Remember back to childhood when you watched intently as your parents were doing projects? Did you wait for them to notice your interest in helping? Or did you just jump in and get in the way? If you were asked to help, I bet you did it in your own little way…just like me.
Smart parents let their kids help with tasks that don’t require heavy lifting. Not that my Mr. treats me like a child, I know he’s just being protective. He’ll let me do the little things to help where he knows I won’t get hurt. Mostly he knows that it is best if he does the heavy lifting.
I’m really, really, really, okay with not having to do the lifting. I get to be like a little butterfly, flitting around, landing on tasks I can help with while staying clear of the big, important parts of the project.
To stay busy, and not appear as a weekend loafer compared to Mr., aka, the weekend warrior – I took to the task of weeding my flower beds. Weeds grow considerably fast around these parts. It was fun to get down and dirty…in the mud and I even broke a sweat like Mr. I still have dirty looking fingers to prove I worked hard, too. (Not pictured here…this isn’t about my project, duh!)
Once I got done with that project, I knew I couldn’t help with the bricklaying parts of the project, but I could be the hovering photographer and historian.
Day One
And then…on Day 2, we got to a stage where I could sense the opportunity where I might get to help. I was beaming with excitement, waiting for an invite.
Mr: Man, there’s a lot of dirt on these rocks. I would’ve thought the heavy rains would’ve washed it away.
Me: Do you want me to rinse them with the hose before you haul them?
Mr: Sure…that might work?
I got busy and made a serious mess. I had to rake the rocks from the pile, spread them out, then spray off the dirt with water. I made little mud rivers and found some really cool looking rocks that I rescued from the pile. I was extra careful to get my shoes and legs to appear as though I worked hard. It wasn’t an overall failed attempt, but the dirt was damn persistent.
Mr. ended up having to help me, he spread the rocks and I sprayed off the dirt. Together we finished the initial stages of the project.
Now he has to lock and seal the cracks between the bricks, and then…we’ll be onto the refurbishing of the bench we’ll place here, right smack in the center of this glorious new spot where we will sit-and-watch-the-traffic-and-neighbors-do-their-thing. Cheers!
PS – How about you, do you enjoy helping with weekend warrior projects? Or do you like to flit around like a butterfly and capture the hard work in photos?
Post photos inspired by Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge
Love your project, Shelley, especially the pattern the bricks make at the outer edge. Very cool! You had a great weekend to get the weeding done and work on your patio project. Hope you have a great weekend!
Thank you, Mary. I could do the math on how many pounds Mr. moved, or how many ounces of sweat he lost in pounds…like your post, it was a weekend that added up to a lot of activity! Hope you have a great week!
Losing ounces or pounds…that’s something I always strive for. You have a wonderful week as well!
Not me. Living in an apartment building there aren’t many projects to be done and I’m happy that way. About all we ever have to do is paint or move or assemble furniture. No yard work, no renovation, no repairs.
My partner does all of the projects in our home and I’m happy for her to take them on. I’ll get in and do the lifting where needed.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Todd. Someday…I’m guessing we’re going to like a lifestyle like yours. Way to pitch in when needed!
Great collection of odd balls this week. I like your last photo.
Thank you, Cee! It’s exciting to get to this stage of the project :-)!
Your projects are coming along nicely! Sorry to be blowing up your notifications today, I’m catching up on my blog reading today. It’s helping to pull me out of my little funk I’ve been in!
LOL! No worries, glad to hear you’re getting out of your funk! :-)!
I love your projects, Shelley! Your Mr is surely the hardworking handyman.
Aw, Winnie – yes he is. He’s off to the store again to start another project! Never a dull moment around here!
That’s great! I wish my husband will be like that when he retires