It was a silent night. The decorated tree survived yet another dimly lit December’s eve.
Sing it with me now…”Oh, holy, night, the stars are brightly shining.”
But damn the furnace seemed to be kicking into high gear. Why, oh, why, did the twinkling stars have to bring along with them the frigid cold?
Damn, it’s cold outside!
And dagnabit, when it’s cold out, the finicky dog won’t eat. Even after trying to light a fire under his butt with plentiful options, he ignores the spread before him like a royal pain in the ass.
Poor thing, I know it’s because he ventured out once already and froze his tootsies – he doesn’t want to eat, because if he does, he knows that all of that food will light a fire on the Cuban cigars just waiting to blast out and smoke the ground around him as he evacuates his bowels and shakes his booty in the COLD air.
What? Yeah – its Snoopy simple math really, two piles of delicacies in = two cigars out. It’s possible – probable!
Anyhoo…meanwhile, in the other room…Santa’s taking a nap in the corner, minding his own Ps’ & Q’s – not paying attention to the quiet-as-a-mouse menace in the room.
Oh, don’t you worry, dear Santa, Tizzie’s been a good little girl so far today. But she’s still plotting…
there’s a fire within her heart that’s warming up each day as it ticks by – one by one. She has an internal Advent calendar. She knows soon it will be the present opening day and her freedom to roam about under the tree (like Day 1) will give her the greatest gift she desires.
Post Inspiration – Cee’s Black and White Challenge – Hot and or Cold and Nancy Merrill’s Lit from Within
PS – Is it cold where you live? Does your dog refrain from eating when it’s cold outside? Do you like photos of Christmas lights in black and white or color better? Do you think Tizzie will wait until the present opening day or will she somehow get under the tree before then?
Still haven’t got a tree….
LOL – there’s still time, you’ve got PLENTY of time, yes, you do!
Pffff….but yes. Today is a PA day (no school), their adult cousin is taking them to the movies, maybe I’ll do it today…

I’m here cheering for you – hope it is a successful decorating day!
Should say adult cousin… autocorrect is annoying.
Corrected :-)!
Funny post! Can’t blame the dog!!
Thank you – he’s a wise dog, that he is!
The fire within your dog made me laugh. Our dog also hates going outside this time of year, but it doesn’t stop him from eating. Wonderful post. Have a very Merry Christmas! Thanks for joining the challenge!
Yay, glad you could relate! Thank you for the opportunity to join in on the challenge. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas too!
Great post! I vote for color photos of Christmas lights. They are in a category of their own…and once a year at that
Thank you, and thanks for sharing your thoughts on the colors!
It’s seasonably cold here, which is to say in the upper 30’s-lower 40’s during the day and in the upper 20’s-lower 30’s at night. We’re anticipating a deluge over the weekend. I guess it’s supposed to start raining tonight and keep raining until Sunday night.
Both black-and-white and color pictures have their benefits. With B&W you notice more the shapes of things, with color it’s a little more natural and, well, you get to see the colors…
Wow – those temps we’re wearing shorts up here in WI! Enjoy the showers, we’re looking at snow showers here. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate hearing your perspectives!
Sending warm hugs from here to you, Shelley! When the sun shines at its brightest here, it’s really warm though when it sets it’s cooler. Have a lovely day!
Thank you, Winnie – your message warms my heart!
My pleasure always, Shelley!
4 is slightly, okay really, COLD.
LOL – the sad part is it will get colder before it warms up again in the spring!
It’s cold where I live, but cold is 30 degrees, not 4!!! When it’s cold out, we practically have to throw my dog out the door so he can pee. If it snows, we have to shovel a spot in the yard for him!
It’s 4 below this morning…so it’s colder than yesterday. The norm in Wisconsin in the winter! You’ve described our winter mornings – I don’t have to throw the dog out, but we do have to shovel for him and we have to sometimes carry him back in because his feet are too cold to walk any further once he’s done doing his job.
And the cold may be with us for a while. February is predicted to be very white. I so understand the babies feet and “parts” getting cold. My mom had little canvas booties for her dog that helped.
Yes, it’s with us for a while longer…about 5 more months! Oh, my, I think me trying to get booties on my dog would put him over the edge – he hates his feet touched. I tell ya…is a peculiar little guy.
I fully understand. Mimi has to go to the vet to get nails trimmed where we have SEVERAL people to help hold her down.
I bet – Mimi is big compared to Copper. But it does take at least 3 people to hold him steady for nail trimming. He’s feisty and squirmy for such a little dog!
I think I like colorful lights better, but your picture do the tree justice, no matter how you present it.
Aw, thank you!
I took a gazillion pictures and walked 6 1/2 miles yesterday – am hopefully behind in comments and Reader, but will catch up. Heading out shortly for more miles and pics! Just 18 degrees here!
Nice!! Enjoy your walk – I should do that too!!!