Adventures · Inspiration

A morning dress of white

I wasn’t dressed properly or as ready as I should have been when he appeared.  Don’t ya hate it when the girl isn’t ready for the guy in white?

Good ol’ Jack showed up to my fall party in the perfect dress of white yesterday.


I thought you weren’t supposed to wear white after Labor Day?  Isn’t that what they say?

JF:  “Hey there, you wallflower, let’s dance in the chill of the morning light.”


“Lean into me with your pink cheeks all rosy and bright.”


Despite the chill in the air and being underdressed for the party, hoping not to catch a cold, we shared a dance or two – just me and Jack Frost.

Feeling awkward and all, guess some of us were late to the party and may have to give up before we bloom.

I quivered as we moved along together, my fingers shaky and my bones all achy.

I wonder if he warned the birds to wear skates?

Jack knows best what surfaces work for grabbing on to the details of his white dress.


Delicate leaves he covered, not like dewdrops rolling across them, more like spikes of bitter cold.


The flowers he dressed, ready or not, in all their stages barely resisted his charm.

His presence lasted only until the bright sun scared him away.


He’ll be back again another day.  Or maybe he’ll hand his hat off to ol’ man winter who wears a much thicker coat of white.  If only I could make that big ol’ guy wait a lot longer!

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Dress (and yes…I’m still so tickled that my badge won the honor of representing the SoCS’s for 2019-2020 – thank you again to all of your votes and for cheering on all of those who entered the contest!)


PS – Do you wear white after Labor Day?  Do you like dewdrop or frost-drop photos better?  What do you have planned for your weekend?  If you need a painting gig, feel free to drop in, I’ve got a brush ready for anyone wanting to help! 😉

43 thoughts on “A morning dress of white

    1. Thank you, Alice. I didn’t realize how much my hands were shaking until I looked at the photos. I’m surprised any of the turned out. I prefer summer time for early morning photos!

  1. I can’t decide between frost and dew. Both are beautiful. Good luck with your painting. I’m catching up on housework today. How exciting! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Jill. I’m torn too. I finished the painting and my friend took me hostage to a winery to celebrate. I hope you found time to relax before/during/after cleaning ;-)!

  2. I especially love the pink flower photo with the hazy yellow in the background. So … while I can understand your boo-hoo (expressed so delightfully) about what’s coming, here in the east with a new strain of deadly mosquito-borne virus and a new beetle variety killing oak trees, I reluctantly hoping for a devastatingly cold winter. I just have to get back into the swing of the daily change of water in the humidifier!

    1. Thank you, Ellen, glad you liked the pink flower. I love zinnias in full bloom. These were hanging onto fall like I was.
      I do like the cold for killing off the bugs, thank you for reminding me of that purpose to the change in seasons.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. Yeah, I agree – poor flowers, it’s time to say goodbye to fall now that the frost has helped them end the warmer season.

  3. Frost photos are so unique. I love them! Poor freezing flowers though. Sigh. Nature marches on whether we like it or not. (Also – I wear white whenever I want to LOL). Such a rebel.

    1. Thank you – frost is (or anything white or yellow) hard for me to get good photos of. LOL – somehow I knew you’d be the rebel one who still wears white! 😉

  4. Jack Frost invited you to see his etchings. 🙂
    I love how the frost just settled onto all the flowers, giving them a look like the inside of the freezer when it needed to be defrosted in the olden days before frost-free freezers. I can picture my mom with this painstaking task and her pot of hot water, peering into the freezer and shaking her head.

    1. Yes, he did! I remember our freezer that had to be defrosted that way too. I’m thankful that we don’t have one of those freezers anymore. I hope you don’t either…!

      1. I am thankful too – I remember that defrosting chore from when I was a little tyke. likely not yet in school, or on half days for kindergarten, and watching my mom doing household tasks during the day. She was happy when self-defrosting freezers and self-cleaning stoves made their debut … now that was something to rejoice over, that’s for sure!

  5. We got a pretty hard frost last night too, though I only venture out to take the dog on her morning excursion. You got some great photos!

    1. It’s that time of the year. I guess we can’t keep it away just by wishing it wouldn’t happen. My little dog joined me, he was shivering too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts – I’m glad you enjoyed the photos.

    1. Thank you, Amy!! I can’t wait to check out the Lens-Artist photos for the weekend. I’ll be by to see what you came up with for seeing double!! 😉

  6. Congrats, Shelley! Your photos look stunning. I love the close up and detail of the frost with the color of the flowers. After seeing these pictures, I think I like frost-drop photos better.

    1. Thank you!! Aw, I appreciate hearing your feedback. I need to try the frost photos when the sunlight is hitting the frost, I think that will be a different take to the frost? We’ll see. 😉

    1. Thank you, Rebecca! Yes, too soon, and it happened again. Guess we’re on to early winter here in our parts. 80 degrees…man, that sounds wonderful. Even with the rain! I LOVE your recent post – that photo and your words of writing wisdom! Well done 🙂

  7. Hello dear Shelley, love your photos! Just read a few more of your posts and I especially loved the one with your dew-images and the gorgeous quotes by Khalil Ghibran, Rabindranath Tagore and great minds. There is so much joy in becoming mindful and in truly treasuring the moments of everyday magic that we often don´t pay enough attention to. Thanks for reminding me of that! Hugs 🙂

    1. Thank you, I so appreciate your encouragement!! I agree with you – practicing daily mindfulness and finding a place like a forest to experience it (like you shared in your post) is a great way to live. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts – hugs to you too!!

      1. Very welcome:) We are on the same page dear Shelley! I find it wonderful to find likeminded souls and being able to remind each other to be mindful and cultivate awareness, and I somehow count trees as some of those souls, or even teachers, as well 🙂 May sound funny, but am sure you´ll understand what I mean. Hugs, enjoy your day 🙂

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