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2017 favorites – overcoming writers’ block

Here I am standing (duh, I don’t sit, I have a standing desk) staring at the slow pulse of the blinking line on my screen.  I don’t know if it is my computer struggling to wake up (I swear it sleeps at night, too) or if my eyes are still tired and having a hard time focusing?


Frankly, dear, it’s yet another day where I’m not feeling the love for the daily prompt – calling – blah, blah, yuck.  Don’t get me wrong – I’m enjoying doing the daily thing, but this week I’m wondering if those coming up with the prompts aren’t going through the blah feelings, too?  Do they have a recipe they follow that they stick to?  Or is it just random, throw a dart at the dictionary kind of thing?  (I doubt I’d do a better job at it though so they can keep the task, I’ve got enough of my own thank you.)  


Maybe I should blame it on my pets who were calling me to arise before I was ready to?  Yeah, that’s it.  And a lack of caffeine kicking in.  It is most definitely not a tiny, tiny, bit of writer’s block (us bloggers don’t like to admit to that…right)?

What motivates me when I have writers’ block?  Calling it out, of course (see I found ways to use the damn prompt…I’ve admitted my problem for the day…and Shazam – I’m feeling a tad bit creative as the caffeine is kicking in!).

It works for me to face writers’ block as a challenge.  I don’t walk away (a crappy first draft is better than no draft).  And I review photos I’ve taken to spark my thoughts (combining two prompts into one post had nothing to do with writers’ block – if you can’t think of a way to write for one prompt, why not add another, yeah, that’s the fast track ticket to creativity…?!).

I adore photography as a form of therapy and a great way for me to overcome the blinking line.  All I have to do is grab my camera, take a break, click away and find what produces results for the trade of the day.

When I look back at 2017, I did that a lot (I took thousands of pictures, a few good ones and a lot of, meh, not so great, but I didn’t delete them yet – I learn from my mistakes).  It is fun to look back to see I’ve grown in my photography and overcoming writers’ block.  Do I have it all perfected yet?  Nope – and I really don’t want to.

What?  Doesn’t everyone want to be perfect?  Heck no!

Trying to be perfect is not what works for me.  My tried and true summons is to be a lifelong learner.  At least I’ve figured that part of me out.  The rest is yet to be discovered and captured by clicks of my camera.

What are my favorites photos from 2017?  Shots where I challenged myself (with prompts I didn’t want to do and where I ventured out alone to find the shots) and when I’ve captured moments where I saw growth in others (things and people I love).  And, of course, a picture of all of us together celebrating accomplishments or stages of change in our lives (obviously taken by some other great photographer!).  Family photos always make me smile (oh, my, except for that dreaded demarcation line, not my best stage…).


It was hard to pick just a few from all the attempts.  Perhaps the best is yet to be?

Daily Post Prompt:  Calling

Weekly Photo Challenge:  2017 Favorites







19 thoughts on “2017 favorites – overcoming writers’ block

  1. I like the family photo, Shelley, because you are all smiling happily. It was nice to see this morning on a gray winter’s day.

    Everyone deals with writer’s block in their own way. I can’t force writing (I blame my perfectionism), so I walk away for a day or two or whenever and then go back. I usually end up finding something or someone to spark my creativity and move on.

      1. I am so glad! I enjoy commenting on your posts. I will have to catch up, but the holidays wait right now. I have a feeling I was not the only one with the glitch, and your interactions will escalate after the holidays. Glad I could help.

        1. The problem was a small button that somehow got unclicked (one of my random clicking moments). Tech support said it’s clicked by default, and there’s no way I would’ve known what was causing it. I appreciate you took the time to help me troubleshoot. I love your feedback on my posts, have missed them and look forward to receiving more!! Enjoy your holidays, your cyber friendship is one of my favorite gifts this year!

          1. Hahaha. Ah yes, us clickers. I do that too. My husband upon me creating a blog: “oh boy, another troubleshooting project for me in the near future”😂😂😂. He IS right😩. However, I want to learn all that part too. I did find TECH support through WordPress very helpful for two hiccups. Glad to know you as well. Happiest of holidays.

          2. That’s too funny – my husband said the same thing! Gotta love our heroes! I’m convinced they love the challenge to come to our rescue! I mentioned you in my post today, hope that’s okay! Happiest of holidays to you too!

          3. Me too. Secretly they love it. hahaha. Thank you for the note. So unnecessary. WE are all in this together and I am glad we got it figured out. Best to you.

  2. I’ve found two things we have in common…”when I’ve captured moments where I saw growth in others (things and people I love)” and “Trying to be perfect is not what works for me.  My tried and true summons is to be a lifelong learner.  At least I’ve figured that part of me out.” Now maybe I understand Donna’s random recommendation! Happy New Year wishes from a little bit of Ireland!

      1. I felt that as I read your post! I’m often amazed at how similar we are as humans, rather than different! I appreciate your faith in my ability! I think we will learn from each other!!

  3. I loved this post!! Writers block is a tough struggle. I have a lot that pushed me into my writers block, but I was optimistic and got out of it. I actually just wrote about my writers block. I hope you can check it out!

    1. Kyla, thank you for sharing your thoughts! Way to go, I checked out your post, way to persevere and push through writer’s block!!

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