
A dog weighs in on summer and allergies

Hi all – it’s me, Copper.   Trust me…I’m friendly, I know I don’t appear to be a happy dog lately, though.


The Mrs. is busy getting ready to leave me again.  She’s on her way to another charity 5k race.  She said, “More on that later.”

Whatever, so, yeah, it’s just me.

I’m here to weigh in, at 8#’s I think.  I’ve lost some weight – it’s all the licking I’ve been doing since the grass allergy season kicked in.

From my view of the world, there’s a lot of stuff that’s blurry about grass and weeds and non-whey allergies.


Every weed around has some kind of fluff or pollen or whatever haunting me.   In all corners of the lot.


When my stature is so low to the ground, the stuff just climbs on me as I walk around. Even when I’m on the driveway, there’s stuff to pick up and carry with me on my tootsies.  The crap may not weigh a lot, but dagnabit, it’s sticky.  When I go back inside it makes me feel all prickly.


It makes me pause and itch a lot.


It’s really bugging both of us.  The tiny things that bug us we don’t see when we first head outside.


But looking closer, there are a lot of little things hanging around that bug us.  How many bugs do you see in the next picture?  Weigh in on comments below!


This morning, after I returned back inside, I got busy cleaning myself.  I almost bit Mrs.  I was so engrossed in the cleaning task at paw, that when she tried to distract me when she came my way, I yipped and nipped and tucked.  And growled at her.

Sigh…I love her so.

But her &#*@&!&! routine of plunking me in the washtub and washing my feet after returning back in from outside is really testing our love for each other.


I’ve weighed in enough, it’s time for me to be on my way, my whey-free, it’s all in the grass allergy, way.

Post Inspiration – Come on over and join in with Linda G. Hill’s prompt here at her Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Weigh Way Whey.  Bonus points (not sure how they are redeemed, ‘cuz this pup deserves some rewards for using all, don’t you think?!)

PS – Hope your allergy season is going okay for you!  Love will pull us through ours, we’re hoping so!  What do you have planned for the weekend?  How many bugs did you see in the picture – do weigh in…your comments are adored!



29 thoughts on “A dog weighs in on summer and allergies

  1. Copper, sorry for the horrible allergy season. The dunking will be over soon, when Mother Nature and the first hard frost gets rid of most of those allergens.

    PS: Tell mom I think I counted 14 bugs, but it could be 13 or 12 or who knows.

    1. Aw, Mary, your kind words of encouragement help – I have a hunch that you’re not fond of the frost that will soon arrive either?! The only good part is the allergens that will disappear.
      Your guess is close on the bugs – she claims there are 18 bugs. She sees things sometimes though!?

  2. Poor doggy! The downside of nature rears its ugly head…allergens should be gone as the weather gets colder (along with the bugs – yay!). Hang in there.

  3. A killing frost will make you feel better Copper, not long now! Let mom wash your feet, you’ll feel better Copper!

    1. Thank you, John, Mrs. agrees with you – I can’t wait to feel better, but I’m not excited about the cold either. It’s tough to be a little dog!

  4. I saw the bugs but didn’t strain to count them. Poor guy with the allergies. I have some doggy wipes that I use sometimes when we come home from our walks because while Benny doesn’t have allergies, he does walk in all kinds of stuff as he sniffs his way along.

    1. No worries – there are 18 bugs. Wipes…hmm…that’s interesting, I’m going to tell Mrs. to research that idea! Thanks for giving me hope and potential freedom from the dunking process!

  5. While I don’t go around sniffing every corner of the yard, I sympathize with Copper. I’m allergic to this time of year, too. Frost is the only solution.

    1. You’re wise to not sniff where you shouldn’t. A dog’s nose just gets small dogs in trouble. There’s a theme going on for frost. Sigh…! (Thank you for sharing your thoughts, hope you find relief from your allergies soon, too!)

  6. Copper – I feel your pain. I’ve been getting allergy shots since 1975. They told me I no longer needed them in 1995, so I quit. Then my allergies came back – worse than before. Now I have Spring allergies – before it was Summer allergies. Go figure. Let Mom put some boots on you and then no worries. I know boots are fun, but think about it.

    1. Aw, thank you for your support, Linda. It’s been a rough summer. I don’t want winter, but I do want the grass allergies to stop. I don’t have much fur left on my feet from all the chewing…!

      1. I know honey – it is rough. In the Summer, my allergies were so bad, I couldn’t carry on a conversation without sneezing multiple times and my throat was so itchy, I’d swallow dry Grape Nuts to scratch it. But allergy shots cured me … I wonder if immunotherapy works for dogs? Ask your mom to find out okay?

        1. Aw, thank you for your sympathy. Sorry you’re having a rough time too. Don’t you worry – I’m making sure mom is paying attention and trying to find a solution for me. The upside of all the rain is that the grass has been ‘washed’ of the pollen. I’m loving that, despite hating to have to go out in the rain.

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