
A dose of blue skies

A study quoted in the book I’m reading (The Nature Fix) states: “getting out in nature (in the forest) for 3 hours per week for 12 weeks can reduce symptoms of depression and increase sociability, physical exercise, and self-esteem.”

…it is a theory that if a person is in bad shape and has low energy, you can’t be with other people too much.  But you can be with animals, plants, stones, and water. –  Ottosson

I was sitting by myself in the warmth of the sunshine coming through the window when I read the above quote.  Right after I poured myself a Wisconsin beer to quench my thirst.


I did a really great job of pouring it, too!


I was enjoying some salty snacks with my beer.  In an attempt to eat every morsel from the bottom of the bag of Tostitos, I poured them into a bowl.  I grumbled when I found the act of dipping crumbs into the chunky salsa inefficient, so Mr. suggested a spoon.  I’ll be damned if it did come in handy for mixing the crumbs with the salsa.  I was able to swallow up the mushy mixture from the bowl in no time – making it a successful endeavor.

The sky is the daily bread of the eyes. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

This was after I had already eaten 3 bowls of popcorn.  Oh, yeah, the beer was needed to rinse down the extra salt consumption of my comfort eating binge session.


I do weird things when left alone on a Sunday afternoon, especially when it’s too cold to go outside.


After I read about the 3 hours/week in nature stuff, I quickly shut up my Kindle and rinsed all my tools of the binge eating trade.  I sat back down and glanced out the window and wondered if Ottosson was onto something about needing to get outside more to ward off depression (or binge eating, aka, cabin fever)?

I’m an introvert…I love being by myself, love being outdoors, love taking a long walk with my dogs and looking at the trees, flowers, the sky. – Audrey Hepburn

The sun coming through the window was so warm, so I decided to see for myself if some fresh air was just what I needed.  I stepped outside on the deck to enjoy the sunshine.  Damn if it wasn’t a sight to behold.

But, it was windy and cold despite the beauty I could see all around me.

The wind momentarily stopped as I stepped a little further outside.  I looked up and saw my favorite color and beautiful cloud formations, and I began to smile.  Then a gust of cold air hit me back to reality.  I backed up close to the house to block the wind.  Not happening for this fair weather chick today, dear Mr. Ottosson.

But, I was determined to get a quick dose of Vitamin D and nature for the week.  So, I did this little dance routine the rest of the afternoon.  I stepped out the door, snapped a few shots, and dashed back into the warmth of the house.

I’m amazed at how the clouds changed patterns with raging winds.

I finally gave up going outside and resorted to taking shots from the comfort of my chair as I looked out through the window.


I wonder if my 3 hours of dashing in and out the door to the deck, or my sitting in a chair watching clouds from the window, count for this week’s recommended dose of nature?

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.  – John Lubbock

Admiring the sun through the window seems to work for Tizzie.  She might be onto something?  She looks so relaxed, laying there all alone as she soaks up the sun.  Maybe next round I should just take a nap and skip the snacks and beer?


Happy Monday All!  I’m off to the treadmill to read more about getting out in nature…

Enjoy the blue skies and the sunshine you find in your view of the world!






15 thoughts on “A dose of blue skies

        1. I’ve been pigeonholed by personality tests, of course. Is there something you see that indicates I’m not? 😉

  1. Wonderful photographs! Loved the one of the cat. I am thinking of getting one. Since I am alone 90% of the time, it may be good company to me. Excellent post. Thank you for sharing. g

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Our cats are very fun to have around, if you’ve got the time and don’t mind their quirks, they are great pets!

    1. Leinie’s aims to please beer drinkers and former fans, too. I’m sure they’d be happy you remembered their beer as a being a good beer. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  2. Shelley, I absolutely agree with the study. I love being outdoors…as long as the temperature is 30F and above. The sun and air and trees are food for the soul. Maybe we can both get out for a nice long walk on Wednesday. It’s supposed to be 55 and sunny here. WooHoo!

    In the meantime, on the cold days, I agree with the cats. Lay on the floor, in the sun, and take a nap. 😉

    1. Mary, thank you for the thoughts and the hope for sunny adventures this week! And, I agree, too, a nap in the sunshine is a perfect remedy for the cold! Happy Tuesday to you!

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