As the sun was setting on the last day of 2019, I so wanted to overindulge on a large deluxe pizza with a chaser of Tostitos. And a beer or wine. We opted for wine, to celebrate. Of course.
But nope…I didn’t. Except for the wine. Of course.
I was a good girl. I started my 2020 diet early.
It’s the perfect diet plan.
Before I tell you about it though, I have to share how I came upon it a day early.
It all started with 3 nuts. My daily dose of them. Maple Bacon Cashews, Maple Cayenne Pecans, and Apple Pie Almonds are all good for you. So they say, right?
We received this can of nuts as a Christmas gift from friends who live in Boise, Idaho.
The first day we got them, I put a huge dent in them. Then I got better and limited my intake to just 3, one of each kind/day, (aka, each time I open the can).
Yesterday, in the afternoon, before dinner, being the last day to overindulge on food, I grabbed a second serving of 3.
And one tiny nut, (extra sugar-coated – Apple Pie Almond), kickstarted my diet plan.
As I ate it, it was a tad hard to chew. But I accomplished the task. And then I decided it was a good idea to floss and brush my teeth.
As I flossed between my back molars, out popped a 30-year-old dental amalgam filling. Is it good luck for the new year to see silver falling out of your mouth on New Year’s Eve? (I know…they’re bad for you and it’s good I need to get it replaced, but jeez…)
The lovely damn thing fell right out of my favorite Tostito munching side of my mouth. As if it had planned the escape all along.
And boom my delightful plan for over-snacking stopped.
And now I shall wait until I can get in with the dentist to repair it. When it’s not the holiday and not considered an emergency. Hmm…is it too early in 2020 to start a go-fund-me account?
So there you have it folks – a perfect diet plan for 2020. Just remember to jot it down on a napkin and set it next to a can of nuts to remind you not to overindulge.
Have you tried a diet like it before? How many pounds did you lose?
Post Inspiration – JusJoJan; One-Liner Wednesday and early New Year’s Resolutions and the beginning of Dry January (again).
PS – Happy New Year to you and yours. I hope your celebrations are off to a joyful start and that you’re excited about a new decade!
A January trip to the dentist is never a good way to start the year, Shelley. I hope replacing that filling is an easy fix. When I started reading, I thought you meant that you were only eating 3 nuts – I thought that was crazy. Happy New Year!
Yeah, I’m not excited about seeing the dentist this early in the year. I hope it’s an easy fix too. LOL – yeah, just 3 nuts is crazy! Happy New Year to you too!!!
I never had to diet due to loss of a filling, but I’ll be joining you in spirit at the dentist’s office this month for cleaning and a crown. Maybe the latter will keep me from munching for a couple of weeks…who knows?
The nuts look good and they really are good for you if you avoid the sugar coated ones. I know…no fun…right?
This is my first diet due to loss filling too. I’m guessing it will end up as a crown too. But then watch out chip bag. I’d be good with a couple weeks of no snacking so my weight at my annual physical appointment isn’t what it is after all the cookies and holiday goodies! Yes, the sugar-coated ones are not good for you, I’ve learned the lesson well! Happy New Year, Mary!!
I started a semi-diet when I left work on December 20th for vacation. There were too many sugary treats sitting around, so I had to go home to where they are much less. Not to say I didn’t indulge, but at least it wasn’t sitting on the kitchen counter, staring me in the face.
You were wise, Mary! Way to go. I work mostly from home so anything I find on the counters I put there myself as temptation. What a cruel work setting, eh? Wait…the nuts worked after all!
Oh, ouch! I hope it’s not painful. I don’t remember losing fillings, but I did have a chipped tooth that left a rather large space and was very tender. Best of luck getting into the dentist ASAP. And Happy New Year!
Thankfully it doesn’t hurt. My tongue is sore from rubbing on it and I talk funny. So at least I’ve got those things going for me. I hope the dentist can work me in soon too. Happy New Year to you and yours. PS – I ate another cookie today – they’re really soft and easy to chew…
Ah, one of the joys of more advanced years … things wear out! It’s not your fault. You did nothing wrong. OK, no nuts for now, but have you never heard of rice pudding with creme fraiche? Hmmm?
Hmm…I haven’t had rice pudding for a long time. It does sound good. Yeah, I thought that flossing was a good thing to do. I guess that was a better way to discover it instead of accidentally eating it? It seems like the moment I turned 55 things started appearing out of the blue. I’m not so excited about the things that are wearing out. I guess I better get used to it, right?
Been there done that … for years. Now with my High Impact Plastic Store-bought teeth diets only work if I forget where I left them the night before. Good luck in the New Year… (pass the chips) g
LOL – Yay – you’ve painted a chip eating future!!?
Happy 2020! Sorry about your filling Shelley, if it’s any consolation, my Bridge fell out a few weeks ago!
Thank you, John. Oh, man, that’s horrible. I thought bridges were permanent. I have one of those on the other side of my mouth. I hope you were able to get it fixed easily!!!
Oh yeah, I just cleaned it up and went back to the dentist. They reinstalled it quickly and with no appointment!
That’s awesome!! I’m glad it worked out so well for you.
Oh, that’s not a fun way to start a new diet plan. Hope you’re not in pain! I have a mouth full of the old silver, which my dentist will replace once they start cracking up (or falling out). A childhood on well water with no fluoride is to blame, I guess. Hope you are otherwise having a nice start to the new year!
I’m taking this in stride, there’s no pain, just annoying empty space that I can’t chew on. And I did want to lose the holiday (last March Jamaica 3#’s) redundant fluff, so it’s helping me stick to eating less goal. Ah yes, there’s the history of drinking good ol’ well water for me too (which I still love to drink). I hope your start to the new year is off to a great one too. Hearing from you has blessed me with a very nice start to the new year! xx
Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry! But what a great way to handle the situation with this cute post! Recently I was chomping on sticky candy (that’s over now) and off popped my back crown! Fortunately I didn’t crunch down on it (that could have been awful) and it was in the back. I saved it, used my temporary dental glue to secure it, and made it until I could get it fixed. Then some bonding broke off on another tooth. Got that fixed. Now what’s next? I have other 30+ year old dental work I’m afraid for now
Such is life. I hope you get your tooth fixed quickly and the rest of of your year gets off to a smooth start! 
Aw, thank you, Lisa. I need to get me some of that temporary dental glue!!!!!!!!! I can’t get in to the dentist until the 13th. Apparently this time of year is ‘go to the dentist’ time, or the dentists are all off on vacation. I’m afraid this is the beginning of tooth issues like you said. Oh, well, such is life. I appreciate hearing how you dealt with your teeth, thank you! Happy New Year to you!
Oh no, I hope you make it. Mine was a crown, and the glue worked great, I don’t know about a filling. I wonder if your dentist would have something to give you to hold you over? My glue was from him when he did two crowns at the same time.
…Only 10 more days!
I’ll probably make it just fine. I’m surprised how busy they are at this time of the year. Oh, well. Thank you for your suggestions, I appreciate it!!
Crazy how a filling can change our lives. LOL! Why is it those “bad” fillings can last 30+ years and my relatively new crown has popped off twice already? But what kind of judge am I when I was eating chips & dip while watching the parade this morning? Not Sorry.
It is amazing that a tiny chunk which feels like a huge hole can impact my eating habits. WTH? How can a new crown pop off twice?! Please eat an extra serving of the chips and dip for me. I can’t get into the dentist until the 13th. Happy New Year to you!!
It feels like the Grand Canyon right? Wow! Almost 2 weeks to wait with that thing! I feel for you. I don’t think my previous dentist was very good.
Yes, it does. I’m not a fan of dentists, so I hope the one I’ll tips my thoughts to the positive direction.
Happy New Year! I had to give up sunflower seeds, as I cracked a tooth opening a shell! Better stick to nice soft chocolate. Lol.
Yikes. If it makes you feel any better, our daughter had all four wisdom teeth pulled yesterday so she’s starting the year off with a diet too. Hope it is not painful.
Oh, man, I know how she feels. I had 6 wisdom teeth pulled (yeah, I’m weird) back when I was in high school. That was horrible. Please wish your daughter speedy recovery, free from dry-socket too! I’m not in any pain, and my soft cookies have replaced the chips, so I’m good.
Thank you for your concern. 
Not a good way to start the year. I had a filling fall apart and I ended up having to get a crown on that tooth. Happy New Year!
Yeah, it’s not the best start. I’m hoping a filling will do the trick. I’m not ready to spend $ or time getting a crown. That’s too many trips to the dentist for my liking. Happy New Year to you and Mary!
I do believe almonds pave the way for dental practices to flourish. Almonds led to several crowns for me over the years. Tooth issues do put the brakes on eating. I got some dental wax at the drugstore (they sell it for people with braces – to cover up poking wires) when a filling broke off. I put some on the sharp tooth edge — kept my tongue from shredding until I got to the dentist. Just a thought! Good luck.
One bright spot here – Tostitos are a very low risk for tooth breakage!
You know…I think the original filling was placed because of almonds. Or maybe it was a pizza crust, like the one I was craving to eat that night! Grr. I should try that wax, I had some when I had braces, it does work. I can’t get in until the 13th, so hopefully that will hold me on my diet until my doctor’s appointment that week and I’ll be back to ‘normal’ weight after all the holidays! I have refrained from the Tostitos so far. The cookies, not so much ;-)!
Way to look for the silver (no pun intended) lining. Hopefully the wax will help though, in the meantime.
I thought that was a filling when I first landed in the post – and have been there with that experience – but it was not nuts that did it -think it was the sticky stuff on the nuts (just my opinion
and specking of activated charcoal (in my post yesterday) if you put charcoal on your gums it can pull out heavy metals from the gum line.
also – maybe get some EDTA – (Arizona naturals or Source Naturals brand) and open a capsule and place the EDTA on the area – edit can even pull out mercury.
It’s amazing how much chewing a filling can take until it’s just done. Pop. Done.
I’ve used AC to whiten my teeth, have you? Thanks for the recommendations, I haven’t heard of EDTA either to pull out mercury. It’s amazing how many toxic things we consume in our lives! Thanks for sharing, Yvette.
Hi – yes – use AC for so many things – including teeth whitening –
Sorry for your tooth! Wishing you the best of luck with the diet plan for 2020. This can be your year! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, same to you!
My diet plan is a pinched nerve in my back so I really really want to have something before I make that vital decision Do I want to try to stand up and walk to the kitchen. Part of the diet plan is also bladder activated lol
Oh, no, that doesn’t sound fun. But effective, nonetheless. I hope your pinched nerve is a temporary situation and on the mend. Getting up for bladder activated moments, now that I can relate to!
bummer! It also happened to me. I had to wait a while since our dentist is always fully booked. I hope your dentist will fix it soon. Happy New Year, Shelley!
Thank you, Winnie. I’m in waiting mode until the 13th. At least it’s a Monday not a Friday :-). I hope your New Year is off to a great start. I’ve been so busy focusing on a different project that I haven’t had time to check in on dear blogging friends. I’ll be by soon again. Even if I don’t say much, please know I’ve been noticing photos on FB and IG – your family and all their smiles make me smile! xx
Wow, what an experience! When I had braces, they were the metal, wraparound each tooth and strung together with a heavy wire type. I was an adult when I had them. On 4th of July weekend two wires from upper/lower hooked together at the back molars – don’t know why. My father went in with tin snips so I could open my mouth. Fun times I tell you and even more fun was the first day of business at the orthodontist’s office where I went in without an appointment on an emergency basis. He scolded me, an adult, for eating Kraft caramels … he said he’d seen it before. I was not eating anything sticky, nor gum, it just happened. He read me the riot act – I really hated that orthodontist.
Wow – your orthodontia experience doesn’t sound fun. Mr. had the same kind of braces that you had. When I had mine, they were the glue the bracket to the front of the tooth kind. I still cringe thinking of many moments during that time. But remain thankful that I had them. I’ve never been a fan of dentists. But I better be nice, I need one now! Thanks for sharing your story!
I had to go once a month for getting the wires tightened and new placement of rubber bands … wore the rubber bands during the day in criss-crosses but had two headgear for at night – one for up, and one for back. I had an overbite which was not bad, but had to wear the headgear and used big curlers on my head – how did I sleep?
Wow – I’m so thankful I didn’t have to wear all that gear. I had friends who did and it sure didn’t look fun. I remember many nights in pain from the wires cutting into my cheeks. I agree, how did we sleep through those moments?
Yes, when they changed the wire configuration once a month – when they tightened the wires, it was painful even eating a banana and if you tried to drink a milkshake, the thick shake even was difficult as it pushed on your sensitive teeth the first day. My mom made shepherd’s pie with ground beef as she called it “mush” when I went for the monthly appointment … the wax did not always stay in place and yes, those cheek scrapes were terrible. Kids today (or adults too) who have the braces experience have no idea, no more than secretaries/administrative folks who use computers have NO idea what non-correcting typewriters and carbon paper was like … when I retire, I intend to compile a list of then and now.
That sounds like a great blog post!! Do I really have to wait until you retire…?
Well, unless you can come up with a clever angle to use it beforehand? The braces issue could be a dentist visit I suppose. I one time had a rubber band that was hooked on my braces shoot into a customer’s soup – talk about embarrassing!
You’re clever, I bet you can come up with something! Yikes – that is embarrassing!!!
It sure was – good thing it was a good customer and he and I laughed about it, but yes, it was horrible. He had said something funny and I laughed and it popped. The elastics were adjusted almost every time I went and sometimes they just hooked from top to bottom, other times criss-crossed, sometimes even double rubber bands. I always came home with something different … the rubber bands I did wear to school (this was while I was in college) … I had them on from 1976 to 1979 and was already working one year when the braces came off and I got retainers … and just three months later my bottom wisdom teeth came in and I had to have them removed pronto- they pulled my upper rear molars and used those wisdom teeth which were coming in straight as my upper rear molars) … I had the headgear on except to eat, all times that I was in the house. What an ordeal.
I hope the customer smiled too! Yeah, the technology for braces has come a long way. I’m glad I didn’t go through what you did!
Yes, it was not fun at all and I look at the ads online for Invisalign braces and they look like a piece of cake compared to the ones that Mr. and I endured. I was about ready to get braces in Canada and then my father asked to be transferred from FoMoCo of Oakville, Ontario to FoMoCo in Woodhaven, Michigan. So they did not start the process. Then we got here and my father did not work close by, and left at 7:00 in the morning and didn’t get home til after 6:00 and no orthodontists were open at that time. My mom did not drive and it was about a 5-mile round trip, so no braces until I was older … I should have gotten them as soon as I got a car, but waited but I could just go to my own appointments. I am glad I got them now, but it was not fun in the least.
I think we’re all thankful after we endure braces – and for the fun horror stories to share too.
Have not made any resolutions but intent to do a few things . And here is why I say so
Happy new year
Such a bad way to start a diet
But you’ll get trough it! Here’s a diet plan that really helped my friends, if you want to try something new
I did this and it s really easy to follow
Yes, it wasn’t exactly the best start to a diet. I’m getting through it and I am doing a slow implementation of keto – thanks for sharing the link! Happy Keto Living to you!