
3 Keys to Finding a Story That Must Be Told

Walking right past it is the key to not freaking out. When you see this, it’s not like when you’re out on a 3 mile walk and glance down to see a dollar bill on the side of the road.

Then you cheer as you stop to pick up a dollar bill. Or a $20 bill like Mr. saw and picked up earlier this year. He’s lucky.

But, if you’re like me, you wear gloves when you pick things up off the ground from the side of the road. Especially when it’s currency, and you have to carry the bill carefully home 2.5 miles to set it on the front doorstep. That’s a potential long exposure time.

Notice the nice batch of marigolds that haven’t been attacked by scoundrels!

I left the bill there to dry in the sunshine while I prepped the laundry area. Thankfully the wind wasn’t blowing or it wasn’t carried off by a mouse or a snake or a bird.

I set it there to prepare myself to wash, aka, launder it so that it is clean to reuse.


What? Why wash it? Well…haven’t you seen those videos on TikTok where the woman picks up a dollar bill in a restroom at a gas station and later ends up in the hospital because it was laced with fentanyl? Yeah, I SAW that, so it must be true.

As I readied the cash-in-hand laundry location, I noticed I needed to refill the soap first. A small detour later, and another pondering moment…I have a question for you sciencey folks.

Why is it that when you combine the actual product that another product claims to be equivalent to - when mixed together, they neutralize each other and turn into a watery, non-lather foaming mix?  Yeah, that's happened too.  

I was pleasantly surprised. The ink on the George Washington stayed in place as I washed it. It must be REAL! The bill was pristine clean (for my standards) and I set it out on a paper towel to air dry. I thought about hanging it on the clothesline with the rug that I washed because the cats like to poop on it or we find other things on the rug and need to wash it. More on THAT in a short bit. With the soap jar mostly full, and back in place by the sink, I set out on my day. I just knew I’d need to wash my hands again soon.

On a side note, do you think the new 87K IRS peeps will find me based on the serial number? And tax me? Or will they trace it to the person who lost it?

Feeling rich and ready for anything, I went back outside. I began watering my plants and glanced down and noticed this little pile of sunflowers transplanted from the bird feeder to the other part of the yard. I chuckled.

It’s funny for a couple of reasons.

  • They won’t grow tall because they’ll eventually meet their end with the lawnmower blades.
  • And, AW – that poor mouse who was going to store it for the winter is Sh*t out of Luck. SOL.

That brings us all to the key of the story of what not to walk by without freaking out. Because every story follows a method to share one’s madness.

We’ve had 3 key scream-worthy encounters in the last two weeks. This recent (from this morning) one I walked by without seeing it or stepping on it. It was easy to miss in the dark. Mr. saw it though…and pointed it out. But didn’t pick it up.

“We have ANOTHER mouse…!”

“What, Where…??”

“Right here, at the bottom of the stairs.”

The previous encounters were running through my head!

The first encounter was still squirming when my dishwashing gloved hand picked it up by the tail and tossed it out across the fence in the yard. I think it died upon impact? I hope. Or maybe it survived to return?

The second scumbag had been stunned to a curious pile pretending to be dead by a cat who tossed it from the stairs above where it landed on the rug near the door I tossed it out of the house from. It landed in the yard by our abandoned bird bath. I’m positive it did not survive that tossing. I later witnessed from the window above a couple of crows strutting across the yard – one of them with something dangling from its beak. The other crows were following him, aka, the lucky guy who found the treasure to eat.

This third one, aka, “I’m freaking out, 3rd one is not the charm” wasn’t alive. It was obviously played with and dead on arrival to the remove from the house launching pad.

After taking several photos, (it was obviously dead and I couldn’t resist capturing proof for you) and sending off a Snap to the kids, I set my camera down and looked at Mr. and said, “Aren’t you going to pick it up? It looks dead, Tizzie must’ve played with it ’til death does us part.”

“Or it had eaten some poison I put out? I hope not. Nah, you can do it again, toss it out for the crows where you did before – they’ll find it.”

With my best don’t freak-out look…”We DO have to figure out where they’re getting in, don’t we?”

“Yes, dear, they must be coming in from the garage. I have to seal up the investigation spot above the stairs. I’ll finish working on that today.”

I held back my screaming grumble as I picked it up by its little tail. I thought to myself, “Well, mission accomplished Shelley Dear, this situation is the key to my next #SoCS!”

On a technical side note, if you have difficulty reading this post, try again later, I got this lovely message from Blue Host. You’ve been warned 😉

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “key.” Use it as a noun, a verb, or use it metaphorically. Have fun! Linda also told us this was a repeat prompt from 2019…I checked back to see if I joined in on the prompt. Yep, apparently writing about mice is the key for me.

PS – Did you know that a mouse can enter into space via a hole that is 1/4″ in size? I think it’s a good thing we have cats…can you imagine how long it would take Mr. and me to find these little rascals if the cats weren’t on the hunt? What’s new with you this week?

68 thoughts on “3 Keys to Finding a Story That Must Be Told

  1. Merci pour cet article!
    Un chat non obèse peut, grâce à ses moustaches, déterminer si la dimension du trou par lequel il veut s’introduire, est de taille suffisante.

    1. Hi Anne, I translated and appreciate your feedback. Yes, our cats and their whiskers determine where they can and cannot go. Our chubbier cat has lost a couple of pounds (which is a lot for a cat) since our dog passed away last year. I think she could go places she couldn’t before. 😉
      “Thank you for this article! A non-obese cat can, thanks to its whiskers, determine whether the size of the hole through which it wants to enter, is of sufficient size.”

  2. Your post reminded me of so many things! We had friends visiting from England, and we rehashed a favorite story about a little critter. When we were visiting with my friend’s parents in France, I felt something run over my toes as I slept (or tried to). I kicked my feet, my husband thought I was imagining things or dreaming. He realized I wasn’t when he felt it, too. It was a shrew! Had never seen one before. Certainly had never felt one run across my toes.

    Our dog doesn’t leave us with little gifts of dead mice, but he did get a rabbit earlier this year. And his dream is to get a squirrel but he has to learn to climb trees first!

    1. Hi Rebecca – thank you for sharing your thoughts. I’m glad the post sparked a memory for you to share with us about your friends abroad. Yikes – Ugh…shrews, I can say I’ve never felt one run over my toes, but I’ve seen them scramble across the floor as Mr. chased it to catch it.
      I’d love to have Rufus come by and chase our rabbits away. He’d get a run for his money. We have 5 that I believe survived since this spring that frequent the yard at night. I suppose if we stopped feeding the birds they might move on to find easier eating. But we like watching the birds. Yeah, squirrels do have the up the tree advantages. I bet it’s fun to watch the chase. 🙂

  3. Stories are where you find them, especially when you’re able to pay attention to the world around you. That’s the key, I believe.

    As for the mice trivia you shared, I am aware of that because they got in our attic– and I learned more about mice than I ever wanted to know.

    1. Hi Ally – thanks for sharing your thoughts.
      That’s an excellent point! Your stories and blog posts always feature how you notice the world around you.

      Ugh, yuck. In the attic! Dang rascals. I’d like to see the mouse actually get through the small hole. The ones that have gotten into our house have only been about 1.5″ long. Not counting their tales. I’m hoping Mr. has plugged all access holes and that we’re done with them.

  4. I’m not sure what I’d do with any mice I found in the house. I “rehome” spiders, but mice? I definitely wouldn’t want any birds or other wildlife to find poisoned rodents and eat them. I guess I’d put them in the trash. Fortunately, I haven’t had to figure this dilemma out.

    1. Hmmmm… I’m not sure why my comment says “anonymous.” This is Janis from RetirementallyChallenged. WordPress has seemed really wonky lately. Some blogs I can’t even leave a comment on.

      1. That’s so weird, Janis…I’m glad you said who you were. I heard that WP problem from another blogger last week. There was an issue with the browser he was using and an update that ran. I hope you figure it out. Your comments are always fun to read!!

      2. That happened to me too Janis and I am 6 days behind in Reader and kept scrolling down to see where I left off and saw I “liked” the post but no comment? I didn’t notice I posted as “Anonymous” here – it happened on another blogger’s site.

    2. Hi! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. You’ve got me wondering as to how you “rehome” spiders? I’m scared of them and any encounter results in me letting them know I was scared. 🤔
      I’m glad you haven’t had to figure out how to get the mice out of the house. I can tell you it isn’t a fun task ;-)!

  5. Good on you for laundering money (just thought I’d add that for the CIA or whoever 😂) I do hope the mice haven’t been poisoned. Maybe you could start a little mouse graveyard. Plant a mouse and a flower at the same time 🙂

    1. Thank you – it felt good to wash the money. I’m trying to decide if I should frame it. It’s rare to come back financially ahead while taking a walk. 🙂
      Living where we do, mice, shrews, and rabbits all multiply fast. I realize how small I am in the big scheme of things when it comes to predators and prey. When the critters think their humans, I tend to not welcome their presence in the house. They can’t cook, clean, or do laundry. They might chew on the laundry but then that would be a test to see if the laundry was poisoned by fentanyl. Oh, my, my thoughts wandered…!

  6. With all the bacteria and viruses on the floor of a gas station restroom, fentanyl might be the least of your worries. It’s not like the old days when Lien Chemical Company would come in and disinfect the place…

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I agree – the restroom floors do feature messes. I’ve not heard of Lien Chemical Company? I’ll have to look that up.

  7. I am glad I am anonymous so the CIA or whoever can’t track me in case they think I am part of your money laundering gang 😎
    I guess you’ll just have to wonder who is commenting too.😂🌻🐝🌞👍😋😲🤗💕😁

    1. LOL – Oh, Brian (mystery writer), that’s awesome! I recognize your sense of humor :-)!! And the emojis helped too. 🤣😂😁😊🤗😍😀

  8. We trapped the mice we had a couple years ago. We trapped them, let them go and they came back. They’re almost indestructible until something bigger eats them. I enjoyed the post, Shelley.

    1. Ah, thanks for the confirmation that the little critters are resilient and worthy of relocation whatever the means. 😉

      I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Dan. My intentions were to write about your book and instead the mice invasion took over. I finally wrote a review on Good Reads – there were so many wonderful comments and so thorough, I hope what I did add was helpful. 🙂

  9. I “get it” Shelley, as I only handle money with vinyl gloves and if I need to hand it off to someone like the car wash or for alpaca treats at the alpaca farm (to go into the pen), then I put it in an envelope and hand it over in the envelope – ugh, the thought of touching money anymore. How times have changed. I hate flies and bought some flypaper strips as I need to have a new deadbolt put on the front door – I figure he’ll open the door wide, boom – flies say “nice, A/C – we’re coming in here!” I would die if I saw a mouse and will faint dead away.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I’m not normally afraid of $ handling as the alternative to not having any $ isn’t something I support. I have though, on the other hand, gotten sick from an employee at Walmart that was CLEARLY (nose running and wiping it on his hands as he handed over a receipt drenched in snot) sick. Hand sanitizer works after touching paper. The potential of fentnyl was what I was worried about. I wonder, does hand sanitizer work for that? 😏🙄🤔

      That’s funny you mention flies entering the house – we’ve had so many do that this year. I should get some of those fly strips too. They don’t seem to go to the small ones that I have in plants to catch the gnats. Good luck on getting your front door fixed!

  10. Hmm – I liked and didn’t finish by commenting? Or did I like just now? I have had a few internet episodes this week when I went off the grid. So I’ve been trying to get into the habit of writing first, liking afterward, so that it does not appear I “liked” and then bugged out. Blogger etiquette you know! I have not had a mouse in the house yet … at least one that I knew about. Years ago one was behind the fridge and my mom barricaded it at both sides … I’d freak out and only little ol’ me to kill it. I have enough issues with spiders and centipedes. I’d also die if my cat brought me a dead mouse as a token of her love for me … as nice as the gesture is, I’d have to politely say “take it back where it came from!” I did know that nice can squeeze into a small hole as they can collapse their ribcages. Not nice to know they possess such a talent.

    1. Last week was goofy for comments. I’m thankful you came back to share your thoughts. You’re such a great blogging friend!
      Yeah…mice can get into very small spaces. That’s nice of your mom to put you in charge of the mice. Yikes.
      On Friday I saw one crawling along the rocks by our basement window. In the corner, he jumped right into the siding next to the wing wall. I don’t know where he went!! UGH. Once the rain stops we’ll investigate and plug that hole. UGH.

      1. Thank you! I hope the fix is soon and site wide as it doesn’t happen with everyone. I had the issue with the mouse in the garage and put a glue trap in the garage – I thought it would suffocate it instantly, but no, it was stuck in the glue like quicksand and trying to free itself. It was horrible and I asked Marge to help me … she said it would die, so she took a store bag and put the trap and all into the store bag, tied it shut and threw it in the yard waste bag. A few days later she was deadheading roses, opened the yard waste bag and the mouse ran out! I threw away the other traps.

        1. I hope so too!
          Oh, my, yes, those sticky traps don’t work well. That’s crazy that the mouse survived that long for Marge. My daughter bought some of those when she had a mouse in her apartment in the 3rd floor of a concrete building in Chicago. Goes to show you the little critters can climb and keep searching until they find food. One of the mice got stuck on the trap and squealed until it died. We called her landlord and told him to do something about the infestation!
          I blocked the hole that I saw a new one climb into with rocks. I can’t imagine a 1.5″ critter could move a boulder their same size, we’ll see. So far, no more mice have been found in the house!

          1. Good for you blocking up that hole Shelley. I don’t like mice, but I thought the glue would do them in right away – I didn’t want a lingering death. How did it get out of the yard waste bag – guess the leaves and spent roses must have pulled the glue off the mouse. I have had a bunch of centipedes finding their way into the bathtub … I have a Dixie cup covering the bathroom drain when not in use but this morning I saw a huge centipede when I turned on the bathroom light. I grabbed a shoe then just snaked my hand into the tub, removed the Dixie cup and ran the water … drowned it.

          2. Not sure why, but your comment went to my Spam folder??? I checked on the hole and it looks a little like it has moved…it can’t be though, the dang mouse is so much smaller than the brick. Ugh…centipedes gross me out too. Good for you to drown it. We get them in our basement. I don’t know how our girls survived their teen years down there in their bedroom. The spiders, centipedes, and ants. Oh, my. I do think perhaps their snacking and crumbs may have contributed. 🤣

          3. I just went back and looked at my comment – not Spammy – sigh. Oh, to know that mouse is still lurking would scare me. I may like critters outside, by inside I don’t want any critters. I did a post years ago when I came home and found a huge centipede sitting on the bathroom soap … I was paralyzed with fear and ran and got a big bowl to fit over the soap, soap dish and IT. The bowl was clear except a row of flowers so I decided to leave it there til it did – it took a long time before it finally died, a week or more. I was afraid it was “resting” so no way was I moving the bowl except to push it to the corner of the vanity. I put a Dixie cup over the bathtub drain, so I started putting a Dixie cup over the sink drain at night. That does not do good for my heart so early in the morning – one day I will faint dead away. Your girls were pretty brave to have their bedrooms downstairs. Marge’s daughter/boyfriend/kids lived downstairs for years – it was not finished down there, still is not and her grandson lives downstairs now.

          4. So far, since Mr. plugged holes we thought were the venue for entry, we haven’t seen any more mice. WHEW! We plugged the hole the snake was going in and out too – so hopefully he’s busy working on any mice population that tries to pass by him.
            I often told the girls they were brave with the bugs. Still are. I’m quick with a kleenex to smother spiders and a fly swatter for anything I don’t want to get to close to.
            The frantic feeling is real. I think I remember reading that post you mentioned. Very clever to use a bowl to trap it. They can live for a long time, yikes!

          5. I hope the snake earns his keep OUTSIDE – yikes! I wish I was fearless about bugs instead of paralyzed by fear when seeing them.

            I remember Laurie (Meditations in Motion) once writing that she saw a centipede in the shower and was careful to take it out and put it in the corner of the bathroom where it would not get wet until she could scoop it up and take it outside. I was incredulous about that – me, I drowned the thing then put a double Dixie cup over the drain. Did it lift the Dixie cup up and crawl from underneath? Another blogger, Kate (Coffeekatblog) finds mice in the house and uses a paper Starbucks cup and a flat cardboard to transport them out of the house and release them.

            I can’t imagine the calm demeanor to do either thing. I am hopeless.

          6. I think you’ve just found another blog topic to write about in the winter… 😉
            I grew up playing with bugs and baiting the fishing line with worms and leeches. But, I still squirm and scream if they startle me.

          7. I have always been terrified of bugs, though as a kid, I thought nothing of reaching my clean pickle jar into the Creek to catch tadpoles. Bugs just wig me out terribly!

        1. It was a lightning show and thunder for about 3 hours last night from midnight until 3 am. No rain though? Weird!

          1. That is weird weather – pretty to look at but dangerous too. Right now is the tail end of our severe weather. It’s not quite over, but I lost my internet a couple of times. If it fires up again, I’m just going to shut it off as we’re supposed to have storms off and on all night.

          2. I was lucky and had no damage Shelley but we had 3,300 downed lines (one death from a teenager touching a live wire and one 8-year old in critical condition also from touching a live wire and his hands were on fire). The winds were clocked at between 65 and 70 mph so today 250,000 people with no power, maybe until Friday. We had a “gustnado” go through another county – never heard of that, but significant damage. It was thought to be a tornado at first. I think I am ready to move on to cooler weather now. Yikes!

          3. WOW!! That’s intense. I’m glad you’re okay. That’s so sad about the young kids. Did they stop teaching about those things in school? Or parent’s aren’t teaching it either!!
            I’ve never heard of a ‘gustnado’ either…!
            I’m working on my acceptance of the arrival of fall too.

          4. Yes, I was lucky as there were lots of power issues and fallen trees. Since I am here on your blog, I’ll tell you that I just got a generator installed in the last week – it was installed 08/18 and it leaked oil – it was a mangled gasket, so the tech had to return last Friday and do the fix. It had its first “exercise” yesterday which it turns itself on and churns the oil every other Tuesday. I got it because of the erratic weather and my worries over frozen pipes, losing power in Winter and I could tough it out one day maybe, but if a Polar Vortex and no power – no family, so got the generator and used my long-term funds to get it, but now I have peace of mind. It was getting so we had so many bad storms, or bad storm warnings, I kept little food in the fridge/freezer as I’ve lost power too many times in the past, so just kept buying to a minimum.

            So, I have to wonder why parents would not caution their kids about downed wires or teachers don’t. I saw a news story on Twitter – the interview with a witness who lived across the street from where the 8-year-old kid touched the wire … he said he watched him cross the caution tape, stepped over it as did his brother and friend. So three kids didn’t understand the situation? Today, our energy provider is warning people to stay away from downed wires – we had 3,300 downed wires which are being repaired before they tackle power restoration.

            Apparently “gustnadoes” have been around a long time – I thought it was a newfangled term.

            I’m ready for Fall, but baby steps – not full-fledged Fall quite yet!

          5. Yay- I’m happy to read that your generator has been installed!! The peace of mind that brings for you and for me (‘cuz I did worry about you!) is comforting. I hope you don’t have to use it, but it will be a blessing.

            Yikes – that’s scary! I think kids need to learn this stuff, where have we gone wrong that they don’t know it? I feel like I learned it in Kindergarten? I’m going to have to ask my daughter who supervises at an Early Learning Center if they teach it to the under 4 kids or not?

            Yes, baby steps to fall! Yesterday was beautiful, calm, and warm. We sat out in our yard until the yard was covered with some flying bug that looked like Mayflies only perhaps Septemberflies? (made up word). They were everywhere – it would’ve creeped you out for sure. We went inside as we could see them flying everywhere. I hope they hatched and moved on.

            Happy September to you – may your walks and journeys bring you many blog-worthy moments!!

          6. Thank you Shelley – I thought about it for a long time. I did not like the idea of a portable generator and the open doors to accommodate the cord and the weather is just too crazy anymore. I just decided to bite the bullet and do it … I hope I never have to use it either.

            We had your yesterday today as we always have your weather the following day – it was gorgeous, a perfect day, but back to the muggies and heat tomorrow again unfortunately.

            Mayflies do creep me out so your “Septemberflies” would also creep me out. Cicadas creep me out too – ugly things and I was working out in the yard last Saturday and their rattling got on my nerves.

            Happy September back at you – I am happy if we head to Fall in baby steps. One step forward and two steps back with this hot and sometimes stormy weekend on the horizon.

          7. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you don’t have to use the generator.
            Yesterday was a bit warmer, but still beautiful. It’s going to be a nice weekend here for a change – Labor Day weekend can be not so nice. I hope you don’t have storms!
            The bugs we saw turned out to be flying ants – the queen buries the eggs in the ground and they all hatch at the same time. They fly off to do the same thing in another spot. Yuck. At least they moved on.
            I hope you get some nice walks in this weekend!!!

          8. Yes, I hope not too Shelley. The tech will come back to check it in 6 months, then once a year, but DTE, my energy provider, has to upgrade the meter to a bigger meter – we still have a lot of power outages from Monday’s storm, so I don’t think that will happen for a while. The fee has been paid already, so I wouldn’t care when they did it, but they have to come inside to light the pilot light.

          9. Sounds like you have a nice plan in place. Sorry to hear there are still power outages!!
            When you mention pilot light, I need to add that to my list of things Mr. needs to show me how to do, I know it exists on our furnace (I think) so I better learn how to light it, just in case I’m home alone and it goes out.

          10. Good idea Shelley. When the pilot light went out on the hot water tank due to a valve issue, I had to have the plumber come in to light it. I didn’t watch because there was a problem with the valve and it had to be replaced – valve part, labor versus new water tank and it made sense to just get the new tank based on age as well.

  11. Aha!! I figured it out – I posted as “Anonymous” as my comment didn’t take as my name. I am sorry about that Shelley and it happened on another post earlier this week … the comment area did not go to “log onto your WordPress account” … it just posted as Anonymous, but I saw it there. I usually use the Reader comments area, but I could not post, so had to return to your site. Well, that was me … with the vinyl gloves for the car wash and the alpaca treats. The more I thought about this post, I remembered I wrote about the vinyl gloves to handle money. I used to handle money all the time and never thought anything of it. A Saturday morning might be spent bopping from the grocery store to the card store, the nursery, maybe the pharmacy, hardware store – now at Meijer where I do grocery shopping, I can do that all at once. Back then Farmer Jack grocery store was small, had no credit cards – everything was paid in cash. I just don’t like handling money anymore and am thinking of getting a car wash card, but am afraid they might go out of business. Yes, Fentanyl would worry me – we’ve had that happen to a prison administrative person and several police.

    1. I was thinking that was you making that comment, but I didn’t want to assume and be wrong.
      If money handling was so deadly, every bank employee who handles it all day long would be affected, so I’m good with handling the money and washing my hands afterwards. To be safe 🙂
      Thank you for coming back to clarify your comments, I so appreciate you!

      1. I will be back later to WP but just got online and wanted to see your reaction as I was a little horrified thinking I just “liked” and didn’t comment on Shelley’s post?? I don’t know why I didn’t notice the “Anonymous” the first time like Janis did.

        Hmm – what gave it away – the alpaca treats?? 🙂 The alpaca farm does not charge an admittance fee per se, but just if you can “help out with the alpaca treats” it would be nice. I usually put the money in an envelope and just hand it to them. I actually don’t use money for anything since I started shopping at Meijer and use their credit card. I have a gas card and anything I don’t get at the grocery store, oddball things, I order thru Amazon so it goes on a credit card. I meant to add that I found a $20.00 bill like Mister did a year or so ago. I was walking to the Park and it was laying on the sidewalk. I decided it was not mine to have unless it was there when I returned from walking. I admit I walked a shorter time than usual. It was Winter and laying in the snow. It was still there, so I took it home and at that time I was still using cash for gas. I only got the card after COVID began. (I appreciate you too Shelley – that’s why I was horrified – blogger etiquette you know!)

        1. Aw, Linda, your blogging etiquette and your kindness are so heart-warming!

          Yes…it was the alpaca treats, I remember you post about them so I put two and two together. For the most part, I’m a debit card/credit card person too. I don’t go many places, if at all. We’ve now totalled our walking earnings to about $23.00. It’s amazing how much change ends up on the road too. Just the two bills so far. Can’t really plan a trip on those funds, but it does make the trip worth it LOL!

          1. Thank you Shelley. Yes, I did that fun post and I could have gone into the pen, but I saw a gang of them giving me the evil eye and didn’t feel like getting spat on – those alpacas like to spit when get agitated, so I stayed outside the pen. I had good access to them. That quite a chunk of cage just picked up from walking!

          2. Yes, there was a YouTube video once of a woman taking an alpaca’s picture and it spit on her and the camera. Ewww! I decided to take a hard pass on that up-close visit. 🙂

  12. In reading the comments, it looked like the Anonymous posting happened to Janis too. At your site, it shows up as “Anonymous” but here, just a gray profile. WordPress be wonky.

    1. Yes, she was having issues too. WP IS wonky, that’s for sure! I hope some of their commenting issues are resolved this week. Thank you for your persistence 🙂

  13. Wow. The strapline grabbed me. Then I meandered with you before freaking out with you. So many mice. Where? There on the stair going clip clipety clop under there. Oh yeah. Sorry. Lyrics from a kooky Dutch hit song from my youth. Must Google it 🤔

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