Adventures · Inspiration

A dreamy morning

I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. – J. B. Priestley


When I see the glow of a red sun hidden behind the trees, I know I just have to grab the camera and head outside to watch the glow rise.  It’s a wonderful time to experiment and see if I can capture the changing colors of the morning light.

The Hostas are finally opening up.  Just one of them, with two buds opening.

My first glance – take a peek

A second peek – with the sun just a bit higher in the sky


The flowers are so delicate and delightful.


So different from the buds before they open.


And then the sun rises high enough to add an orange glow to the driveway.


A third peek.

Oh, turd, Copper walked into the scene…and the moment is gone.   Or is it?  He looks dreamy in the glow as well.

Then it is time to go inside.  Morning mood subtly tainted by a fog rolling in and the rest of our day shall commence.  Sigh…it’s back to work I go.


Until next the time, when I have the chance to see a glow to capture…

Post Inspiration – Anne Christine for Lens-Artists #55 Dreamy; Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday – Creepy and Becky B’s #JulySquares and #JulyBlue

PS – Do you enjoy early morning photography?  What are your favorite color schemes?  Do you like orange skies and blue tints mixed?  How about that purple flower, do you like the close-ups or the further back photos?  




51 thoughts on “A dreamy morning

  1. Yes, morning photos are great with different color opportunities. Problem is I’m usually horizontal. Poor Copper, his little feetsies getting soaked in the morning dew. 😍

    1. LOL – that’s why you get great sunset and night shots – that’s the time of the day I’m horizontal! Yes, poor Copper – he hates getting his feet wet.

  2. Lovely morning dreams! My hostas are over, so I greatly enjoyed yours. And Copper – fits in perfectly in the glow!

    1. Aw, thank you, Anne-Christine, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. Thank you for the fun prompt for the week! Your pictures were stunning as usual. 🙂

  3. Well, I am not conscious enough first thing in the morning – and I know I miss out on wonderful photo opportunities like this. Sigh. My favorites are your close-ups – wow!

    1. LOL – I can send my pets your way – they encourage the early morning wake ups! Glad you enjoyed the photos 🙂

    1. Mornings are peaceful and the perfect time for a cup of coffee in hand while I watch the sunrise. I was up extra early, so had time for coffee before photos. I don’t recommend that it was the cat’s fault! 😉

  4. “Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning; red sky at night, sailor’s delight.” I don’t know why I thought of that…

    1. That’s exactly what I thought of this morning. And every other time I see a red sunrise! Great minds think alike, John. 😉

  5. Early morning photograph is wonderful. Catching nature before it awakens is beautiful.
    The Hostas are gorgeous. I could see there and admire them all day as I write.

    1. I love mornings too – a nice cup of coffee, sunrise, and a notebook or a computer. Dreamy, that’s for sure! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    1. Aw, thank you, Amy! I love your photos of the tea houses and moon houses – I have a tea house in our backyard and when I see the ‘real’ ones, I’m always envious of the ponds around them. Your photos add a lovely layer of dreaminess!

  6. Ops, the rest of the images took a couple of minutes to come up… I love the orange glow and delightful flowers, too.

    1. Thank you, I appreciate your feedback. I admire your street shots – that’s something I’ve yet to try doing… you’ve inspired me to think about it! Now I’d just have to travel somewhere?! 😉

      1. ahhh – so happy to have inspired you with photo ideas – and what i like about street photos is how original the output it. also – there can be flexibility with quality of the shot – the informal side can be refreshing
        but remember a while ago when you had that post where you wrote about some bloggers maybe being too worried (a tad) about copyrights and protecting work…
        well i feel like street photography shakes that over protective layer off – and we are free to get what we can when we are in the mood.
        sorry to ramble – but the last thing to share is that i am in my fourth phase with street shots –
        i had a short period where i would only take photos after asking –
        and i still prefer to ask – but sometimes feel completely okay about clicking as i go – and others have captured me that way too-
        anyhow – best wishes as you even just start pondering it …

        1. Yes! I’m glad you shared that you’ve now taken the approach to click as you go. That’s why I have refrained from taking shots – it’s the permission factor. I figure if it is out there already in the public, it’s fair game, right?
          A funny side story – my most popular post contained a photo I made from a snippet of my Pinterest board on going gray. I shared it as my feature photo and then shared the post on a Facebook group. There was a photo of a woman who was in that group, she was tickled that she was featured in it, and shared it with all of her friends. You never know when a photo collage or a street view will be that one photo that speaks to others.
          Thank you for sharing your inspiration! Much appreciated.

          1. that is cool how the woman was tickled about it.
            And I am always amazed at how many folks say “yes” when I ask – I can count the “no’s” I have had and there have not been many.
            and years ago there were blogs that shared the legalities about street shots – and once you leave your front door – it is legal for anyone to take photos of you. Someone cited Jackie O’s case – I guess a certain photographer made it his life work to follow her and take pics – and if she was in public – she could not object to pics being taken.
            – and now how those pics are used matters – like recently a lady sued a business (think it was Chipotle) because she in a large photo they used in many of their eateries. That is not legal.

          2. You’ve done your research. Thank you for sharing those thoughts/tips. I’ve often wondered about the legalities. Probably why I haven’t done much of that kind of photography. I’m still inspired by your photos!

          3. thanks so much for saying the pics inspired you.
            and i actually take street photos all
            the time – my first offisl attempt was 2001 – and i have a cool story to share sometime –
            then picked it back up in 2014 – and a few months ago Joey (blogger) made a comment about my street shots and i realized i have not been posting them enough – so i just started to make sure i post some – that is why it made my day to hear hey inspired ya a bit-
            some year i plan to use the stuff i have for “something” so they are kind of some sort of “WIP”
            and wishing you a great rest of your day

          4. You’re welcome! Isn’t it fun to rekindle things we’ve enjoyed in the past. Better yet when we inspire someone in the process. Keep it up, you have a gift!! Happy Weekend to you – enjoy your street watching.

  7. Love the magical glow with Copper in the first photo. Lovely look at your Hostas also, Shelley. <3

    1. Thank you, Olga! I enjoyed your photos and eloquent words you shared with them. Thanks for stopping by to check out my post!!

  8. What would flowers be without animals to acknowledge them? Did not Ferdinand elevate the status of the humdrum field flower? Did not Horton, an elephant, change the world’s perception of the color pink because of a single dandelion? Hosta blooms are pretty, but hosta blooms as trampled under the paws of a doggie, ahhh!

    And another thing. I love fog!

  9. I love the early light for the photos and as soon as August, you will begin to see the filmy spider webs strung across the yard in the mist. I find myself poking my hands around my face – scared I’ll have walked into a web where a spider was swaying slightly in the web – oh my. My pal Copper does look good bathed in that golden light. You’ve captured sunrise perfectly Shelley.

    1. Yes, I’ve seen a few spider webs, I do love to take shots of those. August is just around the corner, so soon, I’ll be out crawling on the ground for dew drop shots. Yes, Copper was enjoying his time out there. He loves the mornings when we go outside for photography sessions. Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos.

      1. I did enjoy the photos Shelley. It was humid this morning and I saw several webs, a few intricate ones, at Lake Erie Metropark, but no dew drops on them, so I didn’t take any pictures.

        1. Thanks Linda. Yeah, the dew drops make them more fun to capture. I’ll be over to check out your post – I love to see the pictures you take!

          1. Yes, that dew makes everything look so fresh, especially when the sun’s rays hit it and cause prisms or reflections in the droplets.

  10. Well bummer, my comment flew off the screen or it is in your SPAM filter. What I said was that the morning is always peaceful and you have captured it beautifully, including my little pal Copper bathed in the golden light. The time is near when spiders spin webs overnight from trees and bushes and big spiders are hanging out when I walk into them as you can’t always see those webs as they are so filmy and then I am struggling to get spider web fibers away from me in case a spider was part of the equation.

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