
A day to just let it go

Do you ever have one of those days where you find the best approach to the day is to, “Just let it go?”

That was my yesterday.  The WHOLE DAY.  A day of deep breaths and a “just let it go” attitude.

It started crappy with a WordPress battle that was self-induced, sort-of, by my not double checking and the lack thereof of a spellchecking button at the top of my editor.  Trusting that it is just running smoothly in the background didn’t work so well for me.


As many of you mentioned, you too discovered the dang button is missing.  I’ve yet to understand why those in WordPress power remove a function that works well for people, making it suddenly disappear, and replace it with a button to the side.


A button that I’m staying clear of, even if it is all blingy and bold and tempting to click.  If they can’t get the trash a post function working, why would I trust a “try the new block editor to level up your layout” sales pitch?!


I just let it go.  I didn’t give up though, I re-wrote my post and moved on.

It rained.  A lot.  I melt in the rain, and I had to go out in it to a meeting 30 minutes from home.  I hate it when I have to go out in the rain.  Even if we need rain.  I still would rather watch it from the shelter of the house.

Worse yet, it was blustery as heck.  I had to drive in the wind-laced rain storm.  As I drove, white-knuckled all the way to my meeting, I reminded myself to ‘just let it go’.

I made it there.  No longer hungry for the best pie ever.


I just dashed into the meeting and asked for a cup of decaf coffee.  I picked it up and I held in my cold hands.  Once my hands were sufficiently warmed up, I set the cup on the saucer and contributed to the conversation in the meeting.  I glanced down and noticed the cup had chunks of leftover food on it.  Crusted on.  Ewe.

I just let it go.  And drank my water instead.

When the meeting ended, I dashed back out through the rain and jumped into my car.  I checked for messages on my phone before heading out to drive home.  I had a text from Mr.:

“Hey, you better charge your phone on the way home.  Power is out.  Text me when you get home and I’ll open your garage door manually.  I’ll let you know if it comes back on in the meantime.”  

Me:  “Oh no!  I don’t have a charger!  I’m heading home now.”

Mr:  “That’s ok.  My USB hub is powered off the UPS while it lasts.  Xcel estimates power will be back around 6pm.” 

I buckled up, started the car, flipped on the wipers, and headed back home.


In the wind and rain.  White-knuckled.  I just let it go.  And prayed I’d make it home.  You can’t stop the weather from happening.

As I drove, my stomach rumbled.  I worried a bit about what we’d eat for dinner, without power.  I should’ve bought the pie to take home.  Sigh.

I arrived home to my hero who was waiting to open the garage door.  So I wouldn’t melt.

I walked into the house and it smelled like an Italian restaurant.  It wasn’t me and oregano on my face either – I’ve let that phase go for now?  I’ve moved onto Vitamin E Oil.  Which by the way is to die for as a moisturizer.  But I digress.

How does one cook a meal for a queen without power?  A gas stove.  Thank goodness Mr. had started dinner before the power went out.  A warm bowl of soup melted all my worries away.


As he served the bowls, I checked on my little sprouts who I’ve neglected a tad.  They are desperately trying to hang on in the lack of sunshine.

We sat in the peaceful quiet.

We watched the rain through the windows, listened to the wind whistle through the tiny cracks in the windows.  Ate our soup.  And just let it go.  Until the power came back on 1/2 hour later.  Before it was supposed to.  Thank goodness.

Sometimes lack of power in a day is peaceful.


Post Inspiration – Nancy Merrill’s Photo a Week Challenge – Raindrops

PS – How about you, do you just ‘let it go’ or do you worry when things aren’t going as you planned?   Do you enjoy power outages?  Do you pull out a candle and sit in the peace and quiet?  How about WordPress functionality for you today, is it working for you?! 


50 thoughts on “A day to just let it go

  1. Did you have Elsa playing in your head on repeat? LOL.

    We sure have a lot of similarities in our lives. Still with the damn rain this morning, and now add wind. Unlike you, we have had enough and the rivers are high. Fun times. We have regular power outages, and your hubby looks like a champ with all the cooking. (No similarities there…ha!) But we do have a gas stove, so we can cook and make hot drinks. Love the little colorful buckets with baby plants in them. Hope they get some sun soon…and send it this way!

    1. LOL – I do tend to think of Elsa when I say that. I do love her long gray hair ;-)!!!
      This weather is something else! We definitely have lots in common, I appreciate hearing them and that about your visits here! I’m hoping the little marigolds survive my attempt to grow them inside the house. If we get any sun, I’ll send it your way. I’m trying to avoid the snow that hit in Minnesota last night!! I would definitely feel Elsa’s ‘frozen’ if that arrives here!

  2. Sometimes we do need to let it go and if we do it we feel much better 😊🌷 Peace and quite is very welcome too 😊 WP it has it’s ups and downs, crushing, deleting comments…but I think we need to let it go too and hopefully they’ll improve it 😊

    1. Thank you for your upbeat message! Love the cute emojis, too! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for better days with WP!

  3. Let’s hope that everything that was going to go wrong this week, picked yesterday to happen – that’s a lot of wrong (not the least of which is the food on the cup). In case you missed the moral to this story, I would suggest that it’s – “Never pass up the opportunity to have pie.”

    Some of the decisions the folks at WP make, makes me wonder if any of them write anything other than code. Why move/remove Spellcheck? Why eliminate the Indent function? It makes my head hurt.

    1. Thanks, Dan. I should’ve taken the chance to get a piece of pie!
      I know…what are they thinking? It’s mind-boggling to me. I appreciate your support in this journey! WP should hire you as a consultant!

  4. What a day you had! Oh my. The dried up food on the cup would have put me over the edge. Yuk! I admire your perseverance through it all. I am now avoiding the block editor and staying plain and simple. As much as I’d like to jazz things up. I appreciate the WP examples/screen shots. And your photos are great – they capture the mood and the rain and your cute colorful pails :). Hope today is a better day.

    1. Yeah, it was a day, that’s for sure. LOL – the food on the cup…ugh. I’d stay clear of the darn block editor until they get it working properly. Thanks for the kudos on the pictures and for the wishes for a good day. I’m hoping your well wishes sink into the dirt in the pails and help those little sprouts grow and survive. 😉

  5. ‘Let it go’ is the subtext of my life. I understand your frustrations, and some days are worse than others, but isn’t that what cocktails are for? 🍸😊

  6. Third try…

    ‘Let it go’ is the subtext of my life. I understand your frustrations, and some days are worse than others, but isn’t that what cocktails are for? 🍸😊

  7. Well, I use the original or Legacy editor exclusively, no worries. If WP forces us to use that stupid Gutenberg thing, I am gone, bye bye WP! Being retired, I let things go plenty each day! No schedule is so nice. And the electricity has never once gone out in my six years in Las Vegas Shelley, that says a ton about our NV Energy!

    1. LOL – you’re on the right track to live a stress-free life! Our power was out for 150 families. Crazy – probably a tree fell on a power line or something. That’s amazing that you’ve never been without power – some of those windy days you’ve shared looked like they could do damage!

      1. I suppose it has gone out elsewhere in the valley but never, ever anywhere I’ve been or lived. Our NV Energy apparently knows how to build a solid grid.

    1. Aw, thanks, Rebecca, I appreciate your feedback. The soup is awesome – it is a copycat recipe for Olive Garden’s Minestrone Soup. One of Mr.’s favorites to make!

  8. the weather sure has been unfriendly that last 5 months. I am ready for some warm calm days with weather and me. Not much else can gross me out to find dirty dished at a restaurant. Gross.
    But you soup looks fabulous. Perfect for a day like we have been having.

    1. Yes, Anita, I agree with you! The cup was GROSS and yes, the soup was awesome. It warmed me up since it was chilly in the house without power to run the furnace. Soon we’ll all have warmer weather!

        1. LOL – everytime we wash the linens and make the bed, I ask Mr. “So should we take off the extra blanket yet?” We keep putting it back on! Sigh!

  9. Your posts keep me satisfied with using Blogger as my main platform to write my posts on. They seem to translate nicely to WP via IFTTT and while I occasionally need to tweak a picture or a link, it is a very easy fix. The soup looks marvelous to come home to on a cold and rainy day!

    1. I enjoyed using Blogger when I first started. I didn’t know enough about being able to have the two platforms talk to each other, so you’re fortunate to have found a way to make it work for you! Yes, the soup is perfect for a cold day – or anytime, it’s just plain good soup. He made enough for a few days, so we’re having it again today!

  10. Oy, Shelley, I feel you! First of all, I HATE when things don’t go as planned and I’m terrible at letting it all go. I really do try, but it’s not in my skill set. Second, I also HATE being out in the rain! After spending my whole life in Los Angeles, where it never rains, I now live in Nashville, where it rains all, the, damn, time! In fact, it’s raining now!!!! I will try your mantra to “just let it go,” and see what happens. Thanks for sharing and I hope today is better for you. xoxo

    1. LOL – we’re two peas in a rain drenched pod (pond!)! I hope your day of letting it go worked for you. I’m still fighting my way through the remnants of the previous day! But…tomorrow is FRIDAY! ;-)! Let’s hope that the sun shines over the weekend! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate hearing I’m not the only one that melts under pressure 😉

  11. I hate when a horrible day just snowballs as the hours pass, starting out bad, and intensifying throughout the day. There is no turning back and since we must practice adulting always, it is not as if we can just go to bed and put the covers over our heads. I absolutely hate a rainy day too – I’m not even happy with light rain and that’s why it is difficult for me to embrace it for walking, even now, despite buying waterproof shoes and rain boots. I’ve been luckily lately as the spigot was turned off to walk.. I dunno about bringing the pie home since you saw the food encrusted on the coffee cup – this was the same venue? Glad you got your power on so quickly. I am completely undone when the power goes out. I have metal roll-up blinds on all the windows. Only one blind works well to raise/lower it because I left them down for protection and they have stuck in place so can no longer be opened. Great protection and help with cold/heat, but it is pitch dark in the house when the power is out. I have emergency lanterns and get them out when we are expecting a storm, but when it’s clear as a bell and the power goes out and I’m unprepared it upsets me. I have a flashlight in my room and also at the kitchen table so I can find the lanterns quickly.

    1. I love that you can relate to my misery. I would freak too with the blinds if they couldn’t open! Thankfully the daylight (even with the rain) allowed us to see in the kitchen to find the flashlight. Even carrying the flashlight to other rooms, we still tried to turn on the light. Habits die hard! Yeah, the food on the cup was the determining factor that I’d pass on the pie. ;-)!

      1. It is my fault for leaving them down – they are called “rolling metal shutters” and were installed in 1979 and in the Winter you had to leave them up if there was freezing rain on the way or they’d freeze in place. My mother hated them down as she felt claustrophobic when they were down, so she’d open them halfway before turning out the lights when freezing rain was expected. About 15 years ago we had to have two blinds replaced in the same year at a cost of $800.00 and $600.00 respectively (the second was the bathroom and you know how small that window is) … they just collapsed and would not open. So in 2010 we had some bad Summer storms with high winds. I shut all the blinds as it was a constant thing for several weeks … there is also the worry with high winds, that they will come off the track. If you pull them down all the way, they lock and cannot be accessed from the outside. I left them down a lot that Summer and in the Fall they were difficult to hoist up/down and I didn’t want to pay a small fortune, so left them down til the following Spring. Surprise! They were stuck in place. I had the blind company come and unstick two of them – a back and side window in case of fire. But they charged $85.00 apiece to fix them and said since most of them were so old, that raising and lowering them was dicey and they may all need to be replaced. The front room window he said would be $2,500.00 – since the crime is getting bad here, I just leave them all down now and yank the two working ones once a month to ensure they don’t freeze in place. It’s a PIA … now they have electric ones and you control them with a button; these are controlled by a heavy-duty strap which rolls up into a box.

        1. Wow – I’ve never heard of them. I would keep them down too if they kept me safe. If that didn’t matter, they’d be taken off and replaced with plastic mini-blinds so I could open them up to sunshine easily. They sound incredibly expensive to replace!

          1. They were installed in 1979. My father was German. The original ones were made by a company called Karda Reflex and he saw them advertised at a home show – he thought they were a good idea and crime was not like bad here, but he said the idea of locking shutters appealed to him. They had them installed at every window. Businesses use them, especially if they have a glassed-in area, like for instance a Dairy Queen. Yes, expensive to replace and also expensive for having them removed permanently. That is why I decided to keep them down 24/7.

          2. Yes, I’ve seen them at a Dairy Queen before, thank you for clarifying for me. I probably would’ve left them too after that huge investment.

          3. Yes, a lot of commercial buildings use them and DQs that close for the Winter often have them. The rolling shutters they make nowadays aren’t like ours. They can be programmed to open and close and they are all controlled by a button, not a strap. Very fancy now. Of course, the more electronic that gadgets are, the more likely they are to break or be useless in a power outage. I used to tell my mom that she raised the blinds the same time every morning, lowered them the same time (based on the season, time change, etc.) each night so that a burglar didn’t have to be too smart to figure out when someone was home/not home if the blinds didn’t move, regardless of whether you had a timer going in each room or not. So, if they open/close to follow the sun (closing to keep it cool) or if you’re away from the house via a timer, that’s a good thing. Ours not so much. And, they required maintenance like a person who had to come and unhook them and pull them out to clean them thoroughly, especially on the inside, otherwise, you’re looking a dirt which collects through the slits. They are not for everyone. At this house there are blinds on the inside of each window so you can’t see the inside of the rolling metal shutters – they are essentially a PIA.

          4. Yeah, your description of the maintenance makes me not want them – I don’t need any PIA stuff around – I make enough situations like that all on my own! LOL!

  12. What a bad day you had, but pie would have made it better! I like a nice rain storm if I can stay inside cozy and just watch it outside. Driving in torrential rain is almost as bad as driving in whiteouts. So I see you have given up on the new editor, a wise woman – let someone else be the guinea pig for them!

    1. I’m thinking the pie would’ve been a good thing, maybe next trip! I’m right there with you – I don’t like driving in the rain or the snow storms. Yes, I’ve given up on the new editor for now. It has too many bugs. I may need to update my theme to one that works with it or the 5.2 WordPress, maybe that’s part of the problem too?! Who knows.

      1. What theme do you use? Is it even possible to update a theme? I spent a lot of time designing mine initially with the widgets and sidebar, so I will not be happy if I have to change it to make it compatible!

        1. I have Simplice theme that I bought. Yes, it took quite a while for me to set it up too. And yes, you can change it, it’s hard to tell what would happen to older posts though. So far, the theme company keeps providing me with updates, so I shouldn’t have to change…I hope. I can imagine some companies don’t want to keep up with WP changes though. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that both of us won’t have to change!

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