When the hoomans are busy doing whatever it is that they do besides feed me, I find my way to inspect their feeding spot and to make it my own little vista.
Ah…it’s a lovely view, really it is.
It’s a perfect spot to watch the tiny birds flying around and eating. Man, oh, man, it makes me hungry watching them.
And then they’re gone, full for the moment. I wonder when they will return? Then I sit and ponder my extra fluffy existence. All the while wondering when the hoomans will return to feed me?
I may be naughty sitting here in this spot, but they notice me here. Plus is it really too much to ask for a snack shortly after I was fed breakfast?? Maybe a glass of wine? Oh, wait, that’s the hoomans, they do that…I don’t need those extra calories, anyhow…
Post Inspiration – Dutch Goes the Photo – Tuesday Photography Challenge – Vista
PS – Yes, don’t worry, we wash the table often. And yes, Dessy is naughty. But…she’s so adorable when she’s on the hunt, don’t ya think?! Happy Tuesday. Hope you’re having a great week!
Such a nice read this morning, Shelley.
Dressy looks like my beloved Smokey who is long departed. Her greatest joy was to walk the perimeter of our pool enclosure when we lived in Florida. She loved to chase lizards although her love of eating made her less than stealthy. One day she got too close and came in crying for help with a lizard clinched onto her bottom lip hanging on for dear life. Sigh, she thought herself a great hunter.
Thank you, Maggie. Oh, my, that would be scary – she must’ve trusted you to allow you to help her get the lizard off. I think my cat would’ve high tailed it outta there with the lizard hanging on for dear life! Chubby cats are entertaining to watch. Thank you for sharing your story!
No use trying to stop them. They can’t resist the view.
So very true! Plus, Mr. encouraged her as a young kitten to jump up on places. We had a golden retriever that would eat their snacks, so they get their treats in high places ;-)! The things we do for pets.
Naughty but hey, I’d be up there too if I was a puss. What a life, what a vista! Fun read Shelley
LOL – I admit, I would too! A cat’s life looks pretty carefree most days – I could enjoy that for a bit I think?!
Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts – you brightened my day!!
Well, it is a great view. And you pictures are great as always. Its a shame that poor cat is sooo under nourished. About as undernourished as my dog. We do love them, don’t we.
Thank you, Anita – yes, it is a shame to be so undernourished. That’s better than spoiled, right…LOL! We do love them, and they love us right back, that’s the best part!
Dessy is adorable. She’s just being what a cat be. Entertaining and annoying in equal parts.
Thank you – she thinks so, that’s for sure. She reminds me of Garfield, she measures up to him in many ways!
Oh how wonderful! Garfield is a character, so good on her for emulating him.
She’s had years of practice ;-)!
“Cat surveying the land” LOL. You capture the moments so well with your photos. Have a great Tuesday
Thank you, she just happens to fit in certain prompts quite well. Hope you have a great Tuesday too!
If I were a cat I’d be up there too! Making those cute chattering sounds while my eyes focus intently on my prey. Yum!
LOL – yes, that’s exactly what she was doing!
We always had so many cats around here that having them on tables, counters etc. was normal. Having said that, we are down to two. We have two sofas in our living room, one for each of them.
And yes, your kitty is precious.
Ah, yes, you’re a fellow cat lover! And you spoil your two very well, too! LOL – separate couches, wow, don’t tell my two that! Dessy appreciates the kudos :-)!
Well don’t cats consider themselves superior beings to humans? So, by all means elevate them to that position on the table. You’re right, it is the way to draw attention to a rumbling stomach and pretend that you are stalking birds in the backyard at the same time.
Yes, indeed, and Dessy is exceptional at that skillset!
Ha ha – I’ve never had cats but understood they are a little bullheaded like that sometimes. My friend Carol lives in NY and she has one cat who just waits for her or her husband to get out of their chair and he jumps up and lays there. If they try to reclaim their seat, he’ll swipe his paw at them and he won’t budge. Her husband just quit his job recently … he has been working in NC for about six years but had some medical issues at age 67 and decided to just retire. He only came home one week at Christmas/New Years and two weeks at plant shutdown in July. He had a favorite chair and Smudge would sit and glare at him whenever he came home on vacation and would sit in the chair. He made David feel so uncomfortable that he’d get up and move!
Yes, cats can be territorial. That’s a funny story about Smudge. Bummer for the medical issues, hopefully, other than the seat stealer at home, they are enjoying retirement.
I think David is happy to be home more than 3 weeks a year and to be truthful, Carol does not like his presence around as she is used to having her own schedule. In my opinion, David seems like a great guy but she complains about him all the time … she takes care of her developmentally disabled sister after their mom passed away suddenly from a stroke in 2012 … I “get” that she is up to her ears in stress, but David just couldn’t take it at his job and at 67 decided to retire.
Since he lived alone in NC, he devoted all his evenings, most of his weekends to just coming into work (he is an engineer of some type) … yes, Smudge is very territorial and has a big attitude as well! We have severe weather that is imminent so I’m going to shut down … exasperating but not going to whine as Missouri and others are getting something to really whine about!
Unplanned retirements can be challenging to navigate. Let alone take care of someone unexpectedly.
Bummer on the weather – and yes, there is much worse in other areas. You’re going to be an EXPERT at your camera by the time you get out on the trails!
Hope so – going to dedicate Saturday to it, and when I return on Sunday morning from walking. We have a heavy thunderstorm Friday night and severe weather on Saturday morning … I will do a post in advance to launch late Saturday and stay off my computer to study the manual. I just worry about fumbling with it if I want to shoot something on the fly. I may be switching between manual and automatic for a while.
You’ll get it. My best tip for learning is to practice and not be upset by not getting the shot. I also spent time paying attention to the settings the camera on auto chose, then I’d switch to manual and set my camera’s ISO to that and neutral white balance and then shoot. It works for me. I rarely need to go to auto – most pictures inside are 800 ISO or 400 ISO and if it’s really bright outside, 200 or 100 works. Good luck! I look forward to hearing how it goes!
I never thought of doing that – what a smart idea Shelley … see what the camera chooses first … hmm. You give me hope … I want to learn this … my head seems too cluttered to take in any more info sometimes. Still waiting on the new laptops and Windows 10 and it may be put into gear faster as Robb’s laptop died yesterday and he texted an angry message to Ron (computer guy), who, quite frankly, deserves that text. I’ve helped him in the past, but this time waited for Ron to respond with a status report … six weeks after the laptops were received by Ron. That’s why I asked it to be shipped directly to me and I’d configure it. OK, I’m off to look for baby birdies.
Yeah, it made it much easier to learn how the camera responds, and then I tweak it to my own liking. You’ll get it – if I can figure it out just by playing – I’m convinced it won’t be a problem for you!
Thanks for your vote of confidence Shelley! Hope I can live up to those expectations.
Yes, you can!!
Great hummingbird photo! We had one flying around 2-3 weeks ago but I’ve been too busy to get the feeders out. Hope they will be back!
DB McNicol
author, traveler, shutterbug
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Thank you, Donna! As long as you have flowers they like around, they’ll be back. The roses you saved should work just fine to draw them in.
I forgot about the rose bushes. They are a ways away from the back deck and not blooming yet, but every one is budding. Just can’t kill them! I remember growing up and hearing how hard it was to grow roses. Well, not this kind. LOL!
LOL – they must be very hearty roses – and the hummingbirds will love them!
Hi Shelley, I always wondered what a cat is thinking, in it’s own little vista. Now I know:) Even hoomans don’t consider wine immediately after breakfast…..usually:)
Hi! LOL – now you know at least what Dessy is thinking. Maybe I should’ve said a mimosa!?!
Cute shots and fun response to the challenge.
Thank you, I’m touched by your feedback! Your photo was an exceptional choice for all the prompts! Very impressive!!
Thanks so much
No, she definitely doesn’t look hungry, let alone having a chance at catching the hummingbird. A sweet loving kitty for sure. Great capture of the hummingbird.
LOL – she may not look hungry, but she thinks she’s hungry all the time! She adores food, and any hooman who shares that with her. Thank you for the feedback on the hummingbird – they are a joy to watch and catch on photos when I’m able to!
I can’t seem to catch them. I’ll even take my coffee outside with my camera on my lap in the mornings. they will visit, but as soon as I pick up the camera…gone.
They are more ferocious here for food. Up north where my dad lives, they’ll come right up to your face if you get in their way of the feeders. I should go visit him to get a close up of that. LOL!
She appears to be entertained and well fed. I have always said windows are televisions for felines
Yes, she is, and you’re right – the windows provide quite the hours of entertainment. I’m envious of their ability to focus for so long!
Same here . lol