
A fastidious mouse

If I were a small mouse.

Looking to build a winter’s house.

To place my treasures galore.

Of course, I’d choose a corner nook of a human’s front door.

Okay, maybe rhyme writing isn’t a certain gift of mine…but there’s a noteworthy short story here.  Really, there is.

Yesterday, we discovered we have one particular mouse wanting to share our house.  We’re assuming it is a mouse, and just one, we hope…who else would do stuff like this?!

Whatever it is has done just that! He (or she) has singled out our front doorstep for his winter’s house to store his soybean seeds.

Perhaps he is like me, drawn to the bright sky blue color painted on the door?  When he saw it, felt as though he was right at home?  It takes a certain type you know, to love that color.  I happen to (duh…I painted the door)!  Just like when I was a kid, if asked to choose a color crayon from the box, I’d still choose sky blue over every other color.

Is it weird that I want to leave the beans there to see if he comes back and keeps filling up space?!?  Ewe…but gross, his bathroom is even in the same room…!


The soybean field is pretty far from our house.  Well, at least in mouse miles it is.  Holy smokes!  That is what I call exceptional effort on his part.

A sky blue lover, or not – sorry, Mr. Mouse, there’s only one family who gets to live here.  We’ll give it a day or two before we help him discover there are other selective spots in the yard to build his house.

Daily Post Prompts:  Particular