’s a true DM who loves the factors of sentiments of having cared for something for years and the quality of something too good to just discard. Letting go is hard and good at the same time!!
Thanks – I’m glad you enjoyed the photos and my attempts at humor
The chives are pretty, the bunnies are adorable and you have another shadow-against-the-fence photo to add for your blog. I feel badly for the bunnies and hope that one with the bum ear rallies back soon. I have a huge one in the backyard – I don’t see babies, just the one rabbit which takes off if I even open the gate. My backyard is a real mess and the grass disappeared and has now grown back … somewhat. If the bunny is going to munch on it, it would be nice to munch evenly. We had such torrential rain last night and this morning that I moved my flowers to the garage. They are not real, but silk and I didn’t want them ruined. They need no watering or fertilizing or weeding or deadheading … my kind of flowers.
Thank you, Linda! I’m thankful you remembered I’ve done the shadow-against-the-fence photos before.
I feel badly for the bum ear rabbit too – and we haven’t seen him since. But, the momma returned and she had been busy. Last night we found her laying on her nest of 6-8 little babies. If they survive we’ll have even more entertainment. The other small one has been hopping all over the yard eating dandelions.
It looks like rain today, so we’ll see how the bunny nest survives. She made it next to the fence, in quite an out in the open space.
The flowers you chose are perfect for a low-maintenance approach to gardening. Good thinking!
It amazes me the bunny nests right out in the open – very trusting to do that. I hope you can watch the little babies growing up – blog photos galore. We have pouring rain right now, up to an inch – supposed to be like that all night. Yes, my flowers are wilt-proof all Summer and maintenance free but I put them in the garage on Monday and left them in there because of the predicted rain today – crazy, I know.
So far no more sightings of the baby bunnies. The momma is still watching the spot, but she may have moved them. I’m trying to keep an eye out for them, we’ll see what happens. It would be fun to have some family photos taken to share.
Crazy weather. We had rain when none was predicted. Sigh. It’s sunny now, time to go for a pleasant walk!! Seize the day!
I hope they are okay – Momma is maybe moving them around to avoid a ground predator? Or a deer? Seize the day indeed because that’s what you have to do these days or in Winter we’ll regret not doing so.
Me too – I’m pretty sure she moved them. I’ve seen her around, but no babies yet.
Yes, indeed!
I like the bearded irises. They don’t do well around here so I enjoy seeing them elsewhere. As for baby bunnies, we have them but none are interested in posing for the camera. Your pics are great.
Hi Ally – the irises blooming isn’t quite as exciting as beating a mixer, but I try
The irises here are like weeds – I’ve tossed what I think is a no longer producing bulb into the weeds and the next year they return and bloom right where they were planted. That’s where that saying comes from. JK.
Without a dog in the yard this year, we have plenty of bunny shows going on. This week I discovered a nest of 6 of them. They’re VERY camera shy. Glad you enjoyed the photos – they are cute when they leave my plants alone.