Last night, on day 2 of Dry January, while the Hoomans were eating warm up their tummies with healthy stuff kinda soup, a blog post began to stir.

It was just me, a little ol’ doggie, standing there all terrified of my bowl that moves while I’m trying to eat from it off of the floor.
Not at the table with the hoomans, mind you, but on the cold and intimidating floor.
I shook as I stood alongside my bowl filled with homemade kibble, that I wanted to eat if it only it would just stay in the middle.
As soon as Mrs. helped me by scrapping it from the sides so my tongue could get at it better, I was then off, like a fiend, as I devoured all of the store-bought kibbles she had also placed out on the floor for me to nibble.
I tell ya, it was another outstanding dining experience in the books for 2019.
Who says I’m not the king of the house is surely amiss.
Well, maybe there are two or three in the house that would disagree? You see…
there are the cats, that’s who, and the Mr., too. The cats get fed first, ‘cuz you know, they meow the loudest.
And then Mr. sat at the table and waited patiently to eat, while the Mrs. helped me finish each tiny little rice morsel, holding the scary moving bowl until I got each and every last one.
Mr. has the patience of a saint. (He paid me to say that).
We all know I’m then able to move on to the floor and devour the rest on my own and that’s when the hoomans can eat.
That is, unless one kibble slides under the paper towel, behind my water bowl, and then all I can do is stare at it until a hooman rescues it for me or I have to go outside to evacuate my bowels.
It’s a damn disgrace, but at least I show some grace.
Meanwhile, the cats have long since finished their meal and one of them will saunter in over yonder, and drool and lick profusely…not performing a cat bath following dinner, but a display of a catnip fix in progress.
It’s a sight to see.
It appears catnip does bizarre things to a cat, just like a moving bowl does to a dog and a hooman.
Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it. – Julia Child
In life, I often wonder, do you think there’s a cause to my bowl that moves? Is it because of being a cat bowl and not made for a dog? It’s hell to be a small dog…you get cat size stuff.
Oh, my, it’s the little things like this that I and the hoomans long to find the answers to and for the Mrs. to blog about. It’s kind of all about her in the end.
However, as luck would have it, an unanswered topic like this does fit quite well alongside with a Just Jot it January – why did Mrs. start her blog anyhow?
So, umm, yeah, I’m not positive about her reasons – they’re a mystery to me? All I’m thankful for is that goodness gracious, she lets me help her write on occasion.
Let me ask her the question of the day?
Mrs., why do you blog?
“It’s a better form of therapy than drinking. It’s a way to learn more about myself and the moments of the world I live in. It’s a safe place to let my crazy ass head full of gray curls share with the world my freedom to express myself (you should see what those curls help me do in the wee hours of the morning – I’m a woman at her keyboard laced with cups full of caffeine and a Don King look to boot, and not a soul around to see me until I publish a post a photo…jeez…weird…but you know, I took a selfie on the first of the year, and needed a place to put it…didn’t you do that, too???).
And mostly I blog because it’s a damn good way to have fun! I get to meet a lot of cool bloggers across the world. Does it have to be more than that, or for a better reason?
I thought so at once.
But then I discovered, there’s a lot to learn about blogging and that fits me just dandy – I’m a learning-as-I-go person and blogger and photographer, in an empty nest with a little bit of time on my hands.
So there you have it…a profound discovery that a journey writing a daily blog fits me and my quirky nature just fine.
But wait…there’s a tad bit more…I also have a tiny group of followers, that are apparently interested in my ramblings, and my life, MY life – Go figure!?! I’m thankful for each and every one of them, so yeah, I write for them, aka, my daughters, and YOU, too!”
And, yes…by the way, this news just in…for those of you curious chaps – I did survive Day 2 of Dry January. Without any supplemental Kombucha, too! And NO Tostitos chips were consumed either. So that meant I went to bed early. It’s important to do so when the first day back to work was a doozy, that may have, in the not so distant past, resulted in some boozy.
Anyhoo, Copper can’t complain, this early to bed, and early to rise thing is a doggie’s dream life. A full tummy and a warm bed are all he really needs. I can’t wait to see what Day 3 will bring. This Dry January is working out splendidly for us so far.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s #JusJoJan – Your Blog, Dutch Goes the Photo Tuesday Challenge Floor.
PS – Do you spoil your pets and then tell the world about it in a blog? Do you blog for fun or are you on a mission to make it out to be something more?
Thankful for you, sharing your stories. Well done on Day 2!
Thank you, Rebecca!
Dogs have such weird and (somewhat) amusing habits. One of our grand-dogs wouldn’t eat until she tried to bury her full dish under the kitchen throw rug. Our crazy dog runs to his bowl and starts lapping water furiously whenever I start to cook. Then he shows up in the kitchen and gets all up in my business hoping for fallen scraps when I chop anything. To be fair, I occasionally give him a scrap or two (in his food bowl, of course…ha!) so I have “fed” that habit.
I’m happily retired, so I don’t drink to deal with work anymore, but I clearly remember longing for a glass of wine in some of the meetings I was forced to attend.
Yes, dogs are peculiar, that’s for sure…and a glass of wine after some meetings is definitely a desired craving……………..just 28 more days to go!?!
“It’s a better form of therapy than drinking.” – I laughed out load at that line, Shelley. I’m trying to catch up on an inbox run amok while I slept an entire day away. Our dog takes mouthfuls of food and wanders with them. She puts them down and then eats them. Sometimes, she lays next to the bowl and eats out of it kinda slug like. They are funny to watch, but easy to please.
LOL – glad you chuckled at my one-liner!
If you write a blog on how to catch up on emails I’m all ears! Maggie is such a good doggie, smart too to keep her hooman entertained!
I don’t really write about my cats as much as I probably should. But then, it’s my blog, I can do whatever I want.
I think I write the blog for fun. I don’t share anything earthshattering, just some radio station surveys from the past and stream of consciousness writing. I avoid religion and politics. Particularly the latter.
Yes, you can write about whatever you want, and you do damn well at choosing and organizing and making it fun! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Love your eyes……..can’t remember anything before or after……..something about you eating off the floor????
LOL – wait, the eyes, but not the hair!?!
You have hair too…….oh my gosh. Perhaps I need a rear shot

LOL – Ask and you shall receive!
Can hardly wait
I love how you let your pets write on your blog. Who knew how talented they were. It makes me chuckle. It has been fun blogging to me so many wonderful people and photographers. Seeing pictures of places I will never get to. So fun.
Thank you, Anita, they’ve had plenty of practice giving me advice as well as material. Glad you enjoy their adventures! I like it when your pets help you out too! Ditto, I enjoy seeing where other bloggers live and what stories they have to tell about their lives.
Every time I ask my doggie what she would like to write about on our blog this day, she yawns… me a blank stare and then mozies off to her bed and falls asleep. I guess she wants me to interpret her dreams.
Until then, I can see nothing nor write anything from her angle.
Oh well.
I blog because I have something to say AND I meet so many interesting and wonderful people in my blogesphere…..such as yourself!
LOL – some dogs are more on the shy side. Yes, you do have something to say and you’re off to a great start with your word of the year and your first stock-up shopping trip. I’m inspired by your planning and organizing and consideration of the future!
Thanks Shelley. My doggie was happy to know that I bought her three giant bags of her fave dog food (14 pound bags) on sale, @$5.75 off each from the regular price. That’s around 4-5 or so months of food. YAY! Or as she said ‘aarrff!” LOL!
You’re a doggie hero! That’s amazing price shopping, great job!
$5.75 X 3 = $17.25 which is the cost of a 14 pound bad of dog food! It’s like getting a bag for free. Guess we’ll be keeping doggie for yet another month. LOL.
Copper has some heady thoughts and I love that – I also like that you hold his dish so that it doesn’t get away from him. I’ve seen dogs over the years that have the bowl sliding ritual going all over the house and they’re right on top of it … and they don’t have homemade tasty dog food, just the store-bought stuff. The expression “a dog’s life” … ha, it is more like a prince. Pets are made to be indulged!
Dry January is making me laugh a little bit this year because I’ve been practicing dry “every month” since finding out I was pregnant! Glad to have some friend along for the ride at least for one month, ha!

Happy New Year!
Congratulations!! Not only is that the best time to practice dry months, but that also brings back happy memories for me of when I did the same thing! Happy New Year to you, too!!