Happy SoCS Saturday! Back by popular demand, it’s me Dessy, the redundant fluff cat, aka, a fat cat. Adorable though!
I’d like to weigh in on how things work in our household, not just on Saturdays, but every day.
Each morning I spray a sneeze on my hoomans faces to arose them from their slumber.
It works. ‘Cuz and then I get fed.
I’m a spayed cat, yep, I am. For a good 10 years now, I think?
After that surgery happened to me, I confess to bingeing on food and then lounging around in shipping boxes.
I have a healthy tummy that sways back and forth. It jiggles as I run to and fro chasing behind my slim sister (Tizzie) who is an expert at splaying her slender tummy out in the sun.
I think that spay surgery is why my tummy cuddles around my paws in a lovely display while I beg for food.
It has nothing to do with how much food I eat.
Well, maybe it does? I haven’t stepped on a scale in years. Why bother?!
Nah … my girly figure has more to do with how well I control the hoomans. And beat my sister to the food bowls. I ensure all bowls on display have been nibbled upon before I, myself, saunter to a perfect carpeted sunny spot, and settle into an expertly crafted tummy splay move – it’s quite the display, eh?
It’s easy to weigh in on things around the house. A meow here, and a meow there as I take the lead. My furry friend, who looks like an adorable sphinx don’t ya think? misplays his role as the alpha dog of the household. He knows how to play the food begging game, though, he knows I work the room better than he does. All he has to do is wait and food appears.
If only you could hear me roar when I’m hungry. Yep, that’s how I’ve gotten the hoomans wrapped right around my paw!
Post Inspiration: Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “spay/splay/spray.” Use one, use two, use ’em all, it’s up to you. Have fun!
PS – Stay tuned, Mrs. will return again soon … I saw her race out of the door with a sponge and a bucket of soapy water, she mumbled something about having to wash more walls? I hope she returns by snack time!
Dessy, you are most certainly adorable!
Aw, shucks, thanks Dan!
Such precious babies…they do rule the house.
Aw, thanks, and yes, we do!
Such a sweet kitty! Hugs for you, Dessy!
Thank you, John!
They know how to train us, but they’re worth it.
Yes, they do, and yes, they are!
Those fur babies sure know how to wrap us around their paw
– or is purr-babies?
I love that – purr-babies!
Dessy is one big kitty!
Yes, she gives Garfield a run for tipping the scale!
Lots of cuteness for today! Great use of ‘splay’ in display.
Thank you, Barbara, Dessy is happy you enjoyed her post!
I love Dessie! I just want to pick her up and squeeze her, but I’m sure that wouldn’t be allowed. I used to have a fat dog, but she’s lost a lot of weight during Covid since we’ve been walking everyday. I wish it had worked as well for me.
Yeah, Dessy is hard to hold. Mr. is the only one that can really pick her up and hold her. Dogs do seem to lose weight easily when they exercise. I bet your dog has really enjoyed the daily time outside. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Geanie!
When it comes to kitty cats, a full-figured gal is a delight to behold– and hold. Great post.
Thank you Ally – Dessy appreciates your encouragement!
Ha, she does look quite round–but so pretty! Great pics of those furry friends who rule your roost!
Thanks, Rebecca, Dessy and I appreciate the kudos!
Dear Dessy, I speak from my secure and warm place in the past … just to give you my special hint fo waking your hoo-person up in the AM. One can’t always muster a sneeze on demand, so if that happens to you try this no-fail method: touch the tip of your moist nose to the upper eyelid of the sleeper — then retreat fast to the far end of the bed and look innocent as hell.
I also congratulate you on having figured out that draping yourself around the neck of the alpha male in the house while shunning everyone else’s attempts is the surest way to win over an otherwise indifferent man
and the secret pleasure of the females, who love to watch men-with-babies and men-with-cats.
Note: I’ve heard through the litter line that the recent study showing people with cats are less happy than people with dogs was carried out by 2 dog owners! That should give everyone paws!
Dearest Ellen, thank you for your most purrfully excellent advice. I shall put it all to good use. And, I agree with you, a study written by dogs should give cats pause/paws!
P.S. Sorry for that last word … spelling was never my furte.
Furte :-)!!! Love it!
Hooray –you and Dessy got it! I never doubted.
Dessy with her Rubenesque figure and the ever-charming Copper with his Sphinx pose make for a very interesting household. I think Dessy’s sister will be clamoring for some “post time” soon.
Thank you, Linda – you know the pets just love to be encouraged!