
A blog in 10 minutes – I still don’t think so

This is crazy…here I sit at my computer wondering if I should push the launch your website button or not?  Getting ready for launch mode has been quite the learning experience.  In full confession mode, I’m thinking to myself:

  • What the heck, why is this taking so long?
  • Why the fear of launching and being okay with learning as I go?
  • What is really holding me back?
  • What if it isn’t perfect enough and mistakes are noticeable?

All normal fear questions.  We humans like to do that to ourselves when a new adventure is so close to starting.  The fear is always worse than the actual act of starting the new adventure.  Perfection should never hold you back.

Like I said in my previous post about the set up of this blog, it is NOT taking me 10 minutes to get going.  The reality is it has taken way more than 10 minutes.  Excuses after excuses, some valid, some made up.  But, come to think of it, I did have a computer crash.  That took a while to buy a new computer, reinstall software and then learn Windows 10.  That’s a legit excuse, and not a blog set up issue.  See, I overcame an obstacle.

But, but, but…I feel the fear of if I press the button to launch it, the blog will break and things won’t work especially since I’m not really sure what I’m doing.  There is so much more to learn about WordPress.  But if I stay here in the “ready” stage and not jump in, I’ll never know.

Dang, stupid fears!  Enough already, no more fear, it is time to launch and time to continue learning as I go.  It will be okay.

Your birthday is always a great day to start something new!  Treat yourself to a new adventure.

Today is my birthday.  I can’t really think of a better day to treat yourself to something new.  Yes, folks, it is time for me to jump in on this adventure of reaching out to those interested in joining the good graycious journey to a lighter side of life.  After all…time is a-tickin’ away!

You’re out there, I just know it, and I am looking forward to hearing from you!  Cheers to new beginnings!

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