
5 simple facts about me

When you’re a personal blogger, like me, you ramble on about yourself often.  Duh, that’s what bloggers do.

How in the world am I going to come up with 5 facts about myself that you don’t already know about me?

Hmm…let’s sort through the fog and see what I come up with?  Other than I love daisies and dew drops.


Fact #1 – something old, i.e., I’ve talked about it before

My favorite photo of the neighbor’s shed (new, he finally finished it this year) is a view of it when I can’t see it – like through the fog.  It disappears like magic!  YAY!


Fact #2 – something blue

I love all the colors of blue, ocean blue is my favorite.  I also love my little dog Copper.  He adores me.  I adore that about him.  And I don’t feel guilty about it either.

He’s 14 years old and has tracheal collapse syndrome.  He hacks a lot, and it makes me blue to think that he’ll be gone someday.  I’ll feel alone in the yard when he’s gone.  He’s my adventures in nature photography pal.

Fact #3 – something borrowed

I hate spiders, but I love spider webs, especially on foggy mornings.  They look like tiny strands of crystals.  Spiders borrow space on the plants as they build the webs overnight.  Even the webs that aren’t covered with dew are fascinating to me.

Fact #4 – something new

I’m writing a children’s book.  And our daughter, the Quite Sprout, is going to illustrate it for me.  I just need to finish writing it.  😉  I’m hoping I’m better at writing than I am at being a palm tree owner.  Seriously, this thing looked way better in the store (2 years ago).  It is sitting on an old, antique school desk that I painted a bright red.  I love the chair.


Fact #5 – I love looking out at the ocean blue, and when I’m not there sinking my toes in the sand, I’m at home.  This spot below is perfect for chilling with my main man, of 30 years, aka, the love of my life.  Wow – this year is our 30th wedding anniversary.  Our wedding colors were white and royal blue.  I wore a new dress, borrowed a pearl necklace from my mom, and had a blue garter belt on my leg under my dress.  I covered the something old, new, borrowed and blue as every good bride should do.  It was what the new kids on the block call it nowadays – a traditional wedding.


Post Inspiration – Susannah Conway’s August Break 2019 – 5 Facts about Me and Lens-Artists #58 Something old, new, borrowed and blue.

PS – I often wonder what it is that you’d like to know about me that I haven’t told you before?  Do you adore your pets too?  How about fog – are you a fan?  Happy Monday!


30 thoughts on “5 simple facts about me

  1. Ahh, our dog is 12-1/2 and has heart problems. It’s hard to see them struggle. He’s a large breed (lab/German short hair mix) and will likely not be around long, but he’s still pretty active and involved (no squirrel or groundhog goes unnoticed). I’ve not experienced losing a dog, so I am truly dreading it.

    Your fog pics are just great. And that plant. Ha! I have a large plant with some sort of tropical heritage, too. I threaten to put it on the garbage truck regularly, but DH loves it and convinces me to save it every time. The last one I had got so big I put it out on the patio for the summer, and in the fall, I put it on Craigslist – free for the taking. The woman who came for it had to position it with the top half out her sunroof. It was hilarious and I’m sure she got some great looks on the way home.

    1. Aw, our Golden Retriever had lots of health issues before we helped him find peace via the vet. He was blind and couldn’t get around anymore. It was very hard to say goodbye. I too am dreading saying goodbye to Copper someday.
      Glad you enjoyed the photos. LOL – that’s an awesome plant story! This palm looked great when we brought it home from the store, it had spider mites so I chopped off all of it, and it started to regrow, then I found out how I had it planted wasn’t right, so I tried to do what was recommended, and whalah…this is the dismal result. Sigh…it keeps on hanging on for some reason?

  2. I enjoyed reading this and the photos are gorgeous, I love foggy photo’s, spider webs, (I actually love spiders too) and my 2 dogs and 2 cats, my life would certainly be blue without them. Lovely post

  3. We’ve covered the fact that I love fog, and pets, and spiders/spider webs. I think I could pick a few things you like to eat and where you might rather be when it snows (beach). I’m sure there are years worth of blog topics that we have no clue about. Also, given my memory, I think you could recycle topics ever 3-4 weeks 😉

  4. Those spider web photos are outstanding!! And so cool you are writing a children’s book with your daughter as illustrator. How fun 🙂

  5. Absolutely gorgeous shots, Shelley. I think you did a fabulous job on the challenge. It is something different from the usual!

  6. And I meant to add. it’s wonderful that you’re writing a children’s book with your daughter. I love that you both are doing the text and illustrations. A wonderful collaboration.

  7. Super cool about writing a book. And to be doing it with your daughter, how awesome is that. I so enjoy your blog. I got nominated by Cecilia for the Sunshine Blogger award and while that is an honor, I don’t have 11 close bloggers I could tie that to but you and Irene would be on the top of my list as you both inspire me so much.
    I agree that spiders are gross but the webs are amazing. Your pictures were really good especially the tall one smothered in webs. Keep on plugging, your work is great. Looking forward to the book review. Lets us know when.

    1. Thank you, Anita. We’re excited, I’d love it if you’d review it for us.
      Aw, that’s great. I could see why you’d get nominated for that award. I chose a long time ago to be an award free blog, but I’m touched you consider me nomination worthy. A year ago we met, and I’m so touched that you still find your way back here to share your thoughts. Keep on plugging along, blogging is quite the adventure. xx

      1. Fully agree in that it is an adventure. I also do not do awards, way too time consuming plus its like a chain letter and I hated those when popular. But I like to let people know that they inspire me. Man, this year has flown by hasn’t it. Keep on keeping on.

  8. Hi Shelley, I actually found this post very interesting. I always enjoy learning “the little things” about people. Congratulations on your 30th Anniversary! The one word that continues to come to mind with your photos, “Exquisite!” Thank you for being a good part of my inbox:)

    1. Aw, thank you, Erica, I so appreciate your feedback and your congrats and that you continue to drop by to see what I’m up to. xx

    1. Thank you, Donna, I appreciate you taking time to read the post! We’re both looking forward to making this little dream of ours a reality. 🙂

  9. Very cool that you are writing a children’s book Shelley – some people have suggested I should write a story about Parker and I’ve thought about it, but not right now. I won’t get another pet as it was too sad losing them. The pet dogs were a long time ago and I was young, but there were three pet birds and was grief stricken as each one passed away – I had to have my last canary euthanized after he had a stroke. So, I won’t put myself through that pain anymore, no matter how important they were – the last two were companion pets as I live alone. I’ll enjoy other’s pets vicariously now.

    1. Thank you, Linda. We’re excited about it. I can see why others recommend you write one, you’re very creative!
      We’ve already decided that when the pets are gone, we’re not going to get more. Like you said, it’s too hard to say goodbye.

      1. Thanks Shelley – I’ve got some ideas about and sure have enough photos to do it – it would be fun. You’ll share your experience after publishing with us I hope? A fellow blogger from the UK has a book coming out around Labor Day. It’s been featured on Amazon for pre-orders for about four months now. Zena had knee surgery so had to delay her book tour. She is blind and her book is about her seeing eye dog Munch and their life together – her posts are very funny as he is not a typical seeing eye dog, more of a ham. He’s a Labradoodle. She writes her own posts using a “narrator” device and reads/responds to posts in the same manner. She’s excited about the book tour.

        I agree with you about the pets. I know my life could be full with a companion pet, but I won’t set myself up for that grief again. I railed at my neighbor for insisting I get another canary when I had to have Buddy euthanized. She took me to the vet as I didn’t trust myself to drive. She let me get it out of my system with my little rant and then I let it go.

        1. Oh, yes, I’ll share. That’s wonderful about your fellow blogger. I bet her book will be a joy to read!
          Hugs to you and your loss of Buddy, those memories are reminders of what we had and why we decide to not go there again.

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