Spring is the time to renew and a perfect time to declutter. All you have to do is spring into action and sh*t stuff you no longer want or need will magically disappear right before your eyes.
April brings Spring-like weather while it showers us with the Yippee! – I’m all warmed up to the desire to declutter stuff right on out of the house moods.
Wait for a second, my dear. Not so fast…
A dreary looking day, for some, maybe a perfect day for those who enjoy being forced to stay in the house and declutter. But, for me, I’m not so sold on the idea.
Especially after being stuck in the house for months due to the bitter bites of winter weather like we’ve had.
A breath of fresh warm sunny air is what I crave, not rain, certainly not more snow. I love a sunny day to motivate me to mop the floor before heading out the door.
Yesterday was more of a surreal looking day.
Winter hung onto the edges as the fog hovered above it. The deer even stayed hidden in the woods.
At least the birds seemed to enjoy it. It was fun to see the mourning doves reappear and perch on the branches next to the tiny buds on the maple tree. The catalpa tree knows winter’s hold is not quite done yet. We must wait until that tree buds before planting can happen. Looking at its current stage there will be no buds bursting open on that tree for a while yet.
I could hear the doves singing their solemn songs through the aging windows of our house.
I tried in a misguided way to declutter three different areas of my house. And all I got to was an area of my own clothes that I had previously sorted and put in a donation box. I simply wasted time and reorganized the items and bagged them properly so I could take them to the donation spot. A major success. Now I just have to move them to my car.
Then I cleaned the bathroom. That was a mirror sparkling success.
Then I felt all hopelessly un-accomplished, so I sat down to read a book.
I love reading when it’s raining outside. It’s so hygge to me. If I were Danish, and drinking a cup of tea, I think others would agree. I used it as the proper excuse to cuddle with my Kindle and a blanket and let my mind wander into the words of someone else’s creative world.
The book I’m reading was not helpful to motivate me to get back to the task of discarding my mother’s belongings.
This is a great book, by the way, have you read it?
I’m enjoying it and I can easily let time slide away from me. The author describes an attic in Cara’s home and all the contents yet to be discovered/discarded. The story also details the struggles of caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s.
Oh, my, until I finish the book, I’m finding that I’m way too emotional to be sprung into the action of discarding my mother’s belongings, who also had dementia.
I would’ve switched to read my new book that arrived in the mail yesterday, but I wasn’t ready.
I want to give that book proper attention. I suspect it isn’t open and read it cover to cover kind of deal. So I just let it sit there, as I admired it in the natural lighting. Hoping for a bit a creativity to spread to me by osmosis. And maybe get a perfect photo of it. Grabbing my camera is always a perfect distraction for me.
Plus Mr. returned from shopping and offered me a glass of wine before dinner. I’m so productive after wine…NOT!
So yeah, even if I really, really, really am ready to spring into decluttering action this spring…I certainly know what doesn’t work to motivate me to declutter. I need to be in the mood for it, that’s for sure. I’m okay with being me and enjoying the choices I made yesterday.
Plus, of course, I’m more experience at not decluttering, being a self-proclaimed Dubious MinimalistTM.
Today’s a different story. The sun is shining this morning! Therefore, I better get something decluttered while it’s bright enough to see what I should be attending to. I know the time slot is limited. Rumor has it we’re in for snowstorms 2-3 days of the upcoming week – we could get 8-12 inches of snow. Sigh… Good thing I’ve got new books to read!
Post Inspiration – Sunday Stills – For the love of reading & books
PS – Do you find that you need to be in the mood for decluttering? Or reading? Or do you have the discipline to follow through with your plans when you’re not in the mood for the project? Have you read or are you reading either one of the books I’m reading? What did you think, did (do) you like them?
I love the Mourning Dove video! Amazing bird. I’ve been a Minimalist for a long time Shelley, if you don’t need it, toss it or donate it. Or sell it of course. This keeps the garage and the entire home clutter free.
Thanks, John! I’m working on the downsizing stuff mode. It’s a bit easier now that the nest is empty of kiddos, and they have homes that they can take their stuff to. Now, I just have to do the work of parting with those items you’ve described. Congrats on finding what works for you in the world of minimalism.
Snow?? Seriously? Sigh… Decluttering does need a certain mindset. I get that. I find that seeing one space cleared out gives me motivation to tackle the next one. If I start reading a book, I’m done LOL.
Great bird photos. I saw a red cardinal out my window this morning!
Yes, snow…SIGH is right! I do need to stick to one area instead of all over the place. Glad to hear I’m not alone in being distracted by a good book. I hear the cardinals, but I haven’t seen them yet. The pop of red is so fun to see!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts :-)!
Shelley…..I am new to your blog, but when I click on the link and it takes me to your site, I can’ read the text of the blog, as there is a long column of link things on the left hand side, and I don’t see any way to collapse it so I can read the print? Joni. PS. I read The Artists Way back in the 90’s when it first came out, and 3 or 4 of her subsequent books, all very good and inspiring, except for the Morning Pages which seemed a wee bit OCD to me, but then she wrote the book before everyone was writing on a computer.
Thank you, Joni, I appreciate you for stopping by. Sorry to hear you’re having issues reading the blog. What browser are you using? I’m using Chrome and I don’t see the issues you’re talking about, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. I ADORE it when people tell me about problems, (not that they have problems) just that they did so I can fix them! Thank you for the feedback on the book too. I’ll keep your thoughts in mind as I read it.
I’m not sure what browser I’m using, I think it’s Google Chrome. Usually it updates on it’s own, but I could try Firefox. I really liked Julia Cameron’s 2016 book, It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again – Discovering Creativity and Meaning at MidLife and Beyond – an Artist’s Way Program for Retirees and Other Creative Souls. It coincided with my retirement year.
Hmm…interesting. I hope it eventually worked for you? It does take a while to load the page, I share a lot of pictures?! Confession here, I ordered that book too and her Right to Write. I’ve got my whole summer planned. Thank you for sharing it was a good book too. You’re a testament to the success of following the tips. Your website is beautifully creative! Nice job
Shelley – I checked your site in Firefox tonight and was able to read it on the larger screen, the icon list was still there but over more to the side so it didn’t block the text. Left a comment. I’ve read just about everything Julia Cameron has written. If you go on the http://www.bookoutlet.com site they often have them at very good/discounted prices. Thanks for the compliment on my website. After 40 years of working in a medical field, it is nice to do something creative! I am enjoying blogging, and the creative process, but I don’t have many followers, as I don’t cross-promote it on FB, PinInterest or other social media sites. I only post once a week usually Thursdays and find that is time-consuming enough.
Thank you for sharing the feedback about the posts. I’m guessing what you’re seeing for problems is related to the widget for WP Socializer. It was a recent auto upgrade. Grr. Thank you for the link to the bookoutlet. I need to check that out next time I’m looking for a book. That’s awesome you’ve found an outlet for creativity. My worklife is in healthcare, but the business and financial side mostly, so I hear ya. I love the creative outlet blogging gives me. Gaining followers is TOUGH – if you blog for that, it can be a miserable experience. Blog for fun and the creative outlet, and you’ll continue enjoying the experience. And…blog when you want! You’re on the right track – your blog is beautiful. Hang in there and enjoy the ride! Thank you, again, for sharing your feedback, I so appreciate it!!
The bookoutlet site is great for when you want an older book – I love books so I can spend hours on there just browsing the categories. It’s where I picked up most of the travel books.
Thank you for your insights :-)!!
I sent you a comment on this but not sure what happened to the comment? Did you receive it?
Yes, because you added a link to a website, those comments go into a queue that I have to approve. Sorry!
I’ll resend the comment. I revisited your blog on Firefox and it worked ok – the icon list was still there but over to the side more so I could read the text ok. You can get Julia Cameron’s books cheap on http://www.bookoutlet.com sometimes if they have them in stock – the site has really great prices for a book lover. Thanks for the compliments on the my blog – after 40 years in the medical world I am enjoying the creative process!
Yes, sorry, got both comments! Comments with a link have to be approved. I should update my reply so it says so. Thank you — I’ll do that now!
The Artist’s Way is on my shelf along with the workbook that goes with it. I seriously need to start it! I mostly read at night before bed so I can usually only get in a chapter or two before I fall asleep unless it is a riveting one.
Yay – we should challenge each other to get through it! I read before bed too, and I rarely get far, even if it is a riveting book. So this one will have to be a morning one, that’s for sure!
I relate to your experience of decluttering. Usually, I end up feeling un-accomplished. I’ve been panning on doing Spring cleaning, but have not found the motivation for it.
We’re two of a kind! I actually cleaned the floor finally, and now it is raining so I’m back to reading instead of decluttering ;-)!
I’m a bit of an anti-minimalist.
I believe there’s that piece of wonderfulness in all of us!
The problem I have with a good book is I can’t put it down, then nothing else gets done. Oh, well. I am retired, I will do that project later. LOL
Every author dreams of hearing those words. And yes, a project can always be done later ;-)!
De-cluttering is emotionally taxing and physically tiring. This is strange but when I’m angry or stressed start to I declutter and clean. It makes me more efficient and focused. lol.
I try to de-clutter one small space at a time. My craft cabinet is impossible though! My kids ask for the most random things at random times to do stuff.
Hope your decluttering brings more space into your living space and mind!
Thank you for sharing your ideas on when to de-clutter! I’ve noticed that when I’m frustrated, not sad, I do take to the task easier…hmm…! I remember those days when the craft supplies were in that state. Enjoy every messy moment! Thank you, it was great to hear from you! xx
Our house is littered with Lego everywhere. When they lose a piece, I’m the one they ask to find it. Omg, those pieces are so small and they roll under the couch.
With kids it may be easier to have less furniture.
Enjoy the decluttering process…it’s freeing to have more space.
Good to hear from you too!! Hope spring comes soon for you…it’s been a funky weather transition. We rarely get rain in California, and today it rained. Unheard of!
Yes, Legos are tiny and seem to multiple in strange places. My daughters had Polly Pockets and Barbie stuff that did the same thing. Mixed in with the Legos. I don’t know how we all survived! We still after 27 years still occasionally find a lego piece! Thanks for stopping by, I adore hearing from you! Rare for rain? That’s crazy to me! We’re expecting rain, snow, and sleet this week. Unfortunately, it is heard of at this time of year in Wisconsin. Sigh!
The infamous Lego. I gave up trying to keep them organized. It strains my back, legs, and eyes trying to sort them in colors and other features.
Polly Pocket and Barbie toys come with small items too, sometimes so small. When I hear a “uh…oh” and a small dropping sound, my heart beats faster knowing that kids will have me searching for that tiny thing.
Thank you for your encouragement to enjoy the young years! It’s hard sometimes when you’re tired and cranky although I realize these years are limited and soon they’ll be grown.
Take care with the colder weather in Wisconsin. We Californians wouldn’t know how to maneuver our way with snow and sleet. We freak out with rain, for reals. Hoping warmer springs come for you soon!
“Uh…oh” LOL – I remember that sound too! You’re welcome for the encouragement. You’re two kids are so lucky to have you as a mom, don’t ever forget how special you are to them! Thanks for the encouragement about the weather – we will have spring soon. The calendar says so, anyhow! xx
Thank you!! You always say such supportive words to help me in my journey as mom. I will remember them throughout the day.
You have a wonderful rest of the week and hugs!!
Aw, you’re welcome!! Us moms – in all stages need to stick together and cheer each other on! Hope your week is full of adventures and hugs!! xx
Doesn’t matter how old your kids get…once a mom…always a mom!
And we’re all lucky to be moms!
It’s a special role…
Yes we are! It is a huge privilege.
I will remember that I am special when I get down on myself!!
Have a good and restful weekend.
You too!!
The Artist’s Way is great if you can get yourself to do the morning pages. I did them for quite a while – a great practice. That said, I donated the book during a decluttering episode. Seriously. I’m a big fan of decluttering and get into fits of it, especially in spring. Season changes always inspire me to clean and purge. I have SO many books I struggle to part with. Problem is, new books are begin written faster than I can read, so I’ll never read them all before I die.
Oh, well. I just took two bags to my local indy bookstore and got a lovely store credit. For more books!! (You see the problem…)
I was wondering about the morning commitment to the book. My blog writing is my ‘morning’ routine. That’s awesome that you donated it so someone else could get the benefit of it. I’ve been a hopeless book lover for a really long time. The scary part of that love is, I did limit my shelf space in my office when I remodeled, and have stuck to that. But…wait.for.it…the shelving that was in my mom’s house in her library was moved to our garage and all the books came home with me. Yeah…top that, do you have a library in your garage?! Sigh…believe it or not, we’ve donated to the local library booksale 3 times since and they shelves are still full. I think I have a problem with books too.
Books and wine, no that is NOT distracting at all! Your images of the book, kindle and wine are well-done, Shelley! Some great ideas you shared about de-cluttering. I definitely have to be in the mood!
Thank you, Terri! I appreciate your feedback :-)!
I was reading your post while the video was playing and hubby said “I hear a dove” he thought we had one on the porch
LOL – that’s awesome, way to get the hubby involved, and that he knew the call of the dove!
And I was whining we might get one inch Wednesday into Thursday and now they say it might just be in the northern ‘burbs so it won’t affect me. We had 72 degrees today, the first time that happened since October 12th. It was nice this morning, but no sun … thus not motivated to work in the house and it was “National No Housework Day” as you will read in my post tomorrow … that solidified it for me! I did a post on how I hate housework then see how you are so productive, well mostly productive. And I realize I miss reading. And I wonder how the time slips away from me. It is 7:45 and I am still in comments from yesterday/early this morning and 2 days behind in Reader. I need another weekend to catch up with everything, but we’ve been swamped at work the last month and I just needed to chill.
72 degrees, I’d take that weather! We had 57 degrees and we walked outside! It was awesome! Dangit I mopped the floor on National No Housework Day… You read a lot Linda, with all the blogs you read and respond to, I don’t know how you do it! I sure appreciate you commenting here, though. – Thank you, your efforts all around are commendable! xx
We had 73 today! It was not as pretty as yesterday when I was out this morning – a brisk breeze and it was dark and I was sure it would rain before I got home. You need to take a rain check and have an all-day rest to make up for working on “No Housework Day” Shelley. I am very behind in Reader – I caught up to Saturday around midnight this morning – decided to do the rest tonight, but had to stay late and also catch up on e-mail correspondence that was languishing as well … thank for your saying my efforts are commendable, as sometimes I feel I am sinking into an abyss trying to keep up with everything, yet trying to step back from the computer at the same time!
YAY for 73! We broke 60 for the first time since October 2018! LOL – I’ve taken so many no housework days of late, I think that’s why I’m feeling behind. But since you gave me the go-ahead, I shall plan one soon! I seriously don’t know how you keep up with all of it!? You’re superwoman. How is your shoulder, by the way?! I hope it is getting better!!!
Well, I may look I am at my A-game, but truly I am scrambling around. I really don’t like staying up past 10:30 because I am less apt to bounce out of bed at 5:00 like I have been for years (and before the blogging really took off, I was up around 4:00 a.m. and in bed at 10:00 a.m. and I was productive in the house). I have to get into some type of regimen … if I stay up late, I stay caught up (for the most part) … if I go to bed early, I got lots of comments, etc. in the morning, and I go rushing out the door. I am behind in the house – I straightened everything nicely, did a good job about 10 days ago, in anticipation of the computer guy bringing by the laptop – don’t know when he is bringing it and we have our install in two phases now – we can still use the Windows 7 laptops as it is a Windows 7-based server. So, I don’t have to worry about anything imminently until we get the work stations and the new accounting program -ugh. Thank you for asking about my shoulder. My shoulder is a different pain now – it now has become a dull ache as opposed to a sharp pain. It does not wake me up at night anymore and I can even roll over on that side, though I try to stay on the other side to not put any pressure on it. I continue to do the exercises, though still reluctant to go to the resistance bands, although my boss used them for his shoulder accident and swears by them. I’ve been so busy at work that I leave late and have not tried the vertical mouse yet … I get behind on WordPress and said to myself – when I catch up with everything I’ll deal with the vertical mouse. I have to lower the elevated platform for the laptop – it is okay in that it is at eye level, but the colors are distorted – I have to stand up to see the colors, so I’ve been creating my blog posts at my old laptop instead. I have no idea where I’m going to put the new one either. I paid the guy for the snow – he came once in the middle of the night … my neighbor snow blowed for me twice, I shoveled with one arm twice. I hired him for the grass through the end of June … I can’t sweep one-handed and I have an electric mower and a push mower and the grass is higher/lusher in Spring, so I’ll do this for now. No, not Rockefeller’s granddaughter either.
Linda, you have so much on your plate – it is okay to stop to take care of yourself! I’m glad your shoulder is sort of better. More rest and the right stretches will help it continue healing. Do you have occupational lenses for your glasses? If you don’t, you might want to think about getting some – mine help me at my computer so I’m not straining to see through the bifocals/trifocals. A slow spring would be good for you so you don’t have to mow right away! Hugs, take care of YOU – xx
Thanks Shelley – today I had a bit of a break since they didn’t call to make changes. They’ve been negotiating for weeks now – on off days we do new proposals, on session days, we edit on the breaks, with me putting Robb on the speaker, then e-mailing new versions to the client to print out. I have to come up with a better regimen though … I constantly feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants. I did get something special in my glasses that is supposed to help eyestrain and something to do with blue light. This was because I mentioned being at the computer 12 hours a day. I can’t say I see any better though – I go for my yearly eye appointment in June and will ask if these are occupational glasses. I have trifocals too/progressive lenses.
Yay for a bit of a break and for you finding a regimen that helps. Yes – get occupational lenses, they are different. They are a single vision lens combining your trifocal and progressive lenses into just the setting you need to see the distance to the computer. I found that these help relax the neck strain factor. The only downside is that you have to remember to switch to your other glasses when you walk away from the computer – you won’t be able to see anything beyond the distance to the computer. LOL!
I have copied this info to ask my eye doctor about them as what I have is not the same as what you describe and I see no difference. I find by the end of the day that the font in this box here in the notifications area seems very small. This was the case before I elevated the laptop as well. Thank you for this tip Shelley.
You’re welcome, I hope you find glasses that work for you!
I’m going to ask him about it – he really should have suggested this rather than the glasses for blue light. Do you always have to stand the same distance away them for these glasses to work? Do you leave your stand-up desk in the up position all the time Shelley? My friend who has one, puts it up and down all the time.
Yeah, I don’t know why an eye doctor wouldn’t recommend them. I tried the progressive lenses once and never went back to them. They don’t have the lines, but they also require a very specific sweet spot for each zone of vision. So you have to hold your head just right to find it, and when you sit in front of a computer, your head is always stiff. Or at least mine was. With my occupational lenses, the whole screen looks the same no matter where I look, and I don’t feel the neck strain either. I don’t have to tilt to see the fine print either. I raise and lower my desk throughout the day. I have an exercise ball that I sit on when it is lowered. I do stand the same distance, I have a floor mat that I stand on that helps me know where is the optimum distance is for typing and seeing.
Thanks for sharing how this works for you Shelley. I know I am not sitting correctly – I prefer the kitchen as it is more wide open and less claustrophobic, but I don’t want the linoleum ruined with a traditional desk chair and I don’t want the mat as it is a trip-and-fall hazard. I have thought of other rooms, even if just in the evening after I leave work … I’m going to research the exercise ball as an option too. Thanks again for your insight.
Ergonomics at home is tricky – I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you find a great fix for your set up!
Thanks Shelley. I got here to the computer late this afternoon. Usually I boot up the laptop while I finish getting dressed for work. This is a silly thing, but I was sitting here waiting for my laptop to boot up and noticed the speaker phone – it is closer than the old one was. The old one (which suddenly refused to make outgoing calls) had an information screen that was higher up so I kept the phone back further from my left arm. I got this new phone about a year ago – it is a smaller AT&T speaker phone … the other was by Radio Shack which, as you know is out of business. I looked at the phone and said to myself – are you cramping you arm into an awkward position because you moved it closer to you? I moved the *&^% thing away from me – I don’t get that many phonecalls. If it was something simple like that … this phone’s info window had a glare on it and I had to pull it closer.
LOL – That’s great, I’m glad you’re looking at your surroundings to see what may be adding to the uncomfortableness while you work!
Oh no–more snow!? Funny to wish for rain, right?
Yep, more snow. At least we know it won’t stick around for long. I do wish it was rain, that’s for sure!