My place in the world…well, let’s take a peek. It’s a quiet space, early mornings are my favorite.
I love sunrises.
That’s when you’ll find me grabbing my running shoes and heading out into the foggy and dew-drenched morning. In the winter, I hit the treadmill and read a good book while I run.
But spring, summer, and fall, this road calls me to venture out into the fresh air.
I enjoy eating a delicious bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruit, drinking cups of coffee, all while I read a book.
I can’t get enough of walking around our yard, watching Copper investigate the world inside and outside of our fence.
I’m particularly drawn to carrying my camera along as I admire flowers and dew drops and spider surprises in nature.
In the summer or fall, a bonfire is a great escape. I’m fascinated by watching the flames.
I adore reviving old furniture and incorporating them into my world.
I’m intrigued by the process of doing so, even if I forget to take a picture of the completed project.
While I’d love to escape to a tropical island and stroll on a beach to watch the waves crash, I save those moments for special trips. I appreciate those dreamy moments more when I do that.
The rest of the time, you’ll find me here in my office thinking of words to write and adventures I’ll take behind the lens of my camera. Occasionally I’ll take a picture of me and my rebel gray hair…
Thanks for taking a peek at my place in the world…!
Well I love your rebel hair!
You inspired me to snap a few pictures this morning, when I got back from dropping minions off at various schools…we had a touch of rain last night and this morning, the spring flowers are so bright, you can’t help but feel happy to look at them! 
Aw, thank you, Claudette! I’m glad you’ve found some inspiration in addition to the adventures with the minions! Yay – happy spring flowers, I can’t wait to see what you write about them!! Thanks for the smile this morning, your support is appreciated!
I absolutely love your property, and that sunrise! OMG! Gorgeous!
Aw, thank you, Beckie!!
“Old English”? Classic, good for polishing up USA stuff

LOL – I’m so impressed you pointed that out! You never cease to amaze me! Cheers!!
Cheers from my glass of Beaujolais as I cook tonight’s dinner, Cumberland Stew, which you may need to Google!

Well, you’re right yet again! I had to Google it. Now I’m going to send the recipe to the Mr. and hopefully, he’ll cook it for me! Do you cook yours in an InstantPot too? It looks delicious! Thanks for the hot tip!
No, my mother used a cast iron pot in a wood oven and cooked it for hours before potatoes were added.
That sounds more appetizing for sure!
Your posts are always a fun read! Thank you for sharing your
quirky posts!
Aw, thank you April, I appreciate your kind words of encouragement!
Your restoration work is beautiful.
Thank you!!