I’m reflecting on the choices I’ve made in my wardrobe lately. Although, this week, not so much. It has been a pleasant surprise. Being an empty nester, on a staycation, and no-one but myself, the Mr., and the pets to see me, the wardrobe choices I made this week were beyond minimal. No kidding, if you don’t sweat, and faithfully change the undies you can pull it off, too.
I digress…
As the fall approaches, and I think about the weather changing, and then being stuck inside, I have my doubts about being able to pull off the same pair of jean shorts and tank top look on a regular basis (like for a full week, yeah…a full fricken week and minimal laundry to wash to prove it! YAY, me!).
Yikes, I’m not ready for Fall, or Winter, or my skinny jeans (maybe I should try them on to see if they still fit?). I like blending into the background enough as it is, I don’t want to stand out and look any more awkward this fall.
I want to be the Fashion Queen of Empty Nesters…Go ME…!
Here’s Me pictured in my same running walking clothes I’ve worn all week. So, maybe I did change clothes after all? The dog doesn’t care if I look the same, it helps him find me in the yard. I’m usually waiting for him by the door.
The truth is, I’m a bit scared about reviving my wardrobe. I loved having my daughters around to shop with me, and to tell me, “No, NO, NO, Mom, try this instead.”
It’s a tall task to take on all by myself. When it comes to clothing, I tend to respect the opinions of others, more than myself. Sigh…
Sure, I can try to solicit the Mr., but he’s wise, he prefers it if I give him choices, it makes it easier for both of us. Questions like this work really well…I’ve done the hard work first by narrowing it down to what I’m okay wearing out of two options – “Do you like the left shoe or the right shoe with this outfit?”
I read this quote this morning, and realized, yep – it is time to be brave and take on the fashion reviving journey all alone. I might even wear the new skirt I bought all by myself (I bought two of the same style in two different colors). Mr. didn’t have much to say about them the day I modeled them…Hmm…
We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself. – Lloyd Alexander
An empty nest in the fall is a perfect time to revive things. When you’re looking for inspiration, do you do what I do and go on a rabbit hole hunt on YouTube?
Yeah…I wasted a few a couple an hour of my vacation day this week watching this lovely young lady.
She vlogs about her life as a short person (she’s 5′ 1″ – I’m 5′ 3″ so yeah, I’m short too…I’ve got the short power on my side – I connected with her immediately!) and how she’s found the right clothing (hairstyle, jewelry, bags, shoes, etc…I mentioned I spent some time watching her videos, didn’t I?) for her. I’m convinced that she’s the boss and her hot tips can help me weed out my hand-me-up-real-life clothing and revive the real me in my wardrobe choices.
OMG – I wear all the wrong clothes! Shit…
Well, at least I’m inspired with a clothing project to work on. Come to think of it, I’ve always wanted to be a famous model of 1980’s – 1990’s clothing. Those high-waisted jeans are to die for, right? Maybe I still have a box of them stored somewhere…??
Maybe some more coffee and an apple will give me the fuel to get started? I’m on to something great, just you watch and see!
Post Inspiration: WOTD Grudging; and RDP#Respect
PS – Who inspires you when it comes to clothing choices now that your nest is empty? Are you up for a good laugh…if I share photos as I go? Crap…I don’t even know how to use a tripod, got any tips on how I can convince the Mr. to help with photo shoots?
My stepdaughters are usually pretty good for tips, especially with makeup . But honestly, when I am home, it’s the old comfy worn out sweaters with holes in them.
Enjoy yourself! Have some fun with it 
Depending on your camera, you might be able to find an app that acts like a camera remote. That way you can just press the shutter button and model away.
Yay – thank you for the support on comfy clothing choices and your encouragement and the hot photography tips!
Be brave…you can do it!! I just bought the same looking shirt AGAIN because finding clothes is hard work. It’s delightful to look at but torture to find stuff you love that fits well. I kept nodding in agreement throughout your post. Thank you for your honesty and humor!! Have you considered StitchFix? They can help you change up style.
Thank you, I appreciate your encouragement. I haven’t looked at StitchFix yet…! Have you tried it? Do tell, I’m looking for hot tips!
I tried StitchFix and it’s not bad to jump start a new look. It didn’t transform my life like I wanted it to ;), but I got a fun pair of jeans and blue linen shorts. You fill out a profile with your style preferences. You could order a box quarterly, which was is what I do. Try it out! Something new. There’s also Trunk Club from Nordstrom. I only tried that service once, and I got a cute skirt out of it. Geesh, can you tell I spend a lot of time doing these things. oyyyyy!
And last but not least, Costco has cute and practical clothes for a great price. Let me know what you try!!
Does anything ever transform like we think it should? I often wonder! You’re way ahead of me, I’m not even sure what my preferences are, but it does sound intriguing. I hate going shopping at the stores and the dreaded changing rooms. I swear the mirrors morph me into something way better looking than the ones I have at home, so I buy the stuff and then return it later. Such a hassle! I’m glad you’re sharing your advice – I’m excited to try new things out. Thank you!!!
Haha! Been there. Done that! “What Not to Wear” TLC taught me to dress for body type & be BRAVE. The way I figure it, if it looks good & feels good go for it!!! Have fun!
Yay – you’re inspiring me to ‘go for it’!! BE BRAVE…!! Yes, be brave!
I have been working from home for over 18 years now so my clothes selection has become very “comfortable.” We were recently invited to a wedding and the attire is semi-formal. I have nothing in my closet that could be considered semi-formal except for the standard little black dress and I don’t want to wear that to a wedding. On the other hand, knowing that I rarely need to dress in semi-formal attire, I don’t want to spend an arm and a leg on something. Looking forward to seeing your photos. I have the Camera Connect app on my phone so I can set my camera up somewhere and take the pictures using my phone. I do it for our Thanksgiving and Christmas family photos.
Oh, my…yes, the working from home thing contributes to comfy factor (way more than I want to admit!). It does save on costs, though! Black is always classy, isn’t it, or did that rule disappear along the blurry way too? I’m still trying to figure out my phone and the whole selfie thing, but I will check out your suggestion! Thank you for your encouragement and advice – I hope to hear about what you decide to wear to the wedding! Oh, and remember, all eyes are supposed to be on the bride, right, that should give you less pressure??!
I bow to your bravery. Clothes shopping has gotten more and more futile the older I get. I have learned that it’s best to leave Hubs out of the adventure. He just makes it worse. He doesn’t know, doesn’t care and if my clothes were based solely on his opinion, I’d probably look like (in my opinion) a hooker. LOL! I’m a T-shirt & jeans kinda girl. I’m glad I’m not the only one who wears the same thing for a couple of days, if I don’t sweat or get dirty that is. I feel better about that now.
LOL – I’m chuckling at how the hubby might dress you in clothes comment!
My mom was a jeans and diamond earrings kind of dresser, maybe I should bring that look back? Thank you for your encouragement and support in the multi-day wearing technique, too! 
Yeah, he has no sense of color… or style for that matter. Nothing wrong with diamonds and jeans. I figured out a long time ago if I only wore my “fancy” i.e. sparkly jewelry for special occasions, I’d never get to wear it. So I wear it whenever I want now. Life’s too short.
LOL! I believe that’s what my mom used to think – wear your jewelry, there’s no point in having it if it’s safely tucked away. I need to remember that, and do that more often! You’ve inspired me to dare to sparkle!
Shelley, over this summer I have been wearing this combo sports shorts that have the panties included in the shorts. Yes, I have to wash them often BUT I love the fact that it’s super easy to wear and that it is all-in-one. less is better. I also wear a sports bra that just slips over my head. Again super easy. And I top off my summer outfit with a cool tee shirt or something. And sockless sneakers.
When I came to realize that summer is ending and soon I have to slip back into my skinny jeans, which I know will NOT fit because I’ve eaten way too much ice cream and hot dogs with everything on them, this summer, I had a nervous breakdown.
But lo and behold the looking-good-body- angel appeared to me in an advertisement and my life has been transformed (at least I’ll be able to face the fall inside my jeans) Have a look:
Needless to day, I order two light weight stomach blockers and I’m ready for the fall. Bring it on. LOL!!!!
Cindi- I don’t have any of those shorts, maybe I should look into them?! With my rib injury (dare I say out loud…the bra thing isn’t necessarily a staple in my wardrobe if I don’t have to) the sports bra hurts to wear still. I was wearing one of those the day of the crash! I love the shapermint.com look…are you going to blog about the experience…hint, hint?! Bring on the change of seasons!! I’m sure you’ll rock it! Thank you for your support and tips, as always, I love hearing your perspectives!
Shelley, I am probably going to buy the thin panty stretch top because I need something to hold in my summer muffin top! Hubby told me to hold off till September but it most surely is on my wish list. Hubby kept having me play their advertisement over and over again because he said the women looked fantastic (read: hot) once they put on their shapermint. Hmmmm? Men are crazy. I’m always flabberghasted at what turns them on. Here’s the video ad:
Oh, my, goodness – that is quite the video. LOL – apparently the sales team knew what to do for the ad to get the guys to agree to the purchases! Glad you know what you’re interested in and what will work for you! I’ve got a lot of learning to do! Keep me posted if it works as good as it looks like it should!
I go up and down with this. I’m home, often alone during the school week, and want comfort beyond anything else. Then, I get these self-image issues and think to myself ‘wear something nicer’ which means going shopping which is something I have to be in the mood for. Doesn’t happen often.
But clothes are a part of one’s identity, right?
Will have to revisit in time for fall.
I agree with all of your sentiments! I’m hoping a good clearing out before fall will inspire me to either be happy with little or be brave to venture out for new? Going to be an interesting Fall! PS – I hope your eye is doing better!!
Yes! Thank you. I feel nothing now when I blink but I’m religiously using the eye drops until they’re not all done.
YAY! I’m so happy to hear your feeling better. Yes, use all the drops!! :-)!