Friday is the day of the week for a call to action for a celebration – it’s the end of the work week, who wouldn’t be celebrating it?
I should be excited on a Friday afternoon. Except I wasn’t. The weather forecast is for rain so that means no outside time.
After a week cooped up in the office, I want need OUTSIDE time, dammit.
But the crops and plants and grass need the rain, so I should still be celebrating. We’re finally going to have a few storms in a row. And, frankly, I have plenty of projects I can work on in the house. So, again, I should be happy about the opportunity presented for me to work inside guilt free.
But I was in a funk.
Like clouds gathered into collective powers of gloom. I was right there with them, serenely accepting the funky feelings.
Do you ever have days like that? Where no matter what you do, you can’t shake the blues?
I was looking for an uplifting moment.
So at the end of my day, I checked my emails, my blog comments, and sh*t…I became even bluer. Why would I think any different? It was a crappy post I had shared for the day – why did I even post it?
I don’t know…because I HAVE TO post, no matter what…! Yikes, lesson learned. “Don’t post crap, just because of self-imposed, ‘I have to’s’.
The more I expect, the more unhappy I am going to be. The more I accept, the more serene I am. – Michael J. Fox
Shake it, baby, shake it – the blues are not all they’re cracked up to be. The thunder rolled outside and the rain began to fall.
I kept reading other blog posts, and then I remembered, the post prompt for Linda Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday was probably ready. A ray of hope for some happiness. I hopped on over to her website, and the word of the day is ‘Call’. As I waited for the call to dinner from the Mr. busy working in the kitchen, I thought about the word.
The first thing that came to mind was the song by Paul Simon, “You can call me Al”.
Oh, great, a fun song I remember singing to many a time as I drove around in my car. It has a catchy beat. Maybe my mood will lift? I hummed the song as I thought more about shaking my blues.
Yeah, baby, I can get into the groove of the weekend with a little help from Al. Wow…and this version is a crack-up.
Thanks to all of my thinking hard about it, I’ll be damned if it didn’t stick in my head from that moment forward, and all through the f**king night.
Earworms are a hellish form of torture.
I don’t know about you, but I didn’t realize how short Paul Simon is compared to Chevy Chase – he barely comes up to his armpits!
Yes, in case you’re wondering, the call to the kitchen arrived, and we enjoyed the dinner – who wouldn’t! Lemon-Garlic Tilapia with Spinach – recipe found here.
Check out Mr.’s magic as it rolled out on the plate. All its golden splendor, took shape right there on the plate, in front of my eyes. I felt much better after dinner. Whew!
Post inspiration thanks to Linda Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Call; Word of the Day – Serenely and One Daily Prompt – Splendor.
PS – What is your trick for overcoming the overwhelming blues? What is your favorite comfort food? Do you enjoy weekends when the forecast predicts you’ll be inside the whole time? Thank you for stopping by – enjoy your weekend!
Call me crazy, but I have come to love the rain. I don’t know why. There’s something about it that feels like being surrounded by gentle, gray lace. And the flowers and trees seem so happy.
Rain does have charm, that’s for sure. I have fond memories of listening to it hit the windows and roof when I was a child. I like how you describe it, ‘gentle, gray lace’ – so lovely! Thanks for sharing your thoughts :-)!
Those are some serious clouds there. We had three solid days of rain here, but it cleared up yesterday and was actually a nice day. It’s hotter and more humid, which means rain is probably on its way. Like you, I figure we need the rain, so I don’t complain. But yeah, it’s not a good thing for me to be stuck in the house for more than a couple of days.
Paul Simon is short compared to everyone…
Yes, those clouds looked like they meant business, then went away. They just lead in the thunder and rain that came a couple hours later. It’s hot and humid here today, too! I spent some years visiting my friend when she lived in Marietta – it can be really humid there! I guess he is really short, I just didn’t remember that until I saw the video! Even I’m a 1/2 inch taller than him!! LOL!
What is your trick for overcoming the overwhelming blues? Music blasting on a loop and crying to get it out of my system.
What is your favorite comfort food? Brownies
Do you enjoy weekends when the forecast predicts you’ll be inside the whole time? yes I enjoy inclement weather when I do not have to get out in it.
Thank you for asking and I hope you enjoy your weekend too.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts – which by the way are intriguing. Blasting music AND crying. I wish I liked to cry – I hate how my eyes swell afterward! But, like you, staying inside gives us time to read and write. And, I enjoy a story that moves me, you know, like Alice in Wonderland! Enjoy your weekend, too :-)!
I am the only one in the family who likes to cry. Go figure. The others resist the urge. I would figure more folks are like that. My daughter in particular says it is embarrassing.
I try to tell them if they surrender to the tears, they will feel better. It don’t like how my eyes feels afterwards either but crying to me is cleansing for lack of a better word.
Have we become too tough nowadays to cry, or do we try so hard to prevent it? I don’t know, but it is good for us to cry, glad to hear you’re able to do so, and that it is cleansing for you! Sore eyes or not, it is good for us!
Music is magic when it comes to moods. So many options – sing the blues for catharsis, or use an up beat tune like the one you picked, maybe get up and move a little, or a lot. I have to say, you’re back yard is amazing! I bet you can see a lot of stars out there in the big sky. My view is somewhat blocked by my beloved trees, but in the winter, I can see a lot more stars.
Great advice, I should use music more often! We are blessed with a great view of the sky and stars. We can even see the Northern Lights on a good night. Our view of the sky is one that we feel very thankful for on a regular basis. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Seeing the northern lights is my ultimate bucket list item!
I’m not sure I ever get the overwhelming blues – thank goodness. Not to say I am a Pollyanna but I guess I have been fortunate enough in life not to experience such deep emotion. Music definitely helps though and that was a pretty funny clip of Paul and Chevy. I have not seen that one before.
Aw, thanks, I’ll try some music! I normally bounce back quickly, especially with some laughter or tears. Both require the use of ribs, which are mending, but not completely healed, so I’m speculating that has much to do with my funk. I did chuckle a bit at Paul and Chevy, and my spirits were lifted! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, much appreciated! Oh, and thanks for the suggestion for the photo a day challenge!
I’m sorry you were feeling the blues Shelley. I think we all get that from time to time. Sometimes I do and I can’t quite put my finger on why. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. I just have to ride it out, and it eventually passes. Music helps as does reading scripture. Playing with the kitties is a big help too!
Those are some ominous looking clouds! How neat that you can see the Northern lights on good nights! I’ve always wanted to see that.
Your dinner looks delicious. And I love your dinner plates Shelley! They are so colorful and pretty!
Aw, thank you, Gail, I appreciate your kind words of encouragement! Dinner on a pretty plate just adds to the joy of eating around here! They were my mom’s plates, I love the color of them so I kept them.
I’m glad you overcame that blues. That’s what I love about you, Shelley. You find humor in a difficult situation. Hugs to you!
Thank you, Winnie – what I love about you is that everytime you stop by to share your thoughts, it brings a smile to my day! Hugs to you, too!!
Awww! You’re welcome, Shelley! Wear that smile today.
Will do, and I hope you’re smiling today too!
Oh! I am! You made me smile too!