Adventures · Inspiration

2018 was all about capturing moments

If you’re like me, and you take a lot of (tons, thousands, millions, you get it…) pictures in a year, so much so that you needed a bigger server to store them on, it’s dang hard to pick just a few favorites.

I thought back to how much fun I had while taking all of the photos, spending time outside and inside just playing with my camera, and I realized, every single one is a favorite in its own unique way.

What I adore about photography is that you’re never a master, there are always ways to improve.

A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at. – Bruce Lee

Since there’s a limit on how much time you have to peruse here in the blogosphere, and I don’t want to bore you with blurry photos (…yeah, I keep those too, just in case) I’ll just share categories of photos that seem to stand out.

Besides my coffee cup…I took a lot of that, too?!


Yeah, let’s go with categories, that’ll work for a recap of my 2018.

To me, 2018 was all about capturing tiny moments as they happened.

Our Pets – they are easy targets, hard to capture without the blur factor, especially when they are moving, but there are those quiet moments I truly treasure about each one of them.

Dessy(aka, Chubba, our little girl with redundant fluff, and the true investigator of the potential for food)  

Tizzie(aka, the slimmer sister of Chubba, our resident Owl, and obsessed with water in any hooman’s glass or sink, and naps)

Copper(aka, my little man, my outdoor companion, and my home office mate, he tolerates his furry sisters who are bigger than he is).

My grandkitty – Wasabi (Bee for short)  She lived here for a bit, then moved with my youngest to Madison, so I don’t see her much, but when I do, I try to get a photo of her.  I think she does like me…


Our daughters

Sunrises and an early morning stroll in the yard



Dew Drops, reflections, and Copper sniffing around the yard

Mr.’s cooking…I’m spoiled

Clouds – I love clouds…

Birds and a bee or two

And occasionally a selfie behind the camera

Really, anything that I can capture as a moment makes me smile.

I’ll leave you today, with one of my favorite photography quotes.  It fits me and most definitely 2018.

Which of my photographs is my favorite?  The one I’m going to take tomorrow. – Imogene Cunningham

Post Inspiration – Lens-Artists Your 2018 

PS – What photos would you like to see more of in 2019?  What about you?  Do you enjoy taking photos and do you keep all of them too?!  


39 thoughts on “2018 was all about capturing moments

  1. Beautiful sampling of photos. It is so hard to choose, isn’t it… I also keep ALL of them. Both digital and the “hard copy” prints of long ago.I spend alot of time flipping through old photo albums and slides to find the perfect fit for a post.
    I really enjoy taking photos. I am so tempted to go out and buy a better camera….but so far I am resisting.
    Yes, life is about the moments. Which are gone before you know it. Hence all the frozen moments in time in our photos.

    1. Thank you! I can tell how much you love photography, too. You always share great shots and they go so well with your posts. I’m there with you on wanting a new camera but resisting the urge to change. I kind of love my camera and am afraid I wouldn’t know how to work a new one! Happy Clicking to you!

    1. Thank you, Rebecca. Ditto to you – I so appreciate hearing from you – you’ve made the blogging experience very joyful this year! Happy New Year to you, too!

  2. Lovely recap Shelley. I do tend to keep more photos than I really need to but I am starting to get better about deleting the ones that are total failures and I am trying to take more pictures from unusual angles and such. Keep making those memories! Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Janet! I’m guessing we will both be experimenting more in 2019. Happy New Year to you too! Ditto on the memories and smiles!!

  3. What a fun memory maker for 2018. Lots of wonderful pictures. I am looking forward to playing more with my camera this year. May your family have a wonderful and more peaceful year in 2019.

    1. Same to you, Anita! I’m looking forward to seeing what you discover now that you’re able to get around again! Happy continued healing for 2019!

  4. A treasure trove for you Shelley! Looks like a wonderful year, hoping your 2019 is equally special. BTW I used the same quote this week and a follower had a funny comment. Which is my favorite photo? The one I should have taken yesterday!! No regrets right?!

    1. Thank you, Tina! LOL – that’s a great take on the quote. PS – Your photo choices for favorites astonished me – I love them and am inspired to learn more about composition in 2019! No regrets, just opportunities to learn more!

  5. I enjoy all your photos Shelley and it was nice to see some of the photos you took earlier in the year before I started following you – loved the hummingbird, and you take selfies like me – I am going to do a shadow today which I often do .. the only photos of me are those which are old as no one is here but me to take pics. I look forward to more posts and more photos from you in 2019!

    1. Thank you, Linda! We’re kindred selfie spirits, plus we enjoy taking bird photos! Yes – 2019 is a year to look forward to together in this blogging adventure and walking too!

      1. That’s for sure Shelley and I forgot to say I take tons of photos – way too many. I need to sort through about 80 taken over the last two days which I will be using in today’s post … no way we’d do that using film, I really liked the picture of you crouching down with the camera in hand – very nice.

        1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about photos. You’re like me, ‘there’s always a possible use for that shot…I just know it!’ 🙂 I’m glad you liked that photo, it was from a series I did call Silhouette Sundays. Happy New Year – congrats on your walking stats – VERY impressive!

          1. Thanks Shelley and I’m off shortly to start a new tally – slept in a little later as people were shooting off firecrackers til near 1:00 p.m. – grrrr! I am always alone when walking, and not sure I want to hand over the camera for a picture of me – you have family members to snap a photo … I am going to get a picture of me, silhouette or otherwise for 2019. I did take a picture looking into a glass window a few weeks ago. It was on the riverfront. But I was wearing a black coat, hat, gloves and the camera and camera case were black … kind of all melded together so didn’t use it. I had intended to use the photo for the blog post on my various monikers. Let us keep inspiring each other Shelley! I think I will be posting less now that the holidays are over and because I think I need to step away from the computer a little to let my shoulder issue repair itself (hopefully) … been thinking alot on that this morning. Cheers to a new year!

          2. Yikes – we didn’t have any fireworks around us, and I went to bed at the normal time. Just another day! I look forward to seeing your selfie. Do take care of yourself – you’re probably right, you’ve been spending too much time at the computer. Yes, let’s keep inspiring each other! Cheers to you and 2019 – keep walking and writing – I enjoy your blogging friendship!

          3. I just heard a firework as I booted up the computer – really!? I will do a better selfie (no smartphone, so have to do it with the digital compact or forget the selfie and just ask someone). As of now it is nearly 4:00 p.m. and I’ve been up since 6:00 and only sat down in the car to take it for a spin. So I’ve stayed away from the keyboard. I do want to post a quick post tho … something funny, but short. I must either get the riser or find a workaround to tackle this shoulder issue. I keep pondering why I didn’t see it coming. Here’s to many more posts and great pics in 2019 Shelley!

          4. I think you picked a perfect short post for the day! I hope you find the right solution. Have you tried Chiropractic or Physical Therapy? I’m a firm believer in both, and they helped me recover as well as taught me the proper stretches to help me maintain the healing. Here’s to a great 2019 – I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you heal quickly.

          5. Thanks Shelley – I still was going to do a very short post, maybe two pictures … no, I haven’t seen a doctor yet and all this has happened for the most part in the last month, six weeks tops. I only had some minor pain fastening the fanny pack at the back, then all of a sudden, lots of twinges. I had to find new clothes to wear for Winter walks as I have a lot of heavy things for layering and my coat is heavy – don’t want to pull things over my head and the coat is polarfleece inside and won’t “move” … just sticks there and I can’t move it with that arm. I went to a chiropractor years ago after trying to put leaves in a yard waste bag shortly after we went on that means of putting out yardwaste after years of using plastic bags. Made a sharp turn with my neck and felt like I could not move it back –
            could not turn my head to look in the mirror if I had to drive … three times at the chiropractor cured me but the feeling when he grabbed my neck to crack it is something I hope to never encounter again. He waited til the hot packs had done their job, then reached quickly and twisted my neck.
            I heard the crack – OMG. My mom had rotator cuff tendonitis (which is what I think I have – symptoms are the same as what she had) and my mom had PT for six weeks and we rented a TENS unit and bought a Thermophore, moist heating pad, and it did no good. The doctor suggested cortisone in the neck/shoulder area and she did not opt for it as she already had shots in the hip and knee and they were not helping her orthopedic pain – she was on the strongest Motrin which I’ll avoid any pills if at all possible.

          6. Oh, my, some people do have that reaction to adjustments. I worked for DC’s for 14 years, I don’t have that reaction, but I understand your fear. I hope you find something that works soon – taking a break from too much computer time should help! Keep me posted – Take care.

          7. Well, after a few times, it worked and I no longer had the pain – it was the first and only time to see a DC and I was reluctant to do it – I had just turned my neck a certain way as the yard waste bag collapsed on me – after that I bought one of those big plastic tubes to put inside the bag. I just got nervous as he would put a hand on each ear and I would be “waiting for him to do the crack” and it made a noise … just silly I guess. And he was not a friendly sort of doctor either and he got angry with me as he would say “relax” and I’d stiffen up, anticipating the “crack”. I worked with a woman who had back problems, and she saw a DC for years, but she said he had a table that would lower somehow, so no “cracking” involved. I was not busy at work this morning and I took all the dimensions of the table I work on and also the table where I made a makeshift riser, plus the laptop and mouse – I like a traditional mouse, never use the mousepad, and, had I known this gig would have been so long, I would have gotten a desktop, but all the modem, etc. is downstairs and I don’t want Comcast in upstairs … they made a mess in the TV room when they put cable in there and I can’t move in there – it’s too small a room. Anyway, I had about three hours to myself and looked at all the models, including some lightweight wooden models that you adjust the platforms by removing them and putting them on a higher “rung” – I don’t have a lot of room on the kitchen table, and I measured where the “leaves” start and most of the models were either too heavy (my friend’s was over 40 pounds) or too awkward. Some reviews did not endorse the moving up and down, claiming it was difficult to do, awkward, or broke after a month. So, I think I may have to get a separate stand-up desk altogether. For that, I’ll take a look at the store. But that would be even heavier to maneuver right now – exploring other options, including using the butcher block which stands 36 inches off the floor – maybe the riser works better there but it is a dark corner, so will require a floor lamp/torchiere. There are not many electrical outlets in this house – they’re at a premium!

          8. I recommend to those who may have had a bad experience with chiropractic to remember, just like a primary care physician, not all are the same, and if you’d ditch a PCP because you didn’t care for them, wouldn’t you look for another? (Here’s my 14 years’ experience talking…our spine houses our nervous system and when that’s out of alignment every bodily function associated with that area is out of wack, spinal adjustments help realign so the body can heal itself, plus it is non-invasive…okay off my soapbox!) My daughter ordered a standing desk from IKEA. It took a morning for MR and her to put it together, she loves it. The delivery company carried up to her apartment for her. Not sure how long it will last, but she wanted that versus a standing desk like mine. I’m positive you’ll figure it out, you’re doing excellent research!

          9. You are right of course Shelley – because he fixerd the neck issue, I won’t discret DCs … this one had a bad attitude though. I won’t abandon the idea of a standing desk … have to see what it out there in a stand alone desk though which may be a better option since I have the extra laptop … one waiting in reserve in case the primary laptop has issues. This one I am using this morning, is what I store pics on, use with the scanner – it will be 10 years old this year but the only place in my room to use it is over a vent –
            okay in the Winter (but I sometimes cook when the furnace is on) but in the Summer it gets cold when the A/C is on constantly. I’m not a fan of using extension cords all over the place. You are right – I will work it out. 🙂

          10. I look forward to you finding your way to the best solution for you! Wow – I’m impressed you’re still using one from 10 years ago, they seem to die soon after being manufactured these days! 🙂

          11. Yes, and the original one lost a backspace key and that is likely because I use it alot when transferring time into our accounting program – I type Robb’s entries into a Word document as he generally edits the entries and the font is only about 9 point in Timeslips as I am remoting in from home to my work computer and the accounting software is on my old computer there (built circa 2002 but we only use the accounting program). That HP laptop has been a workhorse. The battery went but I never untether my laptops anyway. I like Canon for cameras, and HP for laptops.

  6. Some lovely galleries, Shelley – and I must agree that “every single one is a favorite in its own unique way”! You seem to have had a great year, hope you will have just as many lovely moments in 2019!

    1. Ann-Christine, thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement! Yes, it was a good year, and I’m looking forward to discovering more moments to treasure in 2019 – I wish you the same :-)!

    1. Thank you! If you’ve found a way to organize them all easily, I’m all ears :-)! Happy New Year to you two, too!!

  7. All these are so lovely! <3 I think your animal portraits are so serene and beautiful. And the flowers, and birds… Serene and inspiring. I also don't delete the blurry ones… you really never know. 😉 Here's to another great photo year!

    1. Aw, thank you, I appreciate your kind words of encouragement! Ditto to you, hope you have a happy photo clicking year! You’re off to a great start it looks like to me!

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