Adventures · Inspiration

A chubba cat walks into a bar and says “Sup”

Here’s the sap/sep/sip/sop/sup kind of deal.  I don’t care for it when Copper gets all the accolades for his blog posts.  So I was meowing complaining about it and said to Mrs., “Sup with that?”  So she acquiesced and gave me the chance to show him up.

So there.

Have I got your attention yet?  Are you ready, I’ve got lots of sh*t to say about that?


I’m taking over space here today, because, he doesn’t know squat about how to make things happen when the word prompt is, um…well, not cool like enigmatic that he got to write about yesterday.

I’m thinking this Dry January is making the Mrs. a tad mad or creative or whatever?

Or maybe it’s all the bizarre reading material she’s ordering or receiving as gifts…?  Answers to questions this chubba cat will never really know the truth on.


We’ll actually, I guess Copper does know how to get his way.  But he’s not the only one in the house that’s got opinions to share.

So there.  Jeez…but really, he’s just a dog.


A small dog, at that, and he can’t take control of his world and eat without the help of hoomans.  They’ve even gone to the disgraceful level of stooping to sop his food so he would eat it.

That was before they made homemade dog food in the Instant Pot, that comes right to the floor for him fully prepared and pre-sopped for his tiny delicate tongue to sop up.  He’s so damn finicky, but I kind of like that about him.  When he leaves his kibble behind on the floor, I eat it.


So there.  He’s such a sop sap.

Meanwhile, there’s my sister, Tizzie.  We were both born in Sep (or maybe it was earlier, anyhow, we both came into this house in the month of September, from what I can remember, anyhow…I digress).


She’s ruled all horizontal surfaces for the purposes of warm sunny naps ever since.  Sometimes she even drools and the Mr. has had to sop it up.  She does that with catnip too.  Gross, I know, right?!

She’s good with the “Sup” look, don’t ya think?


She’s always dreaming of a sip or two of water, too.  The naps are how she rests her tongue.

I admire that about her.

And then there’s the Mrs.  The one with the camera, who’s always trying to take shots of odd things she’s doing or reading.  She thinks she’s the world’s best boss.  But, ‘tween you and me, I know the truth – it’s just a larger than life cup that she sips from that someone bought her.


So there.  I frankly think she’s a sap for new ideas, but that’s just me.

Like, she’s on this kick of something called a Dry January? WTH?  Yesterday was Day 4, and she had sips of Kombucha, but no Tostitos chips.

I normally have to dodge the bag on the table when I jump up here, so I’m kind of liking her kicking the habit of the bag sitting in my way.  It had consumed a considerable amount of space where now my redundant fluff fits quite well, don’t ya agree?


By the way, on a complete side note (Linda G. Hill tells us that Stream of Consciousness Saturdays does that to us, causes Crazy Cat Ladylike things).  I hear those really good writers in the books Mrs. reads like to observe others to find things to write about.

It takes an uncommon amount of guts to put your dreams on the line. – Erma Bombeck

I do that too, but while I’m doing so, I’m waiting patiently.


You know, for things to happen to for me.  I kickstart the day first by awakening the hoomans by pouncing thudding on their bladders and meowing to feed me.  After a good solid 8 hours of sleep, that’s enough, my stomach can’t wait any longer.  I time it to coincide with their need to empty their bladders.

So there.  That does work, by the way.

Most of the time, though, my life is a tad easier than hoomans have, I guess.  I, too, like my sister, tend to lounge around, staying alert to opportunities, and then I get what I was after the whole time.

I wait while Tizzie melts the ice.  Somehow, it has never stuck to her tongue, I admire that.

Then she leaves.


And I wait to make sure she’s really gone and the ice is sufficiently small.


Then I get to drink.


A sip of water, of course.  Nothing but the best for me.

So there…




Didn’t you get the lesson in this extremely hard to write prompt of sap/sep/sip/sop/sup?

Pay attention, folks, yeah, this chubbachick covered all of them despite Mrs. making it SEP for the day.

And I’m pretty sure it had to do with my beverage choice for the day.  ‘Cuz if I hadn’t wanted Mrs. to fill the glass for me, you and I wouldn’t be here at the end of the post amazed at my writing skills by paying attention to details.  While I was waiting for a drink.  Bars are an amazing place to watch hoomans do things for pets.

And, by the way, I don’t get what the big deal about a Dry January is anyhow, water is simply heavenly.  Even if I’m the second one to drink.

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday and #JusJoJan

PS – Special thanks to Dessy today, because if I don’t thank her she’ll wake me up earlier tomorrow.  Don’t you just love ice chilled glasses of water – so refreshing, better than a chilled beer, right!?  


25 thoughts on “A chubba cat walks into a bar and says “Sup”

    1. Thank you, Dan! I sure wish I could figure out why you have such troubles with my blog (and posts)…GRR…I’m thankful you always tell me when you’re having issues.

  1. Cute kitties. We don’t let ours on the table at all but once in a while she’ll get on the coffee table and try to sip some of the hubby’s drink. Very interesting book about holding in farts. Does it kill you?

    1. You’re wise beyond measure – the Mr. encouraged the cats climbing when they were young, and that was all she wrote. So yeah…I hadn’t read that chapter yet, but it turns out that it doesn’t kill you! 🙂 Such a spoiler I am, eh?

    1. Thank you, Dessy is smitten with your kudos and follow – I’ll try not to let it go to her head! I’ll be by to check out your blog too!

  2. Brilliant post. I should let our greyhound write mine 😎 they are supposed to be like cats. She is with us for a year tomorrow and I can only say it’s true 🙋 greetings to your pets and the hoomans too, of course 😁

    1. Thank you, Bee, we’re glad you enjoyed it. It is nice to share the love of writing with pets on occasion! Thanks for stopping by, great to hear from you!

    1. LOL – that one was the gift! A white elephant one at Christmas. It is fairly interesting, despite the cover! Hope you have a great weekend too.

    1. Aw, Dessy is touched by your encouragement. That means, she’ll probably but in again in the, not too distant future. Thank you for stopping by. I loved your take on the prompt – welcome back to writing again! xx

  3. Beautiful cats. Water is especially refreshing. My go to drink these days. Hats off to a woman who can sip Kombucha. I … just … can’t. Even though I’ve been told it’ll be good for me.

    Happy Saturday! What’s left of it anyways 🙂

    1. Thank you! Yes, I love water. I’ve been expanding to Matcha and Kombucha (the Humm brand is tasty – even for those who are ‘eh I don’t think so’ there’s usually a flavor that will allow for 1 serving consumption. We’re going to try and make our own, we’ll see if that is as tasty?! Happy Sunday to you!

  4. Holding a fart won’t kill you………it will travel up your spine and into your brain……that’s where shitty ideas come from 😀 😀 😀

  5. Those kitties and Copper give you plenty of fodder for your blog posts Shelley – I liked you eat Copper’s kibbles he left on the floor!

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