The clock is ticking.
Countertops a switching.

Wall calendar’s flipping.
Will I fit cornered by time into a new role?
What obstacles will I find, or will it just be a natural and an easy fit?
Yikes – in just 30 days, I’ll be saying goodbye to something about myself besides our countertops.
I hope I fit in. Eventually, I guess I will…I hope…
It’s been a good time, so far I’ve learned a lot. And yet…I’ve changed. And aged.
Stay tuned…
Post Inspiration – WTH? We measured 23 times…
PS – Happy Halloween! Do you ever play with Snapchat Filters? I adore the removal of wrinkles some of the filters use. Bandsaw party anyone interested? LOL!
I hope whatever is coming has fewer snags than the countertop project. Looks like progress is being made. Nice job!
Me too! Thanks – the next stage of actually glueing and connecting the parts (once they fit) is going to be interesting. You would’ve enjoyed the lengthy discussions that have gotten us this far, and likely would’ve provided better feedback than I did.
It’s a process. The worst thing, is that once it’s done, there’s no real evidence of the work – nice counter, but no one sees the struggle. I’m glad you’re giving it some time in the spotlight.
You’ve got that right – I may just make a scrapbook that I pull out over whine nights to remind myself of what we did accomplish.
Wow…your Mr is a daring guy. I can’t imagine us taking on that project. Can you just cut off more of that counter without damaging the laminate? Yikes. Glad it’s you and not me.
Nice work on the Snapchat filter. I’ve never tried them, but they are amusing to see. Happy Halloween! May all your candy be fresh. I miss having a kid around so I can rifle through their candy haul when they go to sleep.

Oh, yeah – he’s a daring guy. We’ve done simple projects like this for our rentals – not our own home. So we’re being extra particular and taking on ‘bigger’ challenges. Yep – he’s going to trim some of it off. He has the correct saw blade or bandsaw to do it, he says. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!!!
Those Snapchat filters are a hoot. We bought two candy bars, just in case, and no one showed up, so Mr.’s going to eat them. He was one of those rifle through the bags while the kids slept kind of guys. I may have helped some too
This is beginning to sound like the kitchen project that never ends! All that measuring! (maybe you measured correctly and the countertop people did not). Frustrating. Kind of fits in with Halloween (maybe this is the trick part LOL). No, I never used snapchat filters. I see the upside though
LOL – I’m also counting the number of times we’ve changed our minds. They gave us a template to make sure it was sound – it fit as well as it could over the existing counter, sink still in place, etc. The measurements are what we asked for, the wall must’ve swelled?!
Snapchat can be fun (it keeps me and my close friend youthful – the make-up always looks perfect!)
Or the wall relaxed after being held in place for so long. Like loosening a belt after a big meal. That is weird!
LOL – that could be true, it’s happened to me before!
I’m not on Snapchat, but like seeing photos with those filters on them. Is there a Snapchat filter that adds a counter to bunch of cabinets?
LOL – no, dang it…but if I layed on the counter and the filter could find my face, that might work…
Focus on the dream of what it will be when finished….it will be fabulous.
Thank you, Anita – we’re trying hard to do that. We’re excited about the vision.
You’re making progress
Slowly, yes, we are.
I hate it when I’ve measured and remeasured over & over and the thing doesn’t fit once it’s cut. I’m like “What sorcery is this?!!” Thankfully yours is on the long side, rather than too short. I’m admiring your fortitude with the project. I think the ultimate completion deserves a celebration with a special bottle of wine, or whatever adult beverage you prefer.
It’s amazing how ‘measurements’ change. We even have one of those true to – extra accurate – tape measures. Yes, it is good it’s on the long side, providing the trimming goes well. I’m sure it will.
Absolutely – there will be some kind of celebratory beverage and meal!! Thank you for your encouragement.
When is an inch not an inch anymore? When you’ve measured it 43 times and after you’ve cut the piece. Hahaha!
LOL! That’s for sure!!
Does NOT sound like a fun project at all. We had our cupboards faced many years ago – I’ll never forget the contractors working on this big mess, sawdust flying and they were removing a single ceramic sink and replacing it with a double stainless steel sink and adding a butcher block cabinet. On the second day, when they could have been finished had they started earlier, they announced at 3:00 p.m. that they were leaving to go to downtown Detroit for the fireworks that night as they wanted to beat the crowd. It is a ridiculously big traffic jam down there with a bottleneck by mid-afternoon. I came home from work and my mom was wringing her hands in despair. Not happy at all. I am not on Snapchat – this was clever what you did there Shelley.
It’s fun, just taking longer than we planned, and also bumps in the walls that we hadn’t planned on either. It’ll get done before Thanksgiving. Yikes – that sounds like a horrible project for you and your mom. Being at the mercy of other people who are doing the work is not fun.
I can just picture my mom’s face when they said they were knocking off for the night. My father had some painting/staining projects back in the day. I don’t remember it much as it was at our house in Canada and I was young, but my father wanted to make all the kitchen cupboards look antique, so he drilled holes and made fake knotholes and took a toothbrush with stain on it to create that look. He worked six days a week, so did it every Sunday and the whole kitchen was in disarray while he was climbing up on a ladder doing this project which took most of the Winter and smelled up the whole house as you couldn’t open windows. He also had a stencil and painted the backs of all the steps going from the basement up to the landing and into the kitchen. So, he could only do a few at a time and no one could go downstairs in case they hit the fresh paint. They were flowers in different colors which stretched across the backs of the steps.
Yep – projects can be quite tiresome and I’m very ready to retire at night. Your father was creative with his painting! It’s fun that you remember those times. Blogworthy info!
Yes, they can be tiresome and the older you get, as you so aptly pointed out, it is not as fun to undertake a project, knowing full well it will exceed its estimated completion date by a long shot. I was thinking to mention that one time, but the flowers were stenciled onto the steps in Canada and not here, Likewise the kitchen cabinets which were all around the kitchen up high, and down below the sinks, etc. all were Canada too. The stencil is still here though – I am not that ambitious though!
Yes, and the time change isn’t helping either!
No, it is not and had the weather been a little nicer, it might have been easier to get acclimated to, but cold, snow, wind and early sunset … too much at one time. Eat Tostitos!
LOL – you’re right, it is all of it at one time. Don’t worry – I broke into a new bag last night! I need to take stock out in Tostitos!
And I finished my bag of Lay’s Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup potato chips – I rarely buy potato chips and if I do it is the baby can of Pringles. This was traditional potato chips, the kind that leave grease on your fingers. You do need to take stock in Tostitos!
I just finally read that you bought those chips. I’m so proud of you for eating them in two settings! I like how you described that if you ate them slowly they tasted like the soup.
I may have to try them.
Yes, you could taste it if you ate them slowly and savored them … they are a limited item though so you are forewarned. Try the tomato soup with milk or even carnation milk. It is extra creamy. We only drank whole milk when I was growing up, so my mom used that too for condensed tomato and cream of mushroom soup and tomato rice soup too.
It’s probably good that they are a limited item. I may like them too much. I remember adding milk once and awhile. You’re right it is creamier!
I love your photo, Shelley!
Thank you, Winnie!
You’re welcome, Shelley!