Hey you wanna be photographers, are you learning as you go, too? Are you a super-duper photographer extraordinaire in the works like me?
YAY, you’re welcome here!
When you look back through the photos you took, do you quickly jump to the judge and jury of yourself as a photographer?
I do. Sometimes. Sometimes not.
When you’re learning as you go, it’s hard to get your ducks in a row and catch perfect shots. It’s just part of the game of photography.
The best way to overcome the judge and the pressure to be perfect is to be playful. Simply grab your camera at every opportune moment of your life.
And play!
The cool thing about you is that when you play often, your camera fits like a glove and shows its wear and tear. Who cares if it might be outdated and can’t format the cool SD cards with 64 GB space. You still play. And you learn a lot about your abilities in the process.
Every moment could be the moment of spectacular. I’m that kind of wishful photographer. I like to have fun, and I love seeing my out of the nest kids have fun with their cameras too.
I adore it when they catch a candid shot of me and Mr. smiling and having fun.
Sometimes I catch the shot of them holding their cameras waiting for perfect moments, too.
Sometimes not. But I continue to try to capture what I see.
By being playful, I judge myself less. That’s important when you’re practicing and learning.
When I first started taking photos, years ago, I raced to take the photo in the hopes to get the shot I saw unfolding right in front of my eyes. Then I’d put the camera in front of my face and miss the shot. Or I’d try too hard, waiting for it the scene to get better and miss the better moment completely.
That happens a lot. Not just sometimes. A lot.
Back then, I certainly didn’t pay attention to the background. I rarely paid attention to composition, and frankly, didn’t know what the heck that was or if it was important at all.
And then my daughters got into photography. We bought them both small cameras and they were off playing and learning and having fun. They took some awful shots, but in the process, they learned quickly what worked and didn’t. And they took some really fantastic shots that I adore still to this day. Where they are on the server, um…well, I’ll get back to you on that.
Fast forward to now, and my oldest still plays and gets shots I had no idea she was taking!
Thank goodness for digital photos, if we’d been paying for the film for all the shots they took or still take, who knows – we may be living in the streets right now, broke and not so famous.
Then our youngest took classes in school for photography and art and composition and all that cool stuff. And ever since, she subtly helps me learn what was a good shot or not. She’s not afraid to crop a shot. Or toss one out. Or let it wash out with the sea…or maybe use it for a background in some other shot.
Somehow, we did the right thing with both of the kids, they’re polite and kind and encouraging. They tell me what works, not what didn’t so that I’m encouraged to keep trying.
And to this day, our oldest has the knack to still play and have fun. I love how she takes awesome shots just by picking up her camera and snaps a different angle to the shot.
Watching them play and learn has inspired me. I’m thankful we all love to encourage playful moments in life, especially with our cameras.
Nowadays, I try to compose better shots. Sure, there’s still the part of me that rushes to get the shot. And I miss the cabbage boat or the bunny, often.
I even still wait too long and miss the moment I was trying to get. Or can’t remember what it was that I was trying to capture?!
But I keep trying, and that’s what matters to me.
I keep an eye out for opportunities to play.
Oh, and the part of me that judges myself as a photographer jumps right in front and center often, and says, that 1990’s countertop ranks right up there with the popcorn ceiling for bad background composition. Somethings you just have to document for posterity’s sake.
Yeah…I’ve come a long way baby, and I notice the background more these days. I love it when it blurs into a photo I tried to get too.
I’m off now to play…
Post Inspiration – Nancy Merrill’s Photography Challenge – Getting your Ducks in a Row
PS – How about you, what is your favorite way to play with your camera? Does your camera fit like a glove? Do you have kids and have you given them cameras to play with?
I’m thankful for the auto setting, and yes, when my grand daughter lived with me at 6 years old she had a Fisher Price digital camera and we had so much fun taking photos
Yes, auto helps a lot! Aw, that’s so fun – I can tell you adore seeing the world through kiddo’s eyes. It is fun to watch and join in with them, that’s for sure!
Your family takes great photos Shelley! It’s amazing how a simple change in camera perspective can dramatically alter a photo. The phot of Copper taken so low makes him look imposing. Sort of. The photographer eye is always looking for the next photo M
Thank you, John. I love playing with different angles too. You do a lot of that as well. I’m always impressed with the shots you get!
Such great shots, Shelley. Love the one of you and hubby laughing on the beach. The first is an interesting one. Perspective does change everything and I have to remember to try that out. Thanks!
Thank you, Janet – I appreciate your feedback :-)!
I enjoy photography and think you’re quite good at it. I have a point and shoot camera from years ago that I hang onto because it is user friendly to this user. And it’s red, which makes me smile, no matter what perspective I’m shooting from.
Thank you, Ally, I appreciate your kind words of encouragement! I love that you have red camera – that’s so fun, that would make me smile too!
I always enjoy your pictures, Shelley. I think the learning is constant, but that’s a good thing.
Thank you, Dan, I appreciate you saying so! I enjoy your photos too. I don’t know how to do the displaying like you do – must be your theme? Or editor…or both?! Yes, learning is a good thing!
I’m just using the ‘Add media’ – ‘create gallery’ and choosing ‘tiled mosaic’ ad the gallery option. Nothing special.
I don’t have that option on my editor that I’m using. I might in the WP.org editor.
Love these images and great story to go along with it, fellow super-duper photographer extraordinaire in the works here too, always experimenting!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Congrats on your journey! You’re always welcome here!
I love your blog and your playful photos…especially the cat this time!! Wow!
Thank you, I appreciate your kind words of encouragement!!
You’re welcome!
The family photo – so precious and even more so as the years pile on. We have one of the 4 of us sitting on a California beach in 1999. Used the self timer on a nearby beach chair. Our feet turned out looking huge. But funny. Still used it for our Xmas card.
That ceiling photo would keep me up at night! We used to have popcorn ceilings. I am enjoying close up photos and different perspectives like you describe. Yours are excellent
Thank you! It was our last day and last 20 minutes on the beach and I realized we hadn’t taken a family photo the whole time. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity. Thankfully, my daughter’s SOC (we call him our son) was used to using her camera so he got the shot for us. That’s awesome you used the funny photo. I love getting those kind of Christmas cards. The ceiling will be dealt with in due time. It’s a big project that extends up in the rafters, out into the garage, and into the basement. Sigh. I love macro photos too, and different perspectives. Photography is so fun. Your photos are excellent – I’m always impressed when I see what you share!
It is good that your entire family is interested in photography and such good photographers – you will nearly always have someone willing and able to capture your very best angle!
Yes, it is fun. Mr. got us all started, he has a nice camera too, but keeps it in the case when we’re all around, he enjoys watching us have fun. That’s fun for him.
Those are some great shots Shelley! I thought I’d picked a favorite but then as I read on, I couldn’t do it. I try not to sweat getting the perfect shot even though I have been disappointed sometimes that they didn’t turn out like I’d like. I should be getting to know my new camera, but I just haven’t. Dear Son got into photography after borrowing my camera years ago. He flew by me on the knowledge/expertise train and is a really good photographer. I think it’s pretty awesome that your whole family is into photography. It’s a great hobby.
Thank you, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. What is it about these kids and their ability to just get the hang of technology so easy. My two girls are the same way. Actually, so is Mr., so I guess I’m the only one who struggles. Oh, well, I keep trying, that’s what counts. Your pictures are always beautiful, glad to see you enjoy the hobby too!
The struggle is real, Shelley!
You have wonderful ducks (
). What a fantastic post.
Thank you, Nancy!