I’ve discovered, as a little birdie in an empty nest, alongside a handsome Mr. who humors me, we can do this empty nesting thing. Well, not really, we’re both still learning. But, we know we/I’d have to one way or another. It is inevitable. All parents go through it. At least I’m not alone, even if at times I’ve felt that way.
It’s a gift to find that an empty nest isn’t so bad after all.
The quiet stillness of each morning, now that the nest is empty, is growing on me. I know how to break up the steady routines, like back when the kids were home would’ve done for me, I’ve got friends to help me do so.
I’ve learned how important friends are at this time in life. I have four dear friends who are going through empty nesting as well. We’re all moms of two daughters. One of us also has a son. The five of us, together, and apart, officially joined empty nesting at the same time in life, last year to be exact.
We were originally brought together by our youngest daughters who were all in the same Daisy Girl Scout troop. Back when they were 5 and 6 years old. Those young whippersnappers are all turning 24-25 this year. WOW – that’s a lot of years together. Us moms still hang out when we can. Especially each year, at Christmas time. We get together. To laugh and tell stories of how our adulting kids are getting along in life. None of us have ventured into grandparenthood yet. Those stories will come in due time.
Last year, after Mr. and I moved our youngest sprout to her new home, the empty nest seemed so real. I felt quite alone. Trying to navigate the big world of an empty nest seemed so insurmountable.
Thankfully, our little sprout was happy with her new digs. She got all settled in and is/was enjoying her new nest. I thought, dagnabit, I can/should do that too!
We went there to visit for her birthday – you know, to be sure she was really happy. Mr. helped her set up her home office/art studio.
I was so excited to see what she’d end up creating in her new world. We had a lovely visit in her new nest. Yeah, she’s gonna be just fine.
I, of course, captured a shot of my two girls before we headed out and went our separate ways. My how they have grown…when did that happen?
As I sat quietly in the car while Mr. drove, I had thoughts about all of the stories my friends and I have written together over the years being moms of girls. I thought of all the stories our own family has written over the years, too.
I wondered if my friends felt melancholy too? And I wondered if they enjoy revisiting their own stories of raising daughters. I tucked that thought away for a bit. And thought of how wonderful it is that my two daughters were budding in their own worlds and ready to blossom on their own.
As I mentioned before, my friends and I get together at Christmas time. We give each other small gifts, just for fun. Each year, I try to make them something unique.
I wasn’t feeling crafty in my empty nest, but I did remember back to my thoughts I had on that ride home in the car. And I wondered if my friends would like to tell stories or stay connected with their daughters in an old fashioned kind of way? Technology is cool, but wouldn’t it be fun to write to our daughters, once a month for a year, via snail mail?
I let the idea grow and weave in my head. My friends have been so inspiring to me and to our daughters all these years. I wanted to make them something special. I shook the spider webs off and thought about how in the world I could create something to help us stay connected with our daughters? That’s just way beyond my skills.
But…I knew who could. Lucky me, I have an artist in the family. If she can create something big, like this in memory of her grandmother, she could definitely help me out with a smaller project.
So I ran the idea past the Artist, and she came through for me, and my dear friends. 12 unique cards, to be sent monthly, or randomly, or whenever they wanted to send one. No rules. Just love stories from a mom’s own unique perspective.

Yes, I loved the cards when they arrived. I was so tickled with Sprout’s final product. I hoped that my friends would agree. Each one of us moms could write stories to tell our daughters things we hadn’t before or at least before we can’t remember how to tell them. I flew the nest before my mom told me stories like this.
Her dementia prevented her from sharing them later when I thought to ask. There are moments where I wish my mom would’ve been able to do that. I’m glad I have the chance to use this perfect gift to tell my daughters how much I adore their uniquenesses and their strengths as they venture out into the world and bloom in their own lives.
When they bloom, their stories will be as lovely as they are. PS – It’s taken some time, QuiteSprout has sold these cards since that time she made them for me in December, just not on Etsy. Back when I gave them to my friends, they were the first to get them hot off the press, and they loved the cards, too, just like I do. Once again, as I affectionately call my friends – ‘The Girl Scout Moms’, they have inspired QuiteSprout to share the cards to other interested parties. Thank you dear Girl Scout Moms – I love you!
Post Inspiration – Sunday Stills – Stillness and Lens-Artists #51 – Unique
PS – What do you do to stay in touch with your adult kids? Isn’t that ant in the photos adorable? And how about that Mr. Finch posing on the bird bath? – I was tickled with that shot! I stood very still, I was only about 8 feet from him when he landed there for me. I hope you didn’t mind my sharing a plug for my daughter – this momma is proud of her! Thank you for taking a peek into our little corner of the world and thanks for stopping by to check out the new Etsy store for QuiteSprout.
My five are all spread out so travel for three is necessary, but we facetime and with my duaghter in Germany we use FB Messenger to call each other
Ah, you get to enjoy adventures all over the place! Technology is your friend for sure
you’ll be OK. both of mine are in their 30’s and I have uyet to figure out how they got to be that old.
Yeah, we all survive. LOL – I don’t get it either, we’re staying young, they should too!
What a blessing to have such close friends. You are all very fortunate to have each other.
Yes, that we are, thank you, Maggie!
What a sweet idea – those cards – and a treasure for them to save. Keeping in touch with those grown kiddos can be a challenge. They are busier than we are. Snail mail letters are rare at best (from them). It is mostly via phone or faceTime. Nothing really to hold on to. I have writings in journals, but snail mailing them is an idea I hadn’t thought of. Would they hold onto them? Not sure. Minimalists that they are
I am impressed at how you get those great pics – birds holding still!
Thank you, I appreciate hearing your thoughts. :-)!
You’re welcome
Empty nesting is hard! I love your idea of the letter-a-month.
Yes, it is. Thank you!!
Gorgeous cards and I applaud the snail mail project! What a wonderful treat for your girls.
Thank you Janet!
A wonderful post Shelley! Your girls are so talented and pretty. I’m sure you and your hubby will be just fine and come to enjoy the peace and quiet. The cards are a great idea!!
Thank you, John. :-)!
Wow–how wonderful, your Girl Scout Moms and those cards! Fantastic idea!
Thank you, Rebecca :-)!
I have to agree that the cards are lovely and a wonderful way to connect with your daughters, Shelley! Love this week’s batch of photos and am glad your empty nest has some stillness set aside for your mornings. This made me think back to when my daughters were little and the morning frenzy of getting them ready for school. I had to drive them to their day care on the way to work. I savor the stillness now and hope they, as adults, (as well as your own daughters), take a moment to enjoy their elusive stillness
Thank you, Terri – I appreciate hearing your thoughts. Ah, yes, those crazy mornings remind me of when I craved the stillness back then.
PS – I hope you’re continuing to heal well!
Lovely post and love the cards! Your daughters are beautiful. I have 5 boys and one daughter who will never leave home. I find it hard to imagine having an empty nest! How do you make the little slide show thingy?
Thank you, I appreciate you taking a peek! LOL – oh, some day they’ll leave home…when you least expect it!
Slideshow – I’m using the Classic Editor in WordPress.com.
Thank you, Shelley for sharing the stories. They are special, talented, and beautiful. And you husband has done a wonderful job! the 12 card is such a sweet idea.
I found your message in my spam box. So glad I check the box. The pinkback is showing in my post. Would you please sent me the link ( https://www.quaintrevival.com/a-perfect-empty-nest-friendship-gift/) of your beautiful post? This way our followers can click and be able to visit you.
So sorry about the inconvenience, it happens once a while…
Thank you, Amy, I appreciate your feedback and that you took the extra time to let me know my comment went to spam! I’ll take care of posting the link in your comments, too, I appreciate the invite to do so!
Your girls are so talented and pretty! Brilliant!
Thank you :-)!!!
The cards are wonderful! And your photos and thoughts are so touching. I think my dogs have helped me not feel quite as much emptiness in the nest. The dogs were sad when my daughter moved out and I spent a fair amount of time comforting them – especially the ones who slept with her. Now, we have two old dogs left out of five. They are 13 and 17, both with significant health challenges. When they go, the house will feel very quiet and empty. But there is the grand daughter in the mountains! Enjoy this quiet time before the grands come!
Thank you, JoAnna – we/I appreciate your comments. Yeah, our pets keep our nest busy, and it will definitely be lonely when they are gone. My little dog is 15 and starting to have health issues. I’m okay with waiting for the grands – I still need to ‘get a good groove’ going for the empty nest phase! In due time, in due time all will happen as meant to be.
Groove on!
Touching and thoughtful.
Thank you, John!
You solved the empty nest problem in such a sweet way – lovely idea! And your lovely girls and family – you are indeed a lucky woman.
Aw, thank you, Anne-Christine. Your words of encouragement mean a lot to me. Thank you for sharing your photos this week – the land iguanas eating from the giant cacti are fascinating to me, especially since where I live I would only see them in a cage at a pet store.
Well, then I am happy to share!
I send mine goofy cards! For day to day though we use WhatsApp and FaceTime as we live in two different countries at the moment.
Aw, that’s a great idea too! I can’t imagine living in two different countries – I would definitely take advantage of technology to stay in touch! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.