The Hoomans should be abashed at their efforts to make my life comfortable while they prepare for their trip. And they should also be embarrassed about their packing party fiascos, too.
That’s right, I’m telling you that I’m no longer on the fence about it, ‘cuz they seem too preoccupied to care what I think about the weather, and them being gone, and all that stuff that dogs worry about. No, it’s all about the Hoomans these days.
They’re mostly busy with packing luggage instead of moving snow that, by the way, has jam-packed my spot in the yard. The rabbits aren’t the only ones complaining about not seeing the light of green grass in eons. I’ve now joined the ranks of wondering where the hell the yard went?
And with the warm sunshine we had yesterday, what spot I had called my own is holding the melting snow puddles and pooling alongside my poo. Ewe…
It’s a fricken mess and I don’t like it when my paws touch it, it’s frankly worse than snow.
I know, I can’t believe I’m saying that water is worse than snow. But it is when it just sits on top and doesn’t soak in. Ewe…
And since it had been so cold, Mr. hadn’t shoveled any larger space, so I can’t find any spot to go do my job on. And I’m freaking out a bit.
Plus I can feel it. I know way before the Hoomans do. I pay attention to the weather forecaster called ‘Ol Man Winter, the big guy who causes my older bones to ache well before the appearance of the storm. I can feel it approaching, and then I can’t sleep.
Except during the day. That is unless the Hoomans are giggling and dancing and then I want to join in on their bash. But, mostly, I’m freaking ‘cuz I know they’re going somewhere soon. The storm brewing for today is just icing on the cake of all the festivities going on.
I hope Mrs. enjoyed how I kept her up all night fretting and shaking and wanting up and down from the bed. My stomach is a ball of knots. I like my housesitter and all, but I adore Mrs. and I know she’ll be leaving me behind soon. I’m not ashamed to say I’m a mess waiting to happen. I’ll be alone without Mrs., and I don’t like that.
Apparently, so I’ve heard, they’ve got bigger issues to worry about. They’ve gone back and forth about the damn luggage for a week now. Yesterday, Mrs. sent Mr. out on errands.
Beforehand they had this giddy conversation about the reason for the monster piece of luggage.
Mrs. sheepishly said to Mr., “Sit down, I’ve got something to admit to you and to talk about.”
Mr.: “Okay…What is it?”
Mrs: “Well, I realized this morning that when I look at all the things I’m packing, it really isn’t that much stuff. And it’ll all fit in the big luggage, but the real reason I’m saying that we need to check one piece of luggage is not because of the clothes, it’s because I’ve been packing around the sunscreen and aloe jugs. I know those bottles can’t be in carry-ons.”
Mr.: “Oy…So you want me to take the beast back?”
Mrs: “Well, I’m not sure. Maybe. I think we can get it all in two carry-ons. That is if we get another carry-on that’s closer to my pink one we have, instead of our smaller blue one. What do you think?”
Mr.: “I’m still listening. I’m hearing that you want me to go shopping to get one?”
Mrs.: “I think so. What do you think? Plus, there’s the obvious, it’s cheaper to buy a smaller piece of luggage and we can just buy sunscreen when we get there.”
Mr.: “Duh…there is that gift shop we missed checking out last time. I like where this is going. Don’t we have to worry about how many containers of small liquids we can take? Or maybe we can get small bottles and transfer our sunscreen to them and if we need more, then buy it?”
Mrs.: “Good point. I forgot about that. You research the bottle situation, while I try to minimize the liquids down to quart-sized baggies to see if we can pull this off. We might need to buy smaller deodorants.”
Mr.: “Yep, each one of us can take as many small containers of liquids we can fit into a quart-sized baggie. So if you think we can condense everything, fit it into two carry-ons, and two personal bags, I’m all for not having to check the monster.”
Mrs.: “It’s a deal. You go get the new luggage, and we’ll make it happen. Don’t take the big one back yet. We can return it when we get back, or keep it, we’ll see. But I’m almost positive we’ll be able to skip needing to take the beast!”
Then giggling, laughing, racing around and up and down stairs, making noises, and happy cheers ensued. While I watched.
And then Mr. disappeared for a while.
He came back with a new piece of luggage.
And they had another bash, danced a bit as they mentioned something along the lines of, “We’ll return the big one later, or use it if we can’t make everything fit into the carry-ons.”
I have a feeling that while the storm bashes the yard outside, covering my spot yet again, there will be a packing party going on inside today…and no one will be worried about shoveling my spot. Or me.
They’re so damn happy with their his and her luggage combo, though.
As I said in the beginning, the Hoomans should be abashed at their efforts to make me feel comfortable while they prepare to travel to warmer parts of the world.
No matter how sad I look, or act, I know I’m not going along. I can’t stop them from going either. But at least the beast won’t weigh them down as they have a much-needed get-away adventure. I’ll be here waiting for them to return.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Bash or Abash
PS – Do your pets freak out when you’re about to leave them? Do they feel storms before you do too? How come none of you mentioned I should just buy the big liquids when I get there!!? Oh, and so far, Copper’s predictions are that we are going to get hit with more snow today. Thank goodness we don’t leave today!
I hope you get everything packed the way you like it. I prefer to check the bag and not worry about fighting for overhead space. Maddie gets upset when she sees me bring a suitcase up. She knows about storms when they reach Ohio on their track to CT. The pup will be OK – don’t add that to your worry list.
Thank you, Dan. I agree the overhead deal is frustrating too. We do enjoy the after we get off the plan not having to wait for the luggage to show up. The rest of our traveling companions aren’t checking luggage. Dogs are so wise. I’m more worried now about the dang Facebook thing you talked about. Sorry for my rant over on your blog!
don’t worry about ranting, I love it when others do the ranting for me.
LOL – whew, glad to hear!
Oh, yes. Our dog is totally tuned in when we’re prepping to go somewhere. Bringing out the suitcases freaks him out. But what can you do? You have to find warmth at some point.
We bought aloe vera one year when I got burned and it was astronomically expensive at our resort. I still have 7/8 of the bottle and will die before I use it all. Haha. But we’re all about small bottles and DH has very little in his quart bag, so I tend to use up both bags minus his toothpaste and deodorant. Score!
You’re SO close to the sun. Woo hoo!
Our little guy is so wigged out. It’s irritating. Hopefully once the storm goes by, he’ll be better. We had to buy a bottle of sunscreen one year because someone stole our bottle we had sitting by our chairs. I remember it being expensive, but not too bad, but that was 7 years ago. We’ve taken our own ever since, but it seems silly to take carryon for just that? We’ll see… I’m lucky that way too, Mr. only has two things he needs to pack in the baggie! Score is right. Yes, we so close now, I can almost taste the salt through the Tostitos!
When we would travel, the cats would hardly even notice we were gone. There’s a very funny and kind of sweet blog called “The Hailey And Zaphod Chronicles” ( which the blogger (called “The Lady”) writes from the dogs’ perspective. Whenever the humans go out of town and leave the dogs,the dogs complain that they went away for “87 million hours.” This was pretty close to the kind of things she posts.
Yeah, cats don’t seem as bothered, they are more into climbing into the luggage to send their love hair along with us. Thanks for sharing the blog link, it is a fun read! Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts!!
I think that depends on the cat. My step-mum had a Russian Blue and when she went away he puked in unspeakable places when she left and for good measure when she came back too

You’ve got that right – each cat has their own way of getting back at Hoomans! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Poor Copper, looking sooo sad! And hell no on more snow! How can you guys stand it? I hope your not literally snowed in on the day you leave for Jamaica.
Yeah, he’s one sad pup. We did get more snow, it’s still snowing now. We’re not supposed to be snowed in the day we leave, but up to that point we’ve got issues to deal with because of the snow! Grrr…the beach will be a welcome site!
Aw. You did an excellent job capturing doggie woes with the packing. I try to hide my packing and sneak the suitcase out to the car when Doodle is sleeping or on her walk, but with a big trip, there’s no way. Maybe it’s better that they know. Good thing my pet sitter texts me often. It’s going to be a great trip!
Thank you, JoAnna. We (I) like to prepare him and tell him I’ll be back and who is staying with him. I think it helps, but the only true test is when we get back and he’s happy to see me! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on leaving your pet while traveling! Copper sends his love to Doodle!
I Doodle sends her love to Copper.
So very cute. Just saw the radar and hopefully this will be the last hit. I think we will start off with freezing rain here in about an hour and by afternoon it may just be rain. However I see the snow heading your way. Stay warm and think Jamaica.
Thank you, Anita! Yep, the snow was slow to arrive, but it found us and is still snowing. You better believe I’m dreaming about Jamaica!
Aww…such sweet pup photos. Good luck with the packing. Buying “liquids” at the vacation spot is more $$, but – after all – it’s vacation!! Nice carry on luggage by the way
Thank you, Copper appreciates hearing kudos. I know the last bottle seemed very expensive. We’ve convinced ourselves (so far) that the convenience of buying the bottle their outweighs the inconvenience of checking the bag. $50 to check a bag…I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the bottle of sunscreen cost less than that!?!
Poor Copper – he looks so sad, but he has the cats to keep him company if he doesn’t like the house sitter – don’t the cats have an opinion on the impending trip?
Yes, he’s a basket case. He’ll hang out with the cats, they do get a long and sleep together in the same room often. They are mostly interested in climbing in the luggage and leaving hair for us to remind us to come back.
That’s a lot of snow! Good for you for getting away.
Thank you, Linda!!!