Me: “Are you cooking something that’s picture-worthy?”
Mr: “I dunno, why?”
Me: “It smells like it.”
Mr: “I haven’t started cooking yet.”
Me: “Yay for me…I’m in time to catch the action.”
The truth is, September is our anniversary month – and I really wanted to give Mr. an extravagant gift for our 30th-anniversary. I had all of August and all of this month to figure it out. On the first, I offered to cook for him this month – for the whole month. And not just frozen pizza or a bag of Tostitos kind of meals.
Since it was the 3rd already and I hadn’t made a meal yet, why start, right?
Instead of me cooking, we’re buying new windows for the house, and that means working for a paycheck takes priority.
Anyhoo, I get to take photos of new recipes Mr.’ll try out this month. This one is a veggie and shrimp party (link to the recipe here) – and very colorful too!!
True confessions…Mr. is way better at tossing up stir-fry recipes than I am. And, I’m not allowed to clean the wok either. That’s a funny story for another time…
Only one shrimp made a break for it when he made the first toss.
The meal was served on a bed of rice, all hot and steamy…Mr.’s cooking is so dreamy…
It tasted grand, by the way.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday
PS – Do you want to see me try to cook? Or do you prefer Mr.’s cooking? What is your favorite family recipe for us to try? Any other ideas for a 30th-anniversary gift? That doesn’t cost as much as new windows would be nice?!
That shrimp stir fry looks delicious! I could almost smell it form my laptop. Your Mr. must be a great cook. Hubby and I usually give each other a trip for milestone anniversaries. We both like to travel. When we were first married and didn’t have a lot of money, we would go someplace close like Annapolis or Baltimore. Last year (for our 40th), we went to Italy. I like the idea of celebrating your anniversary for a whole month!
Thank you, Laurie – YES, he’s a great cook and the meal was delicious; I’m glad there’s leftovers for tonight!
Traveling is fun, we did that for our anniversaries when the kids were little. A trip to Italy sounds dreamy to me and about the cost of windows…………….. ;-)!
Looks good.
Thank you, Michele, it was!
Hmmm, trying to be delicate here, Shelley. Would your cooking for him really be a gift? I only ask because I know my cooking for a month for my wife wouldn’t be. That shrimp dish looks wonderful.
LOL – no need to be delicate, I think you’re on to something! I don’t think he really wants me to cook, if only I could cook like him, then he’d be all for it. The shrimp dish was wonderful!
Yes, let’s see your cooking! The meal looks delish, sans the sea food.
Someday soon, I’ll surprise you and all Mr.’s cooking fans!
Oh my. You are so lucky to be married to such a great cook…who apparently likes to cook. Why mess with that? You run the risk he may want you to keep the cooking job. Mmm….perhaps your gift to him could be a book of photos of his delicious creations, complete with your rave reviews. Recipes too maybe. There are online sites that do a nice job of printing, as you probably know!
Also an IOU for a nice trip for after the windows are paid for.
Yes, I’m lucky. He’d tell you that he cooks because he wants to eat something healthy – not that he enjoys cooking. I don’t see the difference, when he’s cooking, he looks like he’s creating art. I like that cooking book idea! If we could get rich from his cooking – man, that’d be nice………………….dreaming again!
I love shrimp stir fry and that looks delicious, Shelley! I hope you share his recipe. Wink wink.
Thanks, Winnie – you’d like this dish then!
You’re welcome, Shelley! Yes! I love the combination.
I hope you could see the link and the photo of the recipe. You may need to substitute local veggies, I’d think any veggie would go well with it!
Oh, yes! It’s only now I noticed the link. I may have missed it because of sleepiness lol. Thank you, Shelley! I’m going to try it tomorrow.
No worries – sleepiness gets the best of us. I hope you enjoy the recipe! Take care, and get rest – you deserve it!!
YUM to that stir fry. I really like Laurie’s idea about an anniversary trip — someplace you both have always wanted to go? I’m terrible at gift ideas but that sounds glorious.
Thank you, Laura – I appreciate your kudos for the meal and for the thoughts on a trip for a gift. It’s hard to be unique when it comes to gifts
Mr.’s cooking looks delicious – I could dig right in. I like stir fry but never had it cooked in a wok. I do have family recipes in the red binder of tried-and-true recipes, but since I don’t cook, the recipes stay there on the printed page, and not on the stove or in my stomach.
It was delicious. He learned to cook himself with his WOK. It’s a fun way to cook – except, I don’t know how to do it myself. I enjoy watching him – the master of the wok!
That sounds fun – next he’ll aspire to have a cooking show.
LOL – he’d tell you “not in a million years!” But…if he could make a mil doing it I think I could convince him!?!
I think it would be fun too, and my neighbor Marge’s son (now deceased) was very interested in gourmet cooking. He had his entire garage filled with gadgets and gizmos and according to Marge, enough pots and pans to stock the entire street. As a birthday present for Keith one year, Marge got him tickets for two to see Emeril LaGasse.
I enjoyed watching Emeril – so did Mr. But he watched him just for tips that he didn’t already know, not to want to be a chef or sous chef for that matter. Just for tips on how to cook a meal for his family.
I may have watched Emeril with my mom a few times when we had cable and the Food Network. We watched “Unwrapped” – I really liked that show. I hope when I retire I can be a little more creative in my meal prep – right now, even though I work from home, I don’t spend a lot of time on meals, so they aren’t too exciting, but they are healthy. (Not as appetizing looking as your meals though.)
Healthy is best – presentation should be good enough for you to eat it. Enjoy the nourishment!